Weekend post

Because of a few things domestically, best move is to just post as and when points of interest arise, latest first.


17. If you look at the two sides, vaguely expressed as those perpetrating humbug or sucked in on one side … and those not buying the Narrative on the other, then they’re characterised by different behaviours.

The former uses wholesale changes to lexicon, telling outright lies, suppressing, deplatforming and violence, even if only blocking an old lady from crossing the street, they completely rewrite history and coerce schools to adopt both this and really sick and inappropriate topics, they are deadly serious, even in their comedy.

The other side gets angry quickly and tends to mock [see N10 below], something St. Greta was most upset about – imagine attacking a 16 year old child! Of course, our side attacks those using her. We went for AOC’s condoning of the baby eater, far more so than the eater.

It’s the spreading of falsehoods which is the core issue, the messenger herself is less central in this, usually manipulated.

A good example of the contrast is the stunts pulled by Antifa, compared to the stunts pulled by Generation Identity. The stunt Martin Selner found himself in court for was hanging a banner from a public building. A difference in scale. We tend to mock more from our keyboards, they go out on the streets, incommoding people or attacking them.

17. Most interesting indeed for someone who didn’t know this [me]. Should have expected so. Edward Spalton writes on shifting the goalposts; he quotes, among other things, from SDA on weather stations:

‘In Canada the number of stations dropped from 600 to 35 in 2009. The percentage of stations in the lower elevations (below 300 feet) tripled and those at higher elevation above three thousand feet were reduced to half. Canada’s semi-permanent depicted warmth comes from interpolating (don’t you love the word!) from more southerly locations to fill northerly vacant grid boxes, even as a pure average of the available stations shows a COOLING.

‘JUST 1 THERMOMETER REMAINS for everything north of latitude 65N – that station is Eureka. Eureka, according to Wikipedia, has been described as “The Garden Spot of the Arctic” due to the flora and fauna around the Eureka area, more so than anywhere else in the high Arctic. Winters are frigid but summers are slightly warmer than other places in the Canadian Arctic.’

You of course see the implications of this – it is neither more nor less than scamming and that brings us to the chutzpah of it all. People who prided themselves in their work are now party to a scam.

Is this being sucked in by the ‘settled science’ narrative, is it threat of job or research money shutdown … or is it simply payola? Or is it a combination?

But to state the obvious – it is falsifying data.

16. Friday Open Road has just been sent and immediately, this one caught my eye:

A photo I’ve posted before of the ex-gf half sitting on such a low wall immediately sprang to mind, this photo here is uncannily like that one was – it was on Tenerife – but it wasn’t quite as precipitous.

That building, housing an eatery I’d say, was also with us and a second trigger was inside. It was uncannily like that Christie story of Mr. Quinn where a group of people meet up and all sorts of mini dramas are going on at those tables. The action is seen through the eyes of Mr. Satterthwaite.

15. It was clear when the leftwing Newsweek ran LaRouchePAC as “far right” – anything the left media puts out automatically adopted by the soft left; you know, people who think Mad Cow has anything relevant to say – that they’d gobble this up.

I don’t buy much of what Rational Wiki writes as a rule but in this, they’re both correct and not:

Lyndon Hermyle LaRouche, Jr. (1922–2019) was a very special kind of cult leader/American political animal, a perennial candidate for President and the ultimate wingnut/moonbat, encompassing both the extreme left and extreme right.

A close look at his history, his ties to the DemRats, Labour organisations, the Marxists – shows his roots. I’ve quoted the Schiller Institute a few times on the Venetians and on atonalism because he was certainly a thinker, but to come at me today with this “far right Trump supporter trolls AOC” opportunism shows zero understanding of what LaRouche was about and the PAC is – it has nothing to do with my politics.

Extreme left and right are where the political circle joins up again, I’m on the opposite side of the circle, see the political compass on my About page, in quadrant form.

What LRPAC does say though and virtually every rational thinker on social media and even sections of the MSM also know, is that the Gretas and AOCs are fake shills for the forces we’re fighting. My dear friend of the left cannot see why the left would troll the left.

Really? Where to start? How about with the hijacking of the DemRats by those controlling the Squad? It would need a series and I’m not well enough.

14. Higgs-Boson saw this:

“June Sarpong is named BBC’s new ‘creative diversity director’”

Pass the sickbag.

13. ‘Monster’ Lithuanian-registered supertrawler that can process 250 tonnes of fish per DAY and was banned from fishing in Australia is spotted off the coast of Sussex where it could have a ‘devastating’ impact on local fish supplies.


12. JDscramble:

One day after the assassination of Seth Rich the DNC paid Crowdstrike $98,849.84. A month later Seth Rich’s friend Sean Lucas, who was a DNC Process Server and served the DNC with an election fraud lawsuit, was found dead. A day later DNC paid Crowdstrike $113,645.77.

11. Haiku:

10. From Gretchen [she wants one of the tees]:

9. Roger Helmer:

Joanna Cherry MP is afraid that Boris Johnson won’t comply with the Benn Act and request a Brexit extension. I, on the other hand, am afraid that he will. Time will tell.

8. Arron:

The EU is a clever project , it has bribed every level of British institution with our own money. The entire political and establishment class are fighting for their own vested interest very hard.

7. Nige at 14:09:

Boris said we would leave by October 31st “do or die”. Why does he keep saying things that are not true?

6. Vicky, TBP:

The Prime Minister doesn’t have to ask for an extension under the Benn Act.

I’ll find the url and post.

5. Philip Schuyler:

So your proof that pres Trump has lied “12,000 times” is that an article in WaPo said so? Where have you been? WaPo is the most dishonest, Trump-hating major newspaper in USA. The only Americans who still read it are people who NEED the lies to satisfy their TDS.

4. I refuse, I was healthier last winter. I also refuse to say I refuse:

Apparently the Health Secretary is considering making vaccinations for schoolchildren compulsory – more evidence that this Cabinet is dominated by authoritarian, big-government neocons, not libertarians or classical liberals. [Richard Wellings]

3. Chrysalis has written that far right group LaRouche has claimed the eat babies troll. Some points:

a. LaRouche, via leftwing Wiki:

Main organization was the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC)… from 1976 through 2004, running once for his own U.S. Labor Party and seven times for the Democratic Party nomination.

Far left like the KKK. Glad to correct that right wing bit.

b. He discussed Marxism in the CO camp, and while traveling home on the SS General Bradley in 1946, he met Don Merrill, a fellow soldier, also from Lynn, who converted him to Trotskyism.

There you go.

c. The Deplorables all tweeted that she had to have been a troll, the girl, but now we know for whom – for the far left, presumably as distinct from the loony left AOC and her Squad.

d. They also tweeted, as Candace pointed out, that the issue was not the troll but that AOC not once took her to task and then later tried to play it down.

Says all that needs to be said.

2. Alan Sked:

Extinction Rebellion is threatening to bring London to a standstill for two weeks from 7 October. 20,000 protesters are said to be ready, 4,000 of whom are willing to be arrested and 2,000 willing to go prison. So Cressida Dick has been warned. We want to know what she will do.

1. Down, boys, down:

Maybe the gals can provide one of men, not really into it myself.

[H/T Chuckles and haiku where applicable]

I see red

Just got back and it’s started, and it’s not even till October 20th:

Me: You’re not Liverpool then?

Manc: United!

Me: Weren’t very good last night, were they?  In fact pretty p*** poor.

Manc: We dominated Europe, dominated it!

Me: Oh yeah, when was that then?  Must have missed it.

Manc: Until 2014.

Me: I feel sorry for you lot, truly, tears rollin’ down m’cheeks, they are.  No really, genuinely, heart bleeds.

Manc: I used to go everywhere except two grounds.

Me: Anfield and City’s.

Manc: Other one was Goodison.

Me: Goodison?  What’s wrong with them, nobody hates them, except they cost the Crazy Gang a place in the 90s.

The whole thing is sickening

I do not wish to discuss it but must, it’s nauseating:

New NHS guidance stipulates that hospitals should accommodate transgenders “according to their presentation” — i.e., “the way they dress and the name and pronouns” they use. It adds this does not depend on whether they have legally changed their gender and “may not always accord with the physical sex appearance of the chest or genitalia”.

And of course there is sport as well.

While gay ‘marriage’ at that level – pushed in schools, embraced by Cameron and pushed through parliament etc. was designed to further wreck the family unit, this tran thing does far worse – it undermines everything and creates a sick pall of end times.

We could be talking end times as in eschatology or it might just be the end of the west. Either way, it’s highly destructive and really must stop. Plus how do taxpayers feel about all this rubbish going on in the NHS instead of care of the physically ill?

Call me a raving feminazi but it really is not on:

Dr Nicola Williams of the Fair Play For Women campaign group called the guidelines “shocking”. She told The Telegraph on Tuesday it means that “the privacy and dignity of women goes out the window”.

I’m assuming she or he or it or X really is a woman?

We’ll get onto most of the female elective surgery later.


1. Some of you may have been wondering where and how they were invented?

2. Bruges Group:

Jacob Rees-Mogg, addressing the House of Commons, calls George Soros the “Remoaner Funder-in-Chief.”

3. Oh dear:


4.  BRM:

For a start, the Congressional Research Service is now implicated in the plot, for providing false and misleading interpretations of US law.

Compelling new evidence now shows that the purportedly nonpartisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) may have been weaponized to mislead members of Congress and the American people — all in the name of advancing the impeachment process against President Trump.

5.  Not running it as a standalone but it’s interesting:


6.  Well of course.  The language is biased [‘seasoned’ and so on] but the point does stand:

A seasoned British doctor lost his government job as a medical assessor after more than three decades because he refused to renounce his Christian belief that gender is determined at birth.

Dr. David Mackereth, 56, a National Health Service employee, was fired from his post at the Department for Work and Pensions in July because he would not use a transgender pronoun, saying he believes “gender is defined by biology and genetics” and the “Bible teaches us that God made humans male or female.”

Lost the url, go to Bustednuckles.

7.  Quazy Quokka, lol:

I exercise by running up and down the street, knocking on all the doors. I call it Jehovah’s Fitness.

[H/T Chuckles and haiku]