Kevin Gosztola

Managing Editor; Writer at The Dissenter

Kevin Gosztola is a writer and publisher for Shadowproof. He co-hosts a weekly podcast called “Unauthorized Disclosure.” He published a daily column for Firedoglake called “The Dissenter” from 2011-2015. He covered Chelsea Manning’s trial extensively and co-wrote a book on early proceedings in Manning’s case called The US v. Private Manning. He is based in Chicago, Illinois.

Brian Sonenstein

Publishing Editor; Writer at Prison Protest

Brian Sonenstein is a writer living in Portland, Maine. He was the Associate Publisher and Campaign Director for, where he organized multiple campaigns in support of whistleblowers, drug policy reform, health care reform, social security and protest movements like Occupy. In 2014, he started Prison Protest as a home for his writing and investigations on US corrections and criminal justice.