Jihadi “Youths” Are Grandfathered In

The Netherlands passed a law earlier this year that would revoke Dutch citizenship from anyone who travels abroad to wage jihad in the way of Allah. However, the law cannot be applied retroactively, so anyone who went to Syria before it was passed — which means most of the “Dutch” mujahideen — is exempt from its provisions. As a result, a gaggle of mischievous youngsters will be “grandfathered in” and allowed to return to the Netherlands.

Many thanks to C for translating this video report, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Self Defence: Where Do You Stand?

The following essay by Michael Copeland was originally published at LibertyGB in 2013.

Self Defence: Where Do You Stand?

by Michael Copeland

This is no video game. You are in a café in the USA. Other customers are present. Suddenly two men enter with guns. They make clear their intent to rob everyone. It is a nightmare: an armed robbery for real, and you are in it. This is no video game.

Your heart sinks as you quickly think what cash and valuables you have with you, and the first victim begins to produce his ready wealth. Suddenly a shot rings out, then another. One of the customers, a retired ex-serviceman, has a pistol: coolly and calmly he has dropped down on one knee and is shooting at the robbers. Shocked, wounded, and in total disarray, they flee empty-handed, crashing through the door and slipping to the ground in their haste. The shooter sends further shots after them. This is no video game. It is all over quite quickly. Shaken, you try to pull yourself together and assure yourself that you are unharmed.

“Ooh, it was just like a Hollywood movie!” is frequently the first reaction of an eyewitness. We are all so used to seeing things on screen that for many people this is the standard by which experiences are measured. Films, though, are make-believe, and we are comfortable enjoying their fictional world. Videos and broadcasts can be switched off: we are still in command. When an armed robbery happens before your eyes and you are one of its intended victims you cannot switch off: it is not a fiction, and you are not in control. You have to rely on your own inner resources.

This incident was, indeed, no video game: it happened in an Internet cafe in America, and was captured on CCTV. Though the open carrying of a gun is only permitted in certain states, American law provides for “Concealed Carry Permits” (CCPs). The law entirely backs up that particular citizen’s self-defence: he committed no crime. A serious robbery was defeated. The robbers in that incident were later traced and apprehended.

Here is a proven observation: the individual’s self-defence is also the defence of the law-abiding community. Zones where Concealed Carry Permits are in use have a lower crime rate: criminals know they might well encounter armed defence. As Ann Coulter explains, this is borne out by “all the actual evidence, mountains of it, in peer-reviewed studies by highly respected economists and criminologists and endlessly retested”.

Here is a second observation: criminals, by definition, do not observe gun control laws or restrictions. However careful and strict the laws may be, criminals will obtain firearms. An inescapable consequence of gun control laws, therefore, is to render the law-abiding population defenceless.

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Violence Against Apostates is Exclusively the Domain of Islam

Leefbaar Rotterdam (Livable Rotterdam, LR) is a local political party in Rotterdam. It was the party of Pim Fortuyn back in 2002 when he did so well in the municipal elections in Rotterdam.

LR has recently announced a campaign to protect ex-Muslims. One of the people interviewed in the video below is Ehsan Jami, an ex-Muslim who produced a movie called An Interview With Muhammed (VERY long-time readers will remember when we featured the launch of his movie almost eleven years ago). Due to his blasphemous actions, Mr. Jami was badly beaten and was given police protection for several years.

Many thanks to C for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/3/2019

29 migrants were detained by UK border officers off the coast of Dover, including three men traveling in a kayak. Meanwhile, the refugee reception facilities on the Italian island of Lampedusa are nearing the point of collapse, due to the new wave of migration.

In other migration news, 243 migrants traveling in two trucks were detained by Mexican authorities near the southern border with Guatemala.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to acuara, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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A New Wave of Migration to Germany?

There are rumors in Germany that a new wave of “refugees” is flooding the country’s borders, but there are also reports (including one by Politically Incorrect) that say the rumors cannot be confirmed.

However, the following article from Bild indicates that the borders are being reinforced with additional police in anticipation of just such an eventuality.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation:

Concern About Refugees

Now more police at all German borders

By Burkhard Uhlenbroich
September 28,2019

It’s a problem the federal government just can’t handle: Refugees and migrants coming illegally to Germany.

By the end of August this year, the Federal Police had registered 26,409 illegal entries at the German borders. In 2018, the figure was 42,487.

The problem is currently worsening because more and more Syrian refugees from Turkey have been coming to the EU since April. In August the UN Refugee Agency registered more than 8,000 refugees from Turkey in Greece. A year earlier there were only 3,200 of them.

The situation in the overcrowded Greek refugee camps is dramatic. The German government fears that many migrants could try to come to Germany.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior is now reacting to this. After Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (70, CSU) extended the border controls to Austria this week, he is now significantly expanding the stop-and-search procedures at all German borders.

On Monday a corresponding decree will be issued to the federal police. The aim is to noticeably increase the presence of policemen in the border area in order to combat illegal entry and smuggling.

Seehofer told The BILD: “Security starts at the border. In addition to the reassignment of border controls at the border with Austria, I have instructed the Federal Police to intensify the stop-and-search practices at all other German internal borders. We have all the borders of our country in view.”

In the case of the stop-and-search practices, the officers carry out checks on persons without there having to be any suspicion about the person. The Federal Police carry out these random checks at all borders and within 30 kilometres inland from the border.

Have Knife, Will Travel

A man went on a stabbing rampage in a police headquarters Paris today and managed to kill four police officers before other police shot him dead. The assailant was a civilian IT employee at the headquarters, which is why he was able to make it through security to the area where targeted his victims. He chose a ceramic knife to use during the attack so that it would not trigger an alarm when he went through the metal detectors.

The following brief article about the incident was published earlier today at François de Souche and has been translated by Ava Lon:

The assailant, aged 45, was born in Fort-de-France (Martinique) in 1974 and has a handicap of mild deafness.

The attacker, an administrative officer of the DR-PP, apparently lost it, freaked out and started stabbing wildly. Out of five people attacked, four were killed, said the police source. The police prefecture remains extremely cautious concerning the terrorist hypothesis. It could be a [private or organized crime type of] revenge. There were allegedly no other attackers.

Translator’s note:

The perpetrator of the attack was born in one of several French “overseas departments”, (la Martinique), which are a couple of islands (la Guadeloupe and la Martinique in the Caribbean, and la Mayotte and la Réunion in the Indian Ocean) and one department in South America (la Guyane), the last remnants of the French colonies.

After the above article appeared, French media began reporting that the late perpetrator was a convert to Islam. Many thanks to Sassy for translating the TV news report below, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below is an article about the attack from Breitbart (hat tip JD):

Macron’s France: Four Police Officers Stabbed to Death in Paris HQ

Four police officers have been stabbed to death at a headquarters building near the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, France.

The perpetrator “was involved in an argument with someone and then erupted in anger, targeting other police colleagues before being neutralised,” according to a source quoted by The Sun.

“The attacker is believed to have been an administrative officer working in a secure part of the building — making it very easy for him to walk around freely. He would have had security clearance.

“One victim is dead, along with the attacker. Others are in intensive care.”

French media now reports that the death toll has risen to four, however.

The attacker’s motives, if known, are yet to be disclosed, as his identity.

A police union secretary, Loïc Travers, has told France’s BFM TV that he was a long-term employee, who had been “with us for over 20 years”. At least one of his victims was a female officer.

Video transcript:

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Pippi Longdreadlocks

It appears that the latest madness to infect the Country Formerly Known as Sweden will include a nappy-headed Pippi Longstocking, the Brothers Lionheart in blackface, and various other pickaninnies where blond-haired blue-eyed children once held the stage.

Many thanks to our Swedish correspondent LN for translating this report from Svegot Media:

‘Astrid Lindgren’s World’ is looking for non-Swedish child actors

by the Editorial Board
October 2, 2019

Pippi Longstocking, Emil in Lönneberga and the children in Bullerbyn. Symbols for Sweden and Swedish for many. At ‘Astrid Lindgren’s World’ in Vimmerby, thousands of children each year see Astrid Lindgren’s most beloved fairy tales played by child actors. But this is too Swedish, it seems, and therefore the amusement park advertises for non-Swedish child actors for the coming season.

On the website you can read: “In Astrid Lindgren’s World visitors step right into the world of fairy tales and become a direct part of it. Here the children and their families get to meet, talk and play with the characters from Astrid Lindgren’s books.”

Imagine seeing Madicken and Emil with their own eyes! These fairy-tale characters who suddenly step out of the pages of the books and now stand in front of the children as large as life. Popular and unforgettable summer fun for thousands of families with children. But in the future, the children may be forced to ask their parents why Pippi is not red-haired and why the Brothers Lionheart are dark-skinned.

It is because the lineup at Astrid Lindgren’s world is too Swedish, and in a job advertisement they are now trying to rectify this.

Contact Simon Palerbro

Swedish children do not really have the “ethnic and cultural diversity” that Astrid Lindgren’s World demands.

“Astrid Lindgren’s World wants to take advantage of the qualities that ethnic and cultural diversity bring to the business, and therefore we are especially looking for you who, in addition to the formal requirements, can enrich us with this.”

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/2/2019

The EU has rejected UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s final offer of a Brexit deal. Meanwhile, a court in Scotland will rule on whether Mr. Johnson can be imprisoned for refusing to agree to another extension of Brexit.

In other news, the European Court of Human Rights ordered the demolition of a Serbian Orthodox Church in Bosnia-Herzegovina, saying that its construction in 1998 was not properly authorized.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Insubria, JD, JLH, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The New Sorrows of Young Snowflakes

Many thanks to JLH for translating this essay from Henryk Broder’s website Die Achse des Guten:

An eighteen-year-old German Gymnasium graduate gives us her view of the German snowflake generation

The New Sorrows of Young Snowflakes[1]

by Elisa David

When I was studying in gymnasium, I got into a “strings” class. That means my class had an extra two hours when we learned to play a string instrument. Today I know I will definitely not be another Anne-Sophie Mutter.[2]. Those years were not useless, however, for I learned something quite different. Since the idea of extra strings practice did not appeal to many boys, we had a rather unusual gender division, with three boys and twenty girls. So for five years in my class, a collective of puberty-driven teenage girls set the tone — for my own self at the time, it was an absolute horror. But now I know what the consequences can be when women gain the upper hand.

I am no longer amazed at any political movement. My time in school has, to a certain extent, prepared me perfectly for Fridays for Future, #MeToo, and all these trends which my generation has absorbed, because they are tailor-made for them. Generation Snowflake is sensitive, does not wish to be confronted by unfamiliar opinions, is united in “otherness”. Because that is the point — being “other” but “belonging” to it; a certain uncertainty, coupled with the habit of considering oneself important; the need to be seen and simultaneously to conform. My observation is that these completely new views, this strange, contradictory behavior — which major portions of society and above all my generation display — depend on it.

One result seems to be the inflationary increase of psychic illnesses. Not being quite right in the head seems to be the first and decisive step to welcoming otherness. In my class, it was a proven method in the constant battle for sympathy. Passing through distinct stages of puberty is normal, but many took this to a higher level. I still remember how we discussed eating disorders like anorexia in biology class, and shortly thereafter, half the class was anorexic. The imaginary ill predictably announced their new suffering loudly to the world.

The Cutting Trend

Our teacher showed us pictures of an anorexic patient and explained that it is definitely unhealthy for the rib cage and the spine to show so clearly, and that help is needed urgently. Before the very next sports hour, a bunch of girls were standing in front of the mirror, lamenting loudly that their bones were not showing, so they must be overweight and would eat nothing for the entire rest of the day.

Our teacher explained the food pyramid and why a balanced diet is important for the body. My fellow female students were already planning what foods they would avoid to reach the desired weight loss through deficient nutrition. At some point, the attention they received for these actions was no longer enough. When, every hour on the hour, somebody runs out to throw up, it is no longer anything special.

Then, as if by divine will, there came a conference day on the explanation and recognition of depression. There is no denying how important it is to recognize depression. But a side effect of presentations which explain in detail what the symptoms of these illnesses are is that these symptoms are served to young attention-needy girls on a silver platter. All they have to do is write it down and act it out. And in fact, even writing it down isn’t necessary, since glossy brochures are passed out at the end.

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Culture-Enriching Robberies at the Railway Station in Rome

A few days ago a gang of Algerian thieves robbed two people at the Termini railway station in Rome. One of the victims was a magistrate (political affiliation not specified), and the other was a senator for the 5-Star Movement. The latter party has just formed a national government in coalition with the Partito Democratico, which has reversed the anti-migrant policies put in place by former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from Il Giornale:

Railway station: Band of Algerians rob senator for M5S and judge

The thieves struck twice within a short period. The police succeeded in finding the stolen objects in a bed and breakfast near the station.

by Andrea Pegoraro
September 25, 2019

They were robbed in the course of a short time by the same thieves, a band of young North Africans who struck in the area of the Termini station.

The victims of this ugly experience were Gabriele Lanzi, a senator for the 5-Star Movement and an appeals court judge. As reported by Metro News, two members of the gang have been captured and arrested, accused of aggravated theft. They are an Algerian of 20 years of age and another of the same nationality, age 27. The third is still being sought.

The thieves first struck the magistrate who was having lunch in a restaurant near the station. When the moment came to pay, the appeals court judge realized that his travel bag had disappeared. Inside were private documents and files of the proceedings for a conference in which he was supposed to participate. Shortly, thereafter it was the turn of the Honorable Lanzi. The (5-Star) senator was looking for a taxi in Via Amendola, and at that moment, a young man approached him asking him for an address while another young man kept a lookout. But it was an excuse. The moment of distraction was costly for Lanzi, because another member of the gang arrived, and carried away the bags that the politician had with him. Inside were a PC, an iPad and some documents. The gang then got away.

After the theft, the senator went to the police. The officers searched the streets near the station, after recognizing the perpetrators of the theft. They identified an Algerian and noticed that he had with him the keys with the logo of a bed and breakfast. Once inside the hotel room, they found the objects stolen from Lanzi and some of the magistrate’s documents.

The Left and the Greens Love Antifa

In the following video, members of the German Bundestag for the Left (Die Linke) and the Greens (Die Grünen) display their esteem for Antifa while speaking on the floor of the Bundestag. The woman seen at the beginning of the clip is wearing an Antifa button at the podium.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Enforcing Marxism and Sharia in the Name of “Tolerance”

Below is the prepared text for an intervention planned for September 24 by David Petteys, representing the Sea Jay Foundation, at OSCE Warsaw. However, he was unable to participate that day, so there is no video showing the intervention.

Sea Jay Foundation
David Petteys

Tolerance and Non-Discrimination
Human Dimension Implementation Meeting Session 13

Warsaw, Poland, Sept 24, 2019

Thank you, Mme Chairman:

Many groups push the idea that “Tolerance” is a virtue. But tolerance is a reaction to something else. We must ask what it is we’re being asked to tolerate. Certainly, toleration of evil is an evil in itself!

It’s easy to ascertain the motive for pushing such a notion: the Sharia proponent groups wish to deny us permission to disapprove of what they term Sharia “particulars”, such as the hudud punishments, polygamy, wife beatings and honor killings.

Such things are an anathema to our Judeo-Christian culture. Yet the Sharia proponent groups and the Marxists accuse us of “intolerance, bigotry, xenophobia, etc.” to shame our sense of propriety and common decency. They wish to destroy our culture and impose their systems upon us.

The Sea Jay Foundation recommends that the people in the OSCE Area resist these accusations. Two thousand years of culture, progress and humanity are nothing to be ashamed of. Look at societies where the Sharia or Marxism predominate. These are societies of poverty, oppression, suffering and death. No sane person would wish this for the people of the OSCE Area.

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/1/2019

The new Italian education minister is calling for the removal of crosses from schools, in order to promote secular education and inclusiveness. Meanwhile, the archbishop of Bologna denounced critics of his decision to serve pork-free tortellini at the city’s traditional annual festival.

In other Italian news, Luigi Di Maio, the leader of the 5-Star Movement, announced his support for lowering the voting age to 16.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, RR, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Banglatown in Campania

Palma Campania is a municipality in the Naples region of Campania. Immigrants from Bangladesh — who make up a considerable percentage of the municipal populace — are unhappy that the mayor has refused to give them permission to conduct their Islamic prayer services in the street.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from Il Giornale:

Palma Campania, the “hostage town” of the Bangladeshis

Protests from the Bangladeshi community after the mayor said no to prayers in the public squares. The first citizen: “What racism? I don’t have the power.”

by Francesca Bernasconi
September 25, 2019

Palma Campania is a town in the shadow of Mt Vesuvius, but it closely resembles a city in Bangladesh.

Here, in fact, a massive presence of Bangladeshi foreigners has settled. According to the registry office, of 18,000 residents, there are only 2,000 foreigners, but the unofficial statistics estimate the number to be at least twice as high.

And for some weeks now, the mayor, 34-year-old Nello Donnarumma, has been under attack, blamed for denying the Bangladeshi community the possibility to pray in the squares and the streets. “They have presented me with a sheet of paper with four lines with the name of the street, the day and time — and that’s it,” explained the mayor to Verita. “And then, for reasons of public order, I said no. Racism is not involved, politics is not involved; it is only administrative and technical management.” The Muslim community, in fact, would have liked to meet every Friday to pray in public squares. “ A scenario that cannot be proposed in the present state.” In order to guarantee security, in fact, numerous local police officers would have to be deployed, a force that the municipality does not have.

The mayor declares that he would have to consider a specific service for the event and “leave the rest of the city unattended.” Besides, in Palma Campania, in the case of events not organized by the municipality, they would have to consider private sources to pay security officers.

After the “no”, the Bangladeshi community protested against Donnarumma, asking for a no-confidence, but the first citizen is not giving in. “I have explained clearly to everyone that I will continue to say no if there is no concrete assistance: Men of the forces of order are needed to lift this burden from us of managing this type of ceremony alone.” In the meantime, however, he has requested the convening of a meeting with the other municipal administrations in the area to attempt to discuss the situation.

It is not a question of racism and the mayor points out that he supports the importance of protecting all religions. “But I am responsible for public security in my municipality and I cannot permit that there are situations which are potentially dangerous.” And on Facebook, he confides: “If you try to enforce the laws of the state and guarantee security, you are accused of being a member of the League or a racist.”

[Photo Header Palma Catania: Muslims cannot pray on the street]

[Subtitle: Mayor’s ordinance for reasons of public order. Bangladeshis: “Close to the Lega (League)”]

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