Hobart: Anarchist DJ who headbutted Tony Abbott speaks out

Hobart DJ Astro “Funknukl” Labe, 38, was charged with one count of common assault on Friday over an alleged attack on the Hobart waterfront on Thursday afternoon.

Labe was wearing a rainbow “yes” badge when he allegedly asked Abbott to shake his hand before attempting to head-butt him on Morrison Street about 4.35pm.

“I must state in no uncertain terms that this has nothing whatsoever to do with marriage equality,” Labe said.

Labe told the Guardian that he supported the “yes” case, but was not a campaigner. He had been drinking before the alleged attack. “My motivations were alcohol fuelled to a degree,” he said.

“Someone had just stuck a campaign sticker on me. I’m not an activist but, of course, I believe in human rights and equality.”

He said he was an anarchist and a pacifist who believed showing respect for other people was the most importance value. He said Abbott was a “completely disgusting person” who did not share that respect.

“He’s one of sickest examples of why Australian society is so archaic in 2017. There is no connection to the Bible in his actions,” he told Guardian Australia.

“He’s a gentrified rich kid. He personifies everything I hate politically, and he’s not even good at it.

“If I see an opportunity to improve my life and those around me by nutting Tony Abbott, I’m a pretty pragmatic guy.”

Labe told journalists that he had been spurred on to act simply out of dislike for Abbott rather than over marriage equality.

“It was nothing really remotely to do with that. It’s just about Tony Abbott — the fucking worm that he is,” he said.

“All it was is I saw Tony Abbott and I’d had half a skinful and I wanted to nut the cunt.”

NZ: Government minister Anne Tolley’s office firebombed

The smashed door glass shows where the firebomb entered Tolley's Whakatane office.

5 Feb – Molotov cocktails were thrown into Government minister Anne Tolley’s Whakatane office overnight and anti-TPPA graffiti was scrawled on a wall outside.

Police said Tolley’s office was under police guard following the attack, which comes at a time of high tensions over the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.

The attempted firebombing comes after vandals broke into Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee’s Christchurch office on Monday morning and poured fuel in a room before leaving.

“When the police tell you that it’s a pretty determined effort, it does shake you up a bit – they went to a lot of trouble to try and burn my office down, so it’s a bit scary, and pretty tough on the staff.”

“I think the police patrol caught it quite early on…if it had been on carpet or something that could have caught alight quickly.”

Tolley said she hadn’t expected any attacks on her office, with anti-TPPA marches in her electorate run in a “well-organised and well-contained” manner.

“Some people get quite aggressive when they’re talking to you, but generally people are quite reasonable – they’re passionate, but violence is an extreme reaction.”

The office would be closed over the weekend while police finished their work and damage was dealt with, Tolley said.

In a statement, Prime Minister John Key said he was disappointed by the attack.

“People always have the right to peaceful protest and are free to do so, as long as they don’t break the law or put anyone in harm’s way.

“Incidents like these are hugely disappointing because our MPs work incredibly hard for their communities as do the staff who work in their offices. They have a right to feel safe in their workplaces and I would urge people to respect that.”

The fire appeared to have happened overnight but had been reported to police soon after 7am, said Senior Sergeant Denton Grimes of the Bay of Plenty District Command Centre.

“From a police point of view it’s now determining what caused it and who is responsible, if it’s suspicious.”

Malaysia: Government officer’s vehicles set on fire


Two of the three vehicles damaged in the attack using Mototov cocktails in Bukit Marak, Bachok, Kelantan, this morning

17 Aug – Police believe three vehicles were torced in Kampung Renek near Bukit Marak, Bachok early this morning.

The suspicion arose from the discovery of glass bottles in the seats of the burnt vehicles — a Perodua Kelisa, a Toyota Vios and a Suzuki Vitara.

The bottles were believed to be remains of Molotov cocktails used by the arsonists.

The incident occurred at a two-storey house owned by Tumpat’s Kemubu Agriculture Development Authority chief Rosli Hassan.

Initial reports stated that the victim, with nine other family members, was fast asleep when the incident occurred at 4am today.

According to operations commander of the Bachok Fire and Rescue Department,  Abdul Razak Rahman, a call came in at 4.02am informing them of the fire and seven of his personnel were immediately deployed to the scene.

They then realised that the fire was uncontrollable. The firemen quickly set to work to prevent the flames from spreading to the house itself.

“Based on the inspection we carried out inside the burnt vehicles, we found glass bottles believed to be Molotov cocktails..

“We will continue our investigations to find out the real cause of the fire and if it was indeed foul play,” said Abdul Razak in a statement today.

A witness, identified as Mohamad Hisham, said he was on his way to an eatery when he saw four men in front of the victim’s house.

On his way back, he claimed to have seen four men jumping out of the house. He said he immediately chased after them, thinking that they had robbed the occupants in the house.

“However, they disappeared pretty fast. After subuh, I was informed of the arson.”

Malaysia: Molotov Cocktails Thrown At Immigration Officer’s House

15 August – Two petrol bombs were hurled at the home of an immigration officer in Prai early yesterday morning.

In the 6.35am incident, an unidentified suspect threw bottles of molotov cocktail into the compound of the woman’s home, setting her plants on fire.

Central Seberang Prai district police chief Assistant Commissioner Rusli Md Noor said the officer’s husband was at the house and realised something was amiss upon hearing sound of a glass breaking.

“He then heard two loud explosions and rushed outside.

“The suspect is believed to have most likely fled on a motorcycle,” he said when contacted. Rusli said the man and his children managed to put out the fire.

“They found the driver and three passenger side windows were also shattered,” he said.

Rusli did not elaborate if the car belonged to the woman.

The case is being investigated under Section 435 of the Penal Code for mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to cause damage.

Brisbane: Shoes thrown at Federal Immigration Minister Peter Dutton at refugee ceremony

Federal Immigration Minister Peter Dutton had two sneakers thrown at him at an event in B

14 June – Immigration Minister Peter Dutton was the victim of a shoe throwing incident as he attended a welcome ceremony for refugees in Brisbane this morning.

The minister was about to deliver a speech at Welcomefest, at Annerley, when a man stood up and yelled at him, before throwing two sneakers at him.

A 33-year-old man from Ocean View, near Dayboro, was arrested over the incident.

He later told reporters: “I think (Mr Dutton) should be ashamed for what his Government is doing and how asylum seekers are being treated in detention centres.”

He accused Mr Dutton of hypocrisy over the Government’s policy of turning back asylum seeker boats.

“Here he is welcoming refugees, but his Government isn’t welcoming refugees at all — they’re doing the absolute opposite,” Mr Sprigg said.

The 33-year-old was charged with one count of public nuisance and is expected to appear before the Brisbane Magistrates Court on June 30.

Toowoomba: Pro-traditional marriage doctor cops vandalism spray


2 June – Anti-marriage equality campaigner David van Gend got a rude shock when he returned home from an interstate visit this week.

The Toowoomba doctor found his medical centre vandalised with the word “Bigot” painted in red spray paint on the side of his office, along with his surname in black paint.

An encircled letter A – a common symbol for anarchists – was also left on the building.

Dr van Gend is president of the Australian Marriage Forum which recently attracted controversy when it raised $20,000 to pay for two ads on opposing marriage equality during the Mardi Gras.

SBS rejected the ads, but they were screened in prime time on Channels 7 and 9 instead.

Toowoomba Police confirmed they were investigating the graffiti attack.

“My point in noting it is not because it worries me particularly, I’m used to this,” Dr van Gend told the Brisbane Times.

“It’s a symbol of the whole intimidation and demonisation of one side, and one side only, of this debate, and it must stop.”

“I get so much of this, but usually it’s anonymous trolls online,” he said.

“Internet trolling is one thing, but this is malicious damage. I don’t own the building. It’s someone else’s property they’ve vandalised.”

Dr Van Gend says his name plaque on the building has previously been defaced and his staff have received abusive phone calls.

Dr Van Gend believes the same-sex marriage debate has become “unhealthy”.

“Anyone who stands up for the law of the land, for saying that marriage is between a man and a woman… is attacked, not argued with,” he said.

“And that’s what happened [the vandalism to his surgery] yesterday”.

Dr Van Gend says he is not opposed to debating the issue, but he is opposed to threats and abuse.

He says it would be beneficial for both sides of the argument if people “assume goodwill on each other’s side, argue a case, and then vote.”

He says the vandalism attack is “a sad comment on the approach of the pro gay marriage people to any of us who dare raise our little heads and say ‘keep marriage the way it’s always been’.”

“The mother and father unit is so strong, but people are frightened to put their head up, because they won’t only get their surgery defaced by vandals, but they’re going to be treated like they are some sort of moral pariah.”

Apart from a stance against same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption and same-sex surrogacy, the Australian Marriage Forum also argues against the idea that homosexuals are “born that way” and disapproves of the “normalisation” of same-sex relationships being introduced into school education.

Bangkok: Graffiti attack on Criminal Court of Thailand

24 May – According to reports from the mainstream media in Thailand a person or persons unknown sprayed anarchist ‘Circle A’ symbols on the outside of the Criminal Court of Thailand in Bangkok in the early hours of May 24th. It is the first time in history that the court house, known colloquially as Ratchada Criminal Court, has been vandalized. Fence barriers and a bus stop outside the court were also spray painted with anarchist ‘Circle A’ symbols.

The graffiti has caused something of a panic within the Thai establishment and was removed not long after it had been reported but not before journalists were able to photograph it. A spokesperson for the court judiciary has stated that it should not be assumed that there was a political motivation behind the graffiti. Thai authorities stated that their first priority will be to review CCTV footage from around the court house.

(source: http://www.khaosod.co.th/view_newsonline.php?newsid=1432450087)

Sydney: Anarchist actions in solidarity with Greek hunger strikers


2 April – In the context of a call for a day of solidarity with the hunger strikers in Greece, some anarchists in Sydney made some small actions.

Various slogans were painted and posters in English and Greek were pasted throughout inner west suburbs were many Greek migrants reside.

Banners were also hung on highway bridges, and a banner was tied to the façade of the Greek consulate in Sydney CBD, where dozens of leaflets were also thrown.

ATM’s of the Delphi bank in Marrickville were also sealed with glue.

From Sydney to Greece, against prisons, against police.

Victory for the hunger strikers.


Brisbane: ‘Tyrant’ graffiti at Premier’s office

29 October: The Queensland Premier’s electorate office has been targeted by vandals who seem to be protesting the decision to lift the ban on uranium mining.

Premier Campbell Newman’s electorate office, in Ashgrove’s Central Plaza, has been spray painted with the words “tyrant” and radiation symbols.

A moustache has also been drawn on the photograph of Mr Newman.

Indonesia: residents of West Manggarai reject mine, luxury restaurant attacked

Source: Kokemi

On April 14, hundreds of residents gathered for a protest in West Manggarai district (Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara province), against gold mining exploration in Batu Gosok. According to residents, mining activities could damage the environment in which they live and could weaken the position of their lives.

There is also anger against government plans for more development, including luxury hotels.

Annoyed that, after several hours of speeches, not one person came out to meet the Government of the people, protesters tried to break through police barricades to the Regent’s office.  Unable to break through, angry protesters launched attacks on other capitalist property, including an elite restaurant and a mining project support office.