PeterSwedenConta verificada


I'm Peter Imanuelsen. Swedish independent journalist. Political commentator. I despise Nazis & Communists.

Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Participa desde março de 2016
Nasceu em 27 de setembro


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  1. Tweet Fixado
    6 de jul

    EXPOSING THE FAR-LEFT LIES ABOUT ME The far-left has spread horrible lies about me, claiming that I have horrible views that I do NOT have. Here I once and for all document and expose their lies. Please RETWEET!!!

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  2. há 3 horas

    This poor girl had her childhood stolen from her, and it could all have been prevented! The man didn't even serve his first sentence! Why was this allowed to happen?

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  3. há 3 horas

    Sweden. - In 2017, Sharam Ahmadi was convicted of sexual assault. He got 50 hours community service. In 2018, he raped a 11 yr old girl and made her pregnant twice. He got 3 yrs prison and 10 yrs expulsion. Why wasn't he sent to prison the first time???😩

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  4. há 4 horas

    I just want to say thank you to my followers, you are the best!

  5. retweetou
    2 de out

    Never forget 11 year old Ebba Åkerlund whose childhood was stolen from her. She was walking to meet her mum when the terrorist in Sweden ripped her apart with a truck. You will never be forgotten.😢 RIP

  6. há 5 horas

    I shall add that Faktisk is a Norwegian fact checking site set up to stop fake news, yet they are spreading fake news about me. Sad.

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  7. há 5 horas

    I expect and the author of the article to issue a correction to their misleading article about me. My reporting stands as 100% correct and I hope Faktisk has the journalistic integrity to correct their misstake.

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  8. há 5 horas

    Who is this ? They are a "fact checking" coalition between three of Norways largest newspapers / newschannels, including the state owned broadcaster. Why are they writing proven misleading articles attempting to smear me?

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  9. há 5 horas

    All political parties in the Norwegian parliament except one is positive to this new tax per kilometer, and they have already started to investigate on how they could implement this new tax. By all definitions Norway is indeed WORKING on introducing this new tax.

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  10. há 5 horas

    The Norwegian parliament is INDEED working on introducing a tax on drivers per kilometer. Faktisk seem to imply that I said Norway has already introduced it. I did NOT say that. I said Norway is working on introducing it, which the author of the article admits.

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  11. há 5 horas

    A Norwegian "fact checker" has written a misleading article about my reporting. Let's set the facts straight! In their headline they claim my reporting was wrong, yet in their article they ADMIT my reporting is in fact 100% correct.

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  12. há 5 horas

    British court says that Bible belief is "incompatible with human dignity" This after a Christian doctor was fired from his job after refusing to call a transgender person their preferred pronouns.

  13. retweetou
    2 de out

    When I landed in Copenhagen to take the train to Malmö a few months back I was casually told “there’s been a shooting at the train station and a bombing in an apartment block so the trains aren’t running on time”

  14. retweetou
    30 de set

    Norway is working on introducing a new tax for every kilometer you drive with your car. The state will fit a GPS tracker in your car and monitor how much you drive, and then send you the bill. This is very worrying indeed. 1/

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  15. retweetou
    2 de out

    Sweden - 65 yr old woman was sent to 3 months prison for writing "hate speech" on facebook - Shop owner in Malmö was sent to 9 months prison for beating up robber in self defence - But a person who raped a 12 yr old girl got away with only 50 hours youth community service 😔

  16. 2 de out

    "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love" 1 John 4:8

  17. 2 de out

    Sweden - 65 yr old woman was sent to 3 months prison for writing "hate speech" on facebook - Shop owner in Malmö was sent to 9 months prison for beating up robber in self defence - But a person who raped a 12 yr old girl got away with only 50 hours youth community service 😔

  18. 2 de out

    Never forget 11 year old Ebba Åkerlund whose childhood was stolen from her. She was walking to meet her mum when the terrorist in Sweden ripped her apart with a truck. You will never be forgotten.😢 RIP

  19. 2 de out
  20. 2 de out
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  21. 2 de out
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