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we are free to share code and we code to share freedom

Welcome to our digital community and free software foundry


Mission is a non-profit free software foundry with more than 15 years of expertise in developing tools and narratives for community empowerment.

Code repository

Open Source

Code is our literature: we build media architectures to communicate, interact and inspire each other. Our research is engaged and our code is open source.



We welcome donations and cooperation proposals to work on projects that can benefit democratic societies and the natural environment.

Selected projects

Devuan GNU+Linux is a free software operating system for your computer. Free software means you are free to use, copy and distribute, study, change the software, and share your modifications with the community. Join the FORUM – Download the ISO – Read more about FREE SOFTWARE

Freecoin is a set of tools to let people run reward schemes that are transparent and auditable to other organisations. It is made for participatory and democratic organisations who want to incentivise participation, unlike centralised banking databases. Freecoin aims to leverage the use of social digital currencies in a reliable, simple and resilient way. We are building a Social Wallet using the Freecoin toolkit to be adopted by a prestigious European research project on economic sustainability:


In the IoT paradigm, having a clear overview of what goes in and out of the network becomes of crucial importance for home users and professionals. The ultimate question of responsibility for whatever happens within a network cannot be easily answered, considering the way things can autonomously decide to initiate communications. Dowse is a smart digital network appliance for home based local area networks (LAN), but also small and medium business offices, that makes it possible to connect objects and people in a friendly, conscious and responsible manner. is an art research project established in 2015 to contrast abstract value creation with new paradigms in distributed energy usage and value re-cycling. We present our concepts using an evocative visual language through series of screenprints, graphics and installations. How can we bring these value systems into a direct productive relationship in a time in which intensive computation is valued far more than ecological regeneration? How, for example, can Bitcoin positively affect the rhizosphere, the layer of earth around the roots of plants? And how mycological processes affect and inspire digital systems like a cryptographic blockchain?

Trasformatorio is an international laboratory focusing on practices related to site-specific performance. It’s objective is to integrate the practice of the Hacklab with the research over performative arts and sustainability. Trasformatorio had two editions in a medieval village in the Sicial region of Nebrodi mountains, 900 meters above sea level, a little known area rich of history and natural beauty.

Decentralized Citizen Engagement Technologies

D-CENT is a research and development project on privacy-aware tools and applications for direct democracy and economic empowerment. Together with large movements of citizens and developers, we build decentralized social networking platforms for participatory democracy, collaboration and decision-making.

Research materialsSoftware tools

Testimonials’s contribution to the Free Software community is immense. We appreciate this work from India.

Frederick Noronha

Bytes for All

Dyne:bolic is one of the ever increasing list of GNU/Linux distributions we recommend because of their strong commitment to user freedom.

GNU project

Free Software Foundation

The Tomb project is actually really cool. They have done a lot of work to make the power of cryptsetup accessible to mere mortals.

The Grugq

Hacker Tradecraft


Museum of Working Computers

Since more than 20 years we curate a museum of working computers: a place where people can, both physically and remotely via Internet, log into historical computers, know their history and learn electronics and computer science starting from the beginning. We repair, preserve and share to the public our heritage: hardware, manuals, software, electrical schemes and media of various kind.

MUSIF (Sicilia)MIAI (Calabria)

Selection of books mentioning us


18 Think &Do Tank

We facilitate artists, creatives and engaged citizens in the digital age, sharing tools, practices and narratives for community empowerment.
Our software is not just about market products to satisfy consumer needs: it has implications that can be aesthetic, social, political, technical, spatial, linguistic, economic and numerical.
Since the year 2000 a large amount of people and organizations employed and redistributed our creations: radio makers, film makers, artists, medics, activists and educators.
Our strengths are community, software and documentation.
Worldwide, free of charge, free to copy.

We work also as an European research organisation for the delivery of publicly funded software projects and we believe that code paid by the people should be available to the people. Our software gives everybody the right to use, study, share and improve its code, to support fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy. is associated to the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) and involved in the following research grants:

 All grants above adopt, promote and produce exclusively Free and Open Source Software and we are very proud and well committed to encourage this ethical practice across public institutions and the European research community.


Puzzle is a hybrid Openbox-XBMC-KDE operating system distribution packed with features. It runs simultaneously several interfaces: XBMC on the desktop root, Openbox as window-manager and several KDE applications.

You can help us grow. Srsly.

You can help us grow. Srsly.

During the summer of 2014 we were pitching our ideas into CHEST, a sort of competition between various ideas to decide who gets funded by the European Commission. This competition was based on user rating and anyone can give a rate online. The rating is now closed and... Social Network

2 days ago
System Down: A systemd-journald exploit (local root shell, in the wild)
HNY to Init Freedom! Take this as a 2018 retrospective gathering some #systemd bugs to remind everyone why we are proud to be different.
Keep calm and Install!
3 days ago
Devuan step-by-step install guides are online to make it easy for newcomers: both classic and graphical installs are covered, plus the "live install" based on refracta-tools
3 days ago
Riccardo Orioles: Catania, l’assessore Cantarella contestato al corteo per Pippo Fava. Si è imbattuto nell’antimafia vera
3 days ago
Data Knightmare (Italian podcast): DK 3x16: Buona fine e buon principio
1 week ago
It's 2019 and I love my #computer #desktop: Nextstep inspired #custom setup running Alfredo Kojima's WMaker on @DevuanOrg GNU+Linux Beowulf with openRC init ( @systemdsucks) on top of a fullHD X260 refurbished Lenovo (kudos!) #oldschool #GNUstep #geek DyneOrg photo
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