
Friday, October 4, 2019

AOC and Eating Babies

The Climate Change craze has really gotten, well, crazy. One of the leaders of the Crazy Movement is New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 29-year-old former barmaid who showed up one day in Congress after closing late. She is the one who "drafted" the Green New Deal. She is the one who has predicted  that the city of Miami will be gone in a few years. (Given the performances of the MLB Marlins and NFL Dolphins, she may be onto something.) This is the kind of insanity that the Climate Change crowd engages in. Next thing you know, somebody will suggest we start eating our babies to save ourselves from Global Warming.

Oh wait! What's this?

Yes, the Internet is abuzz today with reports of a woman attending a speech by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and telling the brain dead congresswoman and the audience that we all had to start eating babies in save ourselves from Global Warming because we only have a few months left.

I hasten to point out that the whole thing was a stunt, probably designed not only to make the whole event look like a circus (which it was anyway), but to see if the audience would applaud her statement and to suck AOC into a dopey response. I guess the reason Real Clear Politics didn't report that is because they hadn't figured it out yet! To be fair, it seems a lot of folks on both sides thought it was real.

Well, to her great credit, AOC didn't say something to the effect that the woman's idea merited careful consideration, nor did the audience break out in a standing ovation.

But did the audience jeer the statement and demand that security remove the obviously crazed person from the venue? No. Outside of a couple of people, most sat there appearing to be listening respectfully to the woman's "ideas". Did AOL react in shock and tell the woman she needed to head for the nearest psychiatrist? No. What she did was reassure the woman that luckily, we had more time than just a few months in order to save ourselves! The implication was that we don't need to start eating babies-not just yet anyway.

So add another chapter to the comic book saga of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Some day, maybe Mel Brooks will make a movie about her life and career.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

France: Muslim Convert Stabs and Kills 4 in Paris Police Station

Hat tip Vlad Tepes and Jihad Watch

Attacker after being shot by police
-Riposte Laique

Once again, Paris has been hit with what is likely a terrorist/jihad-inspired attack. A civilian employee at a Paris prefect station stabbed several co-workers inside the police station, killing four before being shot to death. Fox News reports at this moment that the motive is not known, but in French reports, it is stated that the man converted to Islam 18 months ago.

The attacker is identified as Michael Harpon, 45, a native from Martinique. His wife, Iham, has also been taken into custody. The French anti-terror police are involved in the investigation.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Tribute to Slain Cop Canceled

Image result for ron helus
Sgt Ron Helus

There is a very troubling story coming out of Southern California this week. This coming Sunday, there was a charity event scheduled dedicated to Ron Helus, the police officer from Ventura County who was killed in the line of duty during the Borderline Bar and Grill mass shooting last year. A flag football game was scheduled as part of the event, and the Los Angeles Rams had contributed jerseys and autographed footballs. Now the police chief of Thousand Oaks, Tim Hagel, has backed out of his department's involvement in the event. The reason seems to be that he objects to the participation of certain individuals who are Republicans and/or Trump supporters.

This afternoon, Mike Randall, Vice President of the Fallen Officers Foundation, who is mentioned in the above link, was interviewed on the John and Ken radio show (640 AM, Los Angeles). I did not catch all of it, but he did specifically state that his organization and the planned event were not political.

Here is my take based on what I know, which is what is being reported in the news. If this event were planned to be some some of Trump-Make America Great Again and bash Democrats affair, I would understand the chief's position. Mr Randall states that was not the case, and indeed, someone from Governor Gavin Newsome's staff was scheduled to participate. Newsome is a Democrat and a wildly left-wing one at that.

I have been retired from law enforcement since 1995. Without getting into politics and the whole Democrat-Republican issue, back in my day, you could pretty much count on people in law enforcement being on the right side of most issues. Given my experience in the past several years, I am not so sure about that any more.

However, I have not yet heard Chief Hagel's side of the story. No doubt he will have plenty of chances to tell it because there is a firestorm of protest and outrage going on out here in Southern California about this. If he can't make the case that this event was being "hijacked" by right-wing activists, there is going to be a lot of pressure on him to resign. When it comes to paying tribute to fallen police officers, politics should be put aside. By the same token, we shouldn't be counting how many members of this or that party will be participating or attending.

Germany: Ten Years for Haidar A.

Hat tip Jihad Watch

No, the above photo is not the anonymous whistleblower testifying to the impeachment inquiry about what he heard and read about Trump's call to Ukraine. This is Haidar A. (Germany does not publish the full names of defendants in order to protect the guilty), yet another ungrateful asylum-seeker who was planning to kill a whole bunch of judges, prosecutors, and other infidels in Germany. He was sentenced to ten years. He was earlier convicted of trying to behead another refugee.

Good thing he never succeeded in actually killing anybody. He might have gotten 15 years!

Sweden: Support for Israel Day

Hat tip Ullis News and Kronans Martell

There's not a lot of good news that comes out of Sweden when it comes to the subject of Israel. Diplomatic relations are strained, and the country seems more dedicated to not offending its restive, Jew-hating Muslim population. After all, the way things are going, Sweden will be majority Muslim in another generation or two.

But in September a group of Israel supporters held an event in Stockholm showing support for Israel. One of the featured speakers was Efrat Hochstetler, Vice Ambassador of the Israeli embassy in Stockholm. Thanks to my Swedish friends at Ullis News and Kronans Martell, we have a videotape of her remarks defending Israel.

Also speaking was Jackie Goodall, representing the Ireland-Israel Alliance.

Greta Thunberg Is the Successor to Whom???

I thought I had had my final say about Greta Thunberg, the angry Swedish teenager who recently addressed the UN and the US House of Representatives on the topic of Climate Change. You talk about absurdity. There is even talk of her receiving the Nobel prize (for what I don't know). Before you know it, the wacko Church of Sweden will be calling her the successor to Jesus Christ.

Oh wait! What's this?

As bad as Greta's behavior in public may be, she is still only 16 years old. What excuse do the crazy adults who have thrust her on the world stage have? I'll answer that myself: None.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Italy: Imam in Padova (Padua) Arrested on Charges He Beat Children in Islamic School

Hat tip Vlad Tepes. Translation by Fousesquawk.

The below video has no audio, but I have translated the summary that appears below the video.

* Digos: Division of General Investigation and Special Operations

Blows against children, the (arrest) action against the imam by Digos of Padua

Slaps, fists, punishments, humiliation, pulling of the ears, shoves. Ending with one of the children who said to his friend who had just been slapped, "Why don't you report him to the police station? " That is the scenario reconstructed by the agents of Digos in Padua inside an Islamic school in Padua. The agents documented the imam, arrested today for mistreatment, using also a large marking pen to hit the children, aged from 4-10 years.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Pope Francis' Latest Insanity

Hat tip Vlad Tepes and Breitbart

With all due apologies to my Catholic friends (including my wife), I am not a fan of the current Pope, who goes by the name of Francis the First (and hopefully, the Last). Francis, who showed up in Rome from Argentina one day and wound up overstaying his welcome, has been lecturing the Europeans for years that they must accept all those millions of people crashing Europe's shores from the Middle East, Africa, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. It matters not to Francis how many of them are criminals, or terrorists. It matters not to Francis how many people are robbed, murdered or raped. Francis, who stands four square behind the bureaucrats in the EU, insists that it is come one, come all. I mean, what's next-a statue for the migrants in St Peter's Square?

Oh wait! What's this?

Pope inaugurates migrant sculpture

This reminds me ( a little) of the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin, which some Berliners have referred to as the "Tomb of the Unknown Rapist". A more realistic depiction of this monstrosity in Rome would be a statue showing 100 or so young men in their 20s burning cars.

Matteo Salvini Speaking in Passignano, Italy

Hat tip Gates of Vienna for editing. Sub-titling by Vlad Tepes. Translation by Fousesquawk.

Last week, Matteo Salvini spoke before an enthusiastic crowd in Passignano, Italy. I translated excerpts of the video for Vlad Tepes blog.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Rome: Senator and Judge Robbed by Algerian Gang

This month, the Italian 5 Stars party joined with the Partito Democratico to stab Interior Minister Matteo Salvini in the back, taking over the government, removing him from his post, and re-joining the family of EU nations led by Merkel's Germany and Macron's France in reopening Italian ports to waves of Arabs and Africans sailing across the Mediterranian.

One 5 Stars senator, Gabriele Lanzi, may be having second thoughts after he wa robbed of his bags near Rome's  train station. The same gang also robbed a judge of his belongings in the same area within the span of a few minutes.

The below article from Il Giornale was translated by Fousesquawk.

Termini (train station), band of Algerians rob senator of M5S and judge

The thieves struck twice in a short time. The police succeeded in finding the stolen objects in a bed and breakfast near the station.

Andrea Pegoraro-Wed. 25-Sept. 2019-18:50

They were robbed in the course of a short time by the same thieves, a band of young North Africans who struck in the area of the Termini station.

The victims of this ugly experience were Gabriele Lanzi, Five Stars Movement senator and an appeals court  judge. As reported by Metro News, two members of the gang have been captured and arrested  accused of aggravated theft. They are an Algerian of 20 years of age and another of the same nationality, age 27. The third is still being sought.
The thieves first struck the magistrate who was having lunch in a  restaurant near the station. When the moment came to pay, the appeals court judge realized that his travel bag had disappeared. Inside were private documents and files of conference proceedings in which he was supposed to participate. Shortly, thereafter, it was the turn of the Honorable Lanzi. The (5 Star) senator was looking for a taxi in via Amendola, and in that moment, a young man approached him asking him for an address while another young man kept a lookout.. But it was an excuse. A moment of distraction was costly to Lanzi because another member of the gang arrived, who carried away the bags that the politician had with him. Inside were a pc, an ipad and some documents. The gang then got away.
After the theft, the senator went to the police. The officers searched the streets near the station, after having recognized the perpetrators of the theft. They identified an Algerian and noticed that he had with him the keys with the logo of a bed and breakfast. Once inside the hotel room, they found the objects stolen from Lanzi and some documents of the magistrate.

Robert de Niro-Reliable Source

Image result for robert de niro and brian stelter

The mainstream news media is reaching new heights of desperation in trying to bring down President Trump. Having failed with the Russian collusion hoax, they are now hanging their hats on Trump's call to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky regarding Joe Biden's corrupt (and suceesfull) attempt to shut down a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Joe's son, Hunter Biden.

One of the chief players in the corrupt media's drive to submarine Trump is CNN's Reliable Sources,  a questionably-named show featuring moderator Brian Stelter, who drags on all kinds of unreliable clowns as his sources, all dedicated to attacking Trump.

You wouldn't believe some of the characters Stelter has on his show. So what's next-some goofy Hollywood actor to curse Trump and drop f-bombs on live TV?

Oh wait! What's this?

Way to go, Stelter. Who is your next reliable source-Stormy Daniels? I suppose if she is "on location", you could get her ex-lawyer, Michael Avenatti. Come to think of it, he's going be "on location" to soon. But I digress.

Greta Thunberg

This article first appeared in New English Review.

Image result for greta thunberg                                      Image result for pippi longstocking

I should not be paying attention to Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish girl who is now a world-known climate activist after she came to America and appeared before the UN and the US House of Representatives with her angry "How dare you" speech. Since she has been put on the world stage by her parents and other adult activists, she should be discussed, however.

My initial reaction to watching her ugly speeches was to compare her to the fictional Swedish children's book character, Pippi LĂĄngstrump-or Pippi  Longstocking in English. Pippi, a  creation of Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, is an impish and rebellious teenage girl, who ignores adult conventions and shows scant respect for her elders-a bit more cheerful than Greta, perhaps, but outrageous nonetheless. At least Pippi can smile and have fun.

Maybe it was a bad comparison. Greta is a sad figure. She reportedly has some psychological issues (according to her mother), and they appear to be on full display in her angry public appearances. One should dread the future of this girl. She and her parents have been photographed wearing black Antifa t-shirts. That should give you a clue.

It is easy to not like Greta or make fun of her, but the tragedy and the crime, if you will, is that adults have thrust her on this stage-a stage she is not equipped to handle. And she is not the only one. In the US this past week, she shared the spotlight with other teenagers who have been prepped and indoctrinated into believing that certain adults have stolen their future from them, and only they can save the world from Climate Change.

In truth, in Greta's case, that is partly true. In her native Sweden, everyone's future is being stolen by its national leaders who have imported hundreds of thousands of so-called asylum-seekers, almost all Islamic, who are turning the country into a dangerous hellhole. It is already the rape capital of Europe, and I hope Greta will not soon become just another statistic.

But I guess we won't see Greta complain about that problem anytime soon because she is obviously surrounded  both in and out of her home by leftist activists. But more to the point, it is dangerous to put adolescent children in the public spotlight. Hollywood's history is littered with examples of child actors who couldn't handle the fame and became wrecks in their adulthood. Now some are talking about giving this girl a Nobel prize. I hope it doesn't happen, not only because it would make a joke out of the Nobel prize itself (Oh wait! It already is), but it would be one more weight that Greta would have to carry on her shoulders the rest of her life. The best thing that can happen for Greta Thunberg is to go back to school, get treatment for whatever ails her, and be forgotten-if the leftist adults and Climate Change crazies will let her.