

Voice is a new innovative grant facility supporting the most marginalised & discriminated people in 10 countries in Africa & Asia.



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  1. 22 小時前

    Remembering beautiful trouble from From our partners in Nigeria, Vietnam, Laos, and the Philippines to Cambodia…learn how to sign some key messages in sign language.

  2. 10月24日

    Not just any ordinary citizens... Ou Vanda from Cambodia and Rizal Balatbat from the Philippines all believe that senior citizen’s voices count. Learn more about what and how they are doing it all here:

  3. 10月24日

    Maybe their call to you may be their last call. When your friends/ acquaintances call you to give them support as you never know what they are struggling with. Let us break the cycle of the social stigma that is around Mental Health.

  4. 10月23日

    A great win for ALL girls! The Tanzanian Court of Appeal has upheld the marital age for girls to be 18 years, to be recorded as part of the Law of Marriage Act. Glad Voice & were able to play a small role by supporting

  5. 10月23日

    Onyango Otieno, a mental health advocate from Kenya and second guest in our Voice Disruptor column penned a poem to celebrate Mental Health Awareness. “When you spread your bed, you spread your mind, son.” Read more:

    Image portrait of Onyango Otieno
  6. 10月23日

    Three years of being clean & continuing strong! A father’s words, a mother’s persistence, and the importance of home. Listen to Mike Wanjeng’u and conversation celebrating a mental health champion.

    Mike Wanjeng’u of Tinada Youth Organisation in Kenya
  7. 10月22日

    Mobiliser les communautés autour de l’éducation des filles au Niger à travers le cinéma mobile! Bravo à pour cette innovation qui a mené à l’engagement de beaucoup de parents à inscrire leurs filles à l’école et à veiller à leur éducation:

    Dispositif de projection
  8. 已轉推

    Put an end to & ! With NL support 2 & the Albinism Umbrella Association has given & empowerment to vulnerable youth & women. Who now stand up, speak out & advocate for inclusion, respect and positive changes.

  9. 10月17日

    'It is great to see persons living with Albinism shaping their lives and becoming true ambassadors of change not just as individuals but also at the organisational level' 👏 during her visit to in Uganda CC

  10. 10月16日

    Do you think that the civic space in Nigeria is shrinking? Would you like to change that? Then check out this latest call from Voice Nigeria

  11. 10月15日

    On this International Day of Rural Women, lets go to Nwoya district, Uganda, where Lutino Adunu is working with Check them out!

  12. 10月14日

    Are you a group of people ready to come up with solutions to the exclusion you experience?! At Voice, we are all about inclusion and diversity. Apply for our new empowerment calls for proposals here

  13. 10月11日
  14. 10月10日

    Powerful conversation on addiction, depression, love and family. Honour of and in partnership with to A must-listen!

  15. 10月9日

    We are so excited to share this collaboration with featuring our partner from Kenya . To learn more about the Yiaku people, language and culture, please follow their conversation on Twitter through the page:

  16. 10月9日

    Is addiction a disease?! Listen to Mike from on his journey from addiction to sobriety as part of the Rising Voice(s) series with on the And then suddenly podcast

  17. 已轉推

    Taking Project for the AWARD , Team leader sharing with other Nominees In about the project what entails to use storytelling and short films to empower communities for the marginalized youth .

  18. 已轉推

    All the NOW-Us! teams have arrived in the Netherlands, which means that the NOW-Us! has kicked-off! Upcoming days will be packed with interesting workshops, pitches, network opportunities and the Awards. Read more about the initiatives: .

    和其他 2 人
  19. 10月7日

    26 participants, 9 different nationalities! The first regional training capacity strengthening is off with our country teams in Southeast Asia! We're unlearning what we know to better understand our own biases and become more inclusive in our grantmaking processes.

  20. 10月3日

    Our Knowledge Exchanges are always a treat & full of learning! Here is a compilation of a sneak preview of how the 3 days of our latest Knowledge exchange titled Influencing Unbound: Rightsholders taking lead went:



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