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This news story I've filed away in the folder labeled "World's Smallest Violin."

It's from dnyuz.com, which is some kind of news aggregator website. Headline: For Disney, a Stricken Empire.

Disney is of course the Disney mega-corporation. The coronavirus lockdown has been devastating to them. Their fourteen theme parks are all padlocked; their eight movie studios are empty and silent. Mickey and Minnie are out there on Riverside Drive begging passers-by for scraps of cheese.

Cry me a river. This is the company that fired its computer staff and replaced them with cheap H-1B guest workers from India. Suck it down, you bastards.

And then he should have gone all out Snake Plissken and quarantined the New York City area to keep New Yorkers from infecting the rest of the country, but as a native New Yorker, it’s hard to imagine Trump being that disloyal to his beloved hometown.

ames Fulford's article above mentioned Jared Taylor's statement in his article on the Arbery case, that a black person is nearly 30 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.

On the subject of America's crime statistics, the current administration has done nothing to restore the famous Table 42 in the Bureau of Justice Statistics website.

If you don't know about Table 42, it is the one headed "Percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender" in the "Victims and Offenders" list at the BJS web page "Criminal Victimization In The United States — Statistical Tables."

The data in it comes from the National Crime Victimizations Survey, which is conducted every year. So this is victim reports, nothing to do with arrests or convictions.

On Table 42 you can look up, for example, how many reports of rape and sexual assault there were in a year, broken out by the race of the victim and the perceived race of the offender. In 2008, for example, I see that 16.4 percent of the white victims of rape and sexual assault reported a black perp. That's around nineteen thousand victims.

How many black victims of rape and sexual assault reported a white perp? Well, Table 42 says zero. Only one household in three thousand gets sampled for this survey, though; so that zero just means the number reported is too small for the sampling math to get anything meaningful from.

With that and some other slight qualifications aside, Table 42 is a pretty nifty reference on interracial crime … Except that the "is" there should be "was": The Bureau of Justice stopped publishing Table 42 in, let me see … oh, 2008 was the last year. How strange!

The BJS still publishes tables from the NCVS data, but it seems that all sexual offenses have been thrown in under the general heading "violent victimization," with no separate tabs for the type of violence.

We can, of course, never know—nor even guess!—why that particular table, Table 42, was discontinued in that particular year. The public at large lost a useful source of information there, though. Will the present administration restore it to us? Or, if they will not, will they tell us why they will not?

"I don't care about the self-reported molestation, which the old fraud probably made up anyway, but "anti-white messaging"? Hallelujah! In a town in the USA, in the Year of Our Lord 2020, a school board has banned a book for "anti-white messaging."

"there is a pattern—though not a precise pattern—whereby Hispanics and Blacks are the most over-represented among Covid-19 deaths in the more northerly states and are the least over-represented in the more southerly ones."

'If you are murdered by a black or other sacralized minority—an illegal immigrant, say—your death will at most be a few column inches on page fifteen of your local newspaper, if your town still has one. So far as our Establishment elites and Main Stream Media bubbleheads are concerned, White Lives Don't matter." - John Derbyshire

"Apparently, the AP thinks that Joe Biden is stuck with picking adventuress Kamala Harris for his Veep and wants to lock in that it was True Love that brought the youthful Kamala and the elderly Mayor Willie Brown together." - @Steve_Sailer

"Granted, I understand why they lied: America shamefully didn’t even have enough masks for emergency room personnel after having them sucked up off our store shelves by the Chinese who mailed them back to China." - @Steve_Sailer

“I was trying to prove a point that Europeans had colonized the world, and as a result of that, we see a lot of evil today,” he said. “In terms of slavery, it was something that needed to be answered for. I was trying to spread the message of making white people mend.”

The night before the shooting, Thandiwe said he attended a gathering to discuss helping black people find equal footing and was upset that two white people were also there. The lingering anger caused him to bring his gun with him to work the next day, he said.

"In fact, there is a pattern—though not a precise pattern—whereby Hispanics and Blacks are the most over-represented among Covid-19 deaths in the more northerly states and are the least over-represented in the more southerly ones."

ICE SVU saboteurs, working with the American Civil Liberties Union and a kritarch, have peremptorily surrendered unconditionally on a baseless lawsuit to release illegal aliens from custody in California despite the fact that the China Flu is in remission and California is starting to reopen. This mass organized escape also includes illegal aliens who were already scheduled for deportation. Obviously none of these illegal aliens will be seen again and will require massive resources to locate and arrest once the lawsuit has been thrown out. To date, only one illegal alien has died in ICE custody where the death was attributed to the Wuhan Virus.

"So, for convenience, I will assign blame to the obvious suspect, Kushner. But President Trump is to blame, the buck stops with him. He needs to get control of his Administration, if only to save his own bacon from indictment if he loses in November."
