
1 day ago


Freemuse attended the Culture Action Europe event 'Act for Culture' this week, where MEPs and Permanent Representatives for Culture from the Member States were present together with many strong actors from the European #culture sector to discuss the new legislative period and democratic mandate. The Chair of the CULT Committee Sabine Verheyen vowed to put culture at the heart of policy-making in the EU. Freemuses thanks the MEPs for emphasising the sense of urgency in bringing back culture and asked them to collaborate with Freemuse to improve artistic freedom in Europe.

#FreeEuropeArt #postkodeffekten
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Freemuse attended the Culture Action Europe event Act for Culture this week, where MEPs and Permanent Representatives for Culture from the Member States were present together with many strong actors from the European #culture sector to discuss the new legislative period and democratic mandate. The Chair of the CULT Committee Sabine Verheyen vowed to put culture at the heart of policy-making in the EU. Freemuses thanks the MEPs for emphasising the sense of urgency in bringing back culture and asked them to collaborate with Freemuse to improve artistic freedom in Europe.

#FreeEuropeArt #postkodeffekten

5 days ago


#artisnocrime #artisticfreedomLas organizaciones internacionales de derechos humanos Freemuse y CADAL, basadas en Dinamarca y Argentina, respectivamente, expresan su preocupación por el recrudecimiento de la represión a referentes de la cultura independiente cubana, se solidarizan con el artista Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, recientemente detenido de manera arbitraria; piden la intervención de los relatores de la ONU para la libertad de expresión y asociación, los derechos culturales y las detenciones arbitrarias; vuelven a solicitarle a la Unión Europea que condicione la cooperación económica cultural con el gobierno de Cuba al respeto por los derechos humanos y que incluya entre sus beneficiarios a las iniciativas no oficiales; y finalmente reclaman la liberación del músico Maykel Castillo Pérez.


Leé el comunicado completo en:

#derechoshumanos #LibertadDeExpresion #Cuba #CubaLibre #libertad #democracia #relacionesinternacionales #Politicaregional #Americalatina #noaldecreto349 #349
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#artisnocrime #artisticfreedom
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Inspiring morning at @diisdk discussing #gender, #policy and #Governance.

'My mandate is clear, to bring #culture at the heart of policy-making' says @sabineverheyen & promises to work towards #bringcultureback in @GabrielMariya title #actforculture. We MPs to collaborate on improving artistic freedom in Europe #FreeEuropeArt #postkodeffekten

Freemuse thanks Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture @EU_Commission & @actforculture for a fruitful meeting discussing the Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022. Exciting initiatives in the pipeline #FreeEuropeArt #postkodeffekten #projectforchange

Read the statement from #novelist @kamilashamsie in response to having the Nelly Sachs prize rescinded. The prize awards novelists for promoting “tolerance and reconciliation”. Artists should always be free to express themselves without fear of punishment. #books #artisnocrime

Various lawyers have called for #actorandsinger #MohamedRamadan to be banned from performing after his concert in #Egypt.
The complaint relates to Ramadan performing in a "see-through shirt", shorts and a vest while dancing provocatively.
Read more here

Lawyers Call for Musicians Syndicate to Ban Mohamed Ramadan From Performing

A couple of days following Egyptian actor and singer Mohamed Ramadan’s controversial concert in Egypt’s North coast, various lawyers have ...

Finnish #EUpresidency @EU2019FI presented their priorities with #minister of science & culture @KosonenHanna during the @EPCulture. #Freemuse supports @EU2019FI & the MEPs in committing to the 2019-22 Work Plan mentioning #artisticfreedom. #postkodeffekten #projectforchange

.@CIVICUSalliance interview with Srirak Plipat, Executive Director of @Freemuse98 , the main international civil society organisation advocating for and defending the freedom of expression of #artists about the state of artistic expression

From @Freemuse98, sign the petition to release the Myanmar performance troupe 'Daung Doh Myo Sat' (Peacock Generation).

Members of the group have been imprisoned in Insein Prison for a performance in which they donned military dress.

Further info here:

Sign the petition to release Peacock Generation from prison

Members of the Myanmar thangyat troupe Daung Doh Myo Sat (Peacock Generation) have been imprisoned for a performance in which they donned military dre...

We've now made it easier for #artists at risk to get the right help. Our new form will be the direct line for #assistance and the quickest way to get in touch regarding your situation.

#freemuse #artistsatrisk #freeart #freedomofexpression

Artist Assistance - Freemuse

Please fill out the encrypted and secure form if you are an artist at risk through threats, attacks, imprisonments, or exile and require assistance. W...

Mallorcan rapper Valtònyc fled to Belgium after being sentenced to prison in Spain for his lyrics, which were perceived to justify terrorism and insult the king.

Read more:

#RebeccaGoyette’s “Forever Animal” exhibition includes feminist depictions of women, nudity and sexuality.

For this reason, it was censored by the Huam-Garok gallery in South Korea. Learn more via @freemuse98:

. #GlobalYouthConnect calls for submissions for a #delegation to #Colombia focusing on #humanrights and the political power of #music as a form of resistance.
Early submission deadline: 30 September 2019
Final submission: 31 October 2019

Colombia 2020 I Study Abroad I Global Youth Connect

Ring in January 2020 in Bogota and learn about Colombia's turbulent past from musicians and artists who advanced human rights with art.

The #Istanbul Heavy Penal Court No.37 issued an arrest warrant against musician #FerhatTunç (@ferhatttunc) for “spreading terrorist propaganda” through his #socialmedia accounts, before the closing of the #investigation.

Read Tunç's statement here ➡️

Ferhat Tunç: “I want democracy, human rights and freedoms to win”

An arrest warrant was issued against musician Ferhat Tunç for "spreading terrorist propaganda"before the closing of the investigation.

Band #ChaosExperience has been banned from #MortonStanleyFestival because the song about #Brexit - ‘Britain is Dead’. Redditch Borough Council banned the band before their performance on the main #stage and deemed it to be “too #political”.

Local band banned from festival for having three minute Brexit song (called Britain is Dead)

A LOCAL band have been banned from performing at this year's Morton Stanley Festival after allegedly being called a 'political risk'.

It's been over 500 days since Galal El-Behairy was free. Find out more about his case, and why we continue to urge Egypt to #FreeGalal, via @englishpen: illustration via @channeldraw

Ahead of the 35th session of the #UniversalPeriodicReview, #Freemuse filed five reports to the UN’s official mechanism for reviewing the human rights record of all member states. It will take place in January 2020 at the UN #HumanRightsCouncil in #Geneva.

Freemuse calls for action on freedom of expression with five UPR reports

Ahead of the 35th UPR session, Freemuse filed five reports to the UN’s official mechanism for reviewing the human rights record of all member st...

Ugandan musician #ZiggyWine has died on 4 August 2019 as a result of injuries sustained after being abducted and tortured.
#Freemuse calls for credible investigation on the death of Ugandan #musician.

Freemuse calls for credible investigation into death of Ziggy Wine

Ugandan musician Ziggy Wine has died on 4 August 2019 as a result of injuries sustained after being abducted and tortured reports BBC Africa.

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