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One question is bothering me a lot. The BJP which has built the #RamMandir in Ayodhya, is that BJP really a Hindutvadi party? If BJP is really a Hindutvadi party, then to please which community has the Gujarat Govt demolished that temple by running a bulldozer on a Hindu temple?
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જી, જી, show some of the zeel you showed for the #Rammandir. How will you protect the common man if you can't even say a word when your own party workers are killed around the country or threatened with #STSJ?
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The absence of outrage by the BJP over the Hindu killings in India is telling. The party should have been vociferous in seeking justice and opposing the acts of jihad. Instead, muted response while the top brass is tight-lipped. Imagine the uproar if BJP was in the opposition.
We had leaders like Late Shri. Ashok Singhal ji who fought for #RamMandir and #Ramsetu in the field and Dr did it in court... But the credit stealer neither contributes hard work nor gives credit for others' hardwork. #PublicityJeevis
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Dr @Swamy39 #RamSetu Vishwa Sambad Kendra, Orissa: cancel the whole Setu Samundram Project – Shri Ashok Singhal: (3/7/2012)💥🍀 @RSSorg @DrMohanBhagwat @ChampatRaiVHP @VHPDigital @jagdishshetty @vhsindia 🇮🇳