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(Italiano) newsfeed


  • Trasformatorio: Ex Nihilo
    on October 2, 2019 at 8:52 am

    About the first part of the residency of RE in the Nederlands Amsterdam 17-30 September RE arrived in time at Shipol Airport with a flight from Catania. She is a blonde woman, she is born sicilian and is bilingual sicilian-german from her mother […]

  • Data Knightmare (Italian podcast): DK 4x04 - Google e Pirro
    on October 2, 2019 at 4:10 am

    Google non è tenuto a deindicizzare tutte le versioni nazionali per applicare il diritto all'oblio, solo quelle di tutti i Paesi UE. Ai colonizzatori digitali che spingono per un mondo soggetto solo alle loro regole, la UE ricorda che gli […]

  • Vlax: Richard Stallman Has Been Vilified by Those Who Don’t Know Him -
    on October 1, 2019 at 12:09 pm

    - Richard Stallman Has Been Vilified by Those Who Don’t Know Him - - #Freepost - A #community of #people #interested in #freesoftware and #free #culture. #Share #interesting #links, #articles, and #stories - #bot - […]

  • Trasformatorio: Danza per Giampilieri
    on October 1, 2019 at 8:38 am

    In 2019 we got into a great adventure. The place was Giampilieri, a small village hidden between the sea and the mountain in the metropolitan aarea of Messina, Sicily. Artists from all over the world, gathered there at the last minute for the […]

  • we can't both be right.: webshit weekly
    on October 1, 2019 at 5:14 am

    An annotated digest of the top "Hacker" "News" posts for the last week of September, 2019. Almost one in five men admits to having no close friends, a survey has foundSeptember 22, 2019 (comments) Some webshit pollsters decide that 18% of men are […]