1985: Squat It! Crossword

A crossword and comic produced by Jo Waite for the Squatters Union of Victoria’s zine Squat It! 

Squat It 1985 Crossword

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1990s: Squatting Stories From Around Australia

Squat? Why Not? was published in 1999 and included information about locating, occupying and repairing empty properties alongside cartoons, stories, rants, and much much more. Scattered throughout the zine were stories from various squatters about their experiences during the 1990s.

Squat Why Not Tassie 1990s

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1988: Squatting in Preston, Melbourne

A story about the difficulties of negotiating with property owners which originally appeared in Squat It! in 1988.

Squat It Oct Nov 1988 Preston negotiation

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1980s: Squatters Union of Victoria

A former member of the Squatters Union of Victoria provides a short of history of the organisation. This piece originally appeared in Squat? Why Not! in 1999.

Squat Why Not SUV 1 Read more »

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1987, Sydney Squatting Reports

The following reports about squatting in Sydney originally appeared in Squat It! in 1987.

Squat It June July 1987 No 8 p2

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1999, Melbourne squats

This interview originally appeared in Squat? Why Not! in 1999.

Squat Why Not Brown Warehouse interview

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1988, Squatting in Melbourne’s Western Suburbs

An interview from early 1988 that originally appeared in the Squatter Union of Victoria’s magazine Squat It!

Squat It 11 Dec Jan 1988

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2016, Brisbane: New edition of Crisis! Homelessness Handbook available


The Brisbane Solidarity Network put out a new edition of their Crisis! handbook at the end of 2016. It includes a squatter’s handbook and crucial information for those experiencing homelessness and chronic poverty about obtaining food, shelter and support. A PDF is available here.

Categories: 2010s, Brisbane | 1 Comment

2008, Melbourne: A talk about the Student Housing Action Co-operative (SHAC) campaign

In the following talk Liz provides an account of the 2008-2009 Student Housing Action Co-operative (SHAC) campaign and discusses its background and strategy. For more than five months 50 students were housed at 272-278 Faraday Street Carlton and the space was also used as a social centre and open community space. The squat and its attendant campaign not only put abandoned houses to good use, but also raised the issue of student hardship and homelessness and exposed the failure of Melbourne University (the property’s owner) to address these issues. The talk was recorded by by Laurel at the Squatting Past and Present gathering held at Hot Shots on August 27 2016.


Footage from the SHAC Emergency Rally, 7 January 2009. To follow the campaign as it unfolded, SHAC’s blog from the time can be found here.

Categories: 2000s, Melbourne, Talk or Podcast, Video | Leave a comment

2016, Melbourne: Mess The West II Fest Squatting Talk

From December 1-4 the Mess The West II Fest will be held at venues in Footscray and Yarraville. Celebrating DIY culture and resistance it will include a cafe night, bands, performances, a warehouse party, workshops and a flea market.

Amongst a bunch of workshops held at Hot Shots (corner Buckley and Nicholson Streets, Footscray) on December 3rd there will be talks from 4-5pm about squatting in Melbourne in the 1980s, Sydney in the early 2000s and campaigns around the country that happened in the 1940s. More info about the festival is available here.

back3 timetable

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