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free software foundry
free software foundry

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The exhibition about retrogames of our Museum of Working Computers in Siracusa in cooperation with Verdebinario in cosenza is at its conclusion, with a lecture about Bitcoin and the times to come.

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Next week in the woods near Salerno / La prossima settimana nelle bellissime foreste di noci e castagno del Picentino

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Next week in the woods near Salerno / La prossima settimana nelle bellissime foreste di noci e castagno del Picentino

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Coming soon the 17th hackmeeting hosted in Bologna by the XM24.

The annual gathering of autonomous hackers is against all forms of fascism, racism and sexism. Auto-organized: no sponsors, no price of entrance, no police allowed in the premises, will have a series of workshops through its 3 days. Among the guests are Ninux (Italian WiFi collective), Intrigeri (Tails developer), developers, Autistici collective, Indivia network and more hackers offering seminars and talks. All participants are invited to share their experiences and to contribute to the making of the hackmeeting!

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Lots of development on the Android front: ZShaolin reached version 0.9 and is just becoming slightly more than a simple terminal :^) Here below a brief list of what's new:
☞ On popular request: the <b>Midnight Commander</b>!
☞ OpenSSH and Git are now fully functional
☞ Lighttpd daemon can serve files and HTML
☞ Lynx textual web browser
☞ GnuPG tool for file encryption and signature verification
☞ ZSh is updated to version 5
☞ Moar gamez: Curse of War, CTetris and Cryptoslam
☞ Perl is restored (experimental, feedback welcome)
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