Supporting continuity and open collaboration

About MariaDB

MariaDB Server is one of the most popular database servers in the world. It’s made by the original developers of MySQL and guaranteed to stay open source. Notable users include Wikipedia, and Google.

MariaDB turns data into structured information in a wide array of applications, ranging from banking to websites. It is an enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL. MariaDB is used because it is fast, scalable and robust, with a rich ecosystem of storage engines, plugins and many other tools make it very versatile for a wide variety of use cases.

MariaDB is developed as open source software and as a relational database it provides an SQL interface for accessing data. The latest versions of MariaDB also include GIS and JSON features.

More information can be found in the MariaDB Knowledge Base, for example:

There is also a good Wikipedia article about MariaDB and the MySQL history.

The MariaDB Foundation

The MariaDB Foundation supports continuity and open collaboration in the MariaDB ecosystem. The Foundation guarantees that there is a global contact point for collaboration and that the community can always rely upon MariaDB Server.

The Foundation is non-profit incorporated in Delaware, USA. and is funded by corporate and individual sponsors.

The Foundation’s staff supports MariaDB Server by:

  • Encouraging adoption, contribution and distribution of MariaDB Server and related open source software.
  • Helping new contributors understand the source code and lowering the barrier for new participants.
  • Participating in the design of new features, ensuring the code quality and maintainability of the code base while the number of contributors is growing.
  • Making sure documentation keeps up with the development of new features.
  • Porting and packaging MariaDB to different platforms and operating systems to keep it as widely available as possible.
  • Speaking at events and driving adoption.

Details about the Foundation’s principles, operation and the board of directors are available on the Governance page.

While the Foundation’s staff do work on the code base and develop MariaDB to some extent, the mission of the Foundation is not to develop MariaDB as much as possible, but to empower a large as possible community to be successful in collaborative MariaDB development.

The Foundation’s staff do not do any bespoke development. Those who want to pay for a particular piece of work or service (and have the contractual guarantees associated) should contact some of the MariaDB service providers.

Open source success

Logos and merchandise

Logos and badges can be found on the logo page.

Please show your support by purchasing official MariaDB merchandise.


Platinum Sponsors

MariaDB Foundation Platinum sponsors

Thank you,! Thank you, Alibaba Cloud! Thank you, Tencent Cloud! Thank you, Microsoft! Thank you, MariaDB Corporation!

Gold Sponsors

MariaDB Foundation Gold sponsors

Thank you, DBS! Thank you, Visma! Thank you, IBM! Thank you, Tencent Games!