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Free ports are allowed in the EU

Reality Check

Boris Johnson has told his conference that the UK will be able to have free ports after Brexit.

Free ports are small free-trade zones, sometimes called special economic zones, in which the normal tax and tariff rules of the country in which they are based do not apply.

There are more than 80 free ports and tax-free zones in the EU.

It would be easier to take advantage of the potential benefits of free ports outside the EU.

You can read more about them here.

The £1bn a month cost to taxpayers

Reality Check

Boris Johnson has told his party conference that delaying Brexit beyond 31 October would cost £1bn a month.

The problem with this figure is that if there is a Brexit deal, as Mr Johnson says he wants, it will include payments to the EU, currently expected to be about £33bn.

That figure includes budget contributions until the end of a transition period.

So unless there is no deal, contributions to the EU budget will have to be made anyway.

The figure also ignores money coming back to the UK - you can read more about it here.