Melbourne: Felicity Ann Ryder Cell (FAI / IRF) – Response To The Agents Of ‘Doubt’ (Australia)

‘Anarchists claim responsibility for fire at luxury West Melbourne car dealership, but police have doubts’ the headline of the Herald-Sun screams the day after our little visit to Gran Turismo Autos.

Apparently ‘investigators’ do not believe that a ‘mysterious anarchist group’ were responsible for the fire & the Herald-Scum, which is the de-facto mouthpiece of the Victorian Police force in Melbourne, chose not to name the website where we initially posted our claim of responsibility – they also chose to only include a partial sentence from our communique.

Well we have some doubts of our own. Continue reading “Melbourne: Felicity Ann Ryder Cell (FAI / IRF) – Response To The Agents Of ‘Doubt’ (Australia)”

Melbourne: anarchists claim car dealership fire; cops dispute arson claim

325: Melbourne: ‘Felicity Ann Ryder Cell / FAI- IRF’ Attack Luxury Car Dealership (Australia)

Last night (Sept 2nd 2013) for the first time in living memory but definitely not the last, the flames of anarchist insurrection roared high above the toxic skies of Melbourne putting a swift end to years of local ‘activist’ and ‘social anarchist’ inactivity in this city.

At approximately 7:30PM we gained entrance to Gran Turismo Autos, a luxury car dealership on Spencer St in inner-city West Melbourne via a poorly secured rear window and placed an improvised incendiary device with timer already set under a desk in an office area adjacent to the showroom then promptly fled the building via the same window through which we gained entry. Continue reading “Melbourne: anarchists claim car dealership fire; cops dispute arson claim”

Melbourne: politicians’ offices vandalised

Indymedia, 30 August: The current border policies of the ruling elite are cruel, oppressive, revanchist. Last night we vandalised the offices of Simon Crean, Anna Burke, and Andrew Robb; they are complicit.

The politicians and bosses have driven wedges between us, trying to convince us there is an enemy in people from across the sea. The real enemy, of course, is those who seek to rule us. Our sisters and brothers, the ‘boat people’, have been asking for our solidarity for years. They have petitioned, protested, hunger-striked, self-harmed and suicided. But help has not come. The only rational response left is to riot.

We are privileged citizens in occupied land and we stand to benefit from this racist approach. But this won’t do. We don’t accept this reality and we never will. It doesn’t matter who we are. What matters is that we resist. That we show resistance is possible. It’s the right – the only – way to act in such terrible times. In doing so we hope to inspire others to break the spell of passivity, together we can turn the world upside down. Continue reading “Melbourne: politicians’ offices vandalised”

PNG: Protests on Manus Island

2 September: Landowners on Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island are demanding hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation from the Australian government or they will shut off water to the asylum seeker detention centre.

Local MP and vice minister for trade Ron Knight told AAP the landowners are demanding kina 231,000 ($A108,000) in compensation for use of a dump site near Lombrum naval base, where Australia is currently housing about 500 asylum seekers.

The groups also want kina 21,000 (A$9700) per month for continued use of the dump as well as another kina 60,000 (A$28,000) per month to cover anchorage and waste management of Australian Navy ships.

The landowners on the weekend blocked the dump and a gravel pit being used by the Australian government and say they will shut down water if their demands are not met by Tuesday.

“That is the next step,” Mr Knight told AAP. “This isn’t going to be a protest. It’s going to be a very, very quiet guerilla war.” Continue reading “PNG: Protests on Manus Island”

Indonesia: ‘ICR-FAI-IRF / Free Mandylas and Tsavdaridis Cell’ take responsibility for the incendiary attack against a school for police in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan

325: Brief Message To The Enemies (Phoenix Project part 5)

[Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4]

We will not talk about “unfair prosecutions”, about “the climate of terror against those who fight”, nor about the “new totalitarian-ism” and things like that. That’s because we know that none of these is new. These are simply snapshots of the ancient war between two incompatible words: on the one side lies the disgusting world of the Authority, of the submissive crowd and of the social cesspit and on the other side, the anarchist insurgents, the insubordinate fighters of the Negative, those who do not bow down to nobody. We will neither talk about the others. The ones who these days feel secretly happy and relieved. Now it’s not the time nor the place to do so. They should bear in mind, however, that the time will come to talk about these things. –
Freedom To The Wolves of The North

When we said “nothing is over”, it’s not only just words. Our threats will turn into action, time by time, every second we get the chance. And every time, we will bring our actions closer to your face. Directly in front of your guns, uniforms and prison – repressive tools that are often used to kidnap our revolutionary comrades. We will never let you sleep well, because our war is not over yet.

With this letter, we take responsibility for the arson against a school of police in Sudirman St, Balikpapan, on 24 August 2013. We put the incendiary device with timer in front of that school and let the fire do the rest. We chose this target after we received news that Greek pigs invaded Steki Nadir and kidnapped two comrades because of several attacks by different cells of FAI/IRF. Our action is the direct revenge against the pigs everywhere, not only in Greece. Continue reading “Indonesia: ‘ICR-FAI-IRF / Free Mandylas and Tsavdaridis Cell’ take responsibility for the incendiary attack against a school for police in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan”

WA: juveniles trash prison again

30 August: Juvenile detainees who trashed their cells at Hakea Prison for adults in Perth were encouraged by one youth who started the rampage, Corrective Services acting commissioner Heather Harker says.

A dozen teenage offenders were responsible for damage to 10 cells on Thursday night and have been moved to the management unit at Banksia Hill Detention Centre.

More than 70 juveniles were sent to Hakea Prison in January after nearly half the cells at Banksia Hill were trashed during a riot. There are currently 100 juveniles at Hakea and 60 at Banksia Hill.

Ms Harker said one boy caused a disturbance in his cell on Thursday at 7pm (WST) and then encouraged others to damage their cells too.

She said youths in both units were involved in the rampage that lasted about three hours. Damage was caused to shower screens, toilets and sinks, and shelves were also ripped off walls. Continue reading “WA: juveniles trash prison again”

Indonesia: ELF-Indonesia burn down the third floor of the Arts Institute of Jakarta

Civilization is not established by itself but by the people who support it. People who turned themselves into one of the poles of the civilization. Humans are the ones who gave birth to civilization. It also means that no one is innocent or not guilty in this present life. Every one plays their part in supporting the sustainability of civilization. So, every part of work, values, property, actions and every one who enjoy the benefits from civilization are enemies for us.

How it can be?

Humans are the creators for what is so-called: Culture. Culture is the direct mirror of civilization. Culture is but one of the brainwashing processes to make one bow and degrade the wild desires. Culture is not only a batch of values but tools of repression and hegemony. And two forms of among many culture’s faces is school and arts. Continue reading “Indonesia: ELF-Indonesia burn down the third floor of the Arts Institute of Jakarta”

Nauru: charges dropped over 2012 riot

26 August: Nauru’s Director of Public Prosecutions has dropped its case against 10 asylum seekers charged with staging a riot at the centre in 2012, that caused more than $A25,000 damage.

The asylum seekers were charged with rioting after an incident at the Australian-run processing and detention centre on Nauru last September.

Two Australian-based lawyers, Simon Kenny and Sam Norton, had been providing representation free of charge for five of the defendants.

“It’s an excellent result for those defendants,” Mr Kenny told . “This means for many of them are able to go on with the process of applying for refugee status.”

Mr Kenny said he believed the case collapsed after witnesses were cross-examined. “We took the view…that the evidence that had been led from witnesses was not looking like it was going to support the case against our clients”, he said.