PAYAL ROHATGI & Team- Bhagwan Ram Bhakts认证账号


Indian Actor/ Yogi/ Gujarat board Topper/Computer Eng/ Former MissTourismWorld/ Opinionated Indian Woman/Proud Hindu/Love who love India 🙏

加入于 2010年5月
生于 11月09日


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  1. 置顶推文

    I am a proud . I am NOT ashamed to love my religion. I respect other religions but I am proud of my religious beliefs. I don’t belong to any particular industry. I belong to MYSELF & my abilities to better as an Actor/Performer. I am NO sheep. I am Humanbeing with a brain.

    和另外 4 人
  2. It comes as a surprise that many against the Shed don't know the difference between a Forest and a Pastureland . Kids are feed with wrong information on effects. Pls RT 🙏

  3. 1小时前
  4. 5小时前

    If you are in NYC, do drop by. I’ll be there.

  5. One side they rape hindu girls and females while other side they have courage to say oxymoron like rape of a kafir woman in unlawful. Sad Part, Hindus still keep believing till his /her family devastated due to rape, forced conversion, mental torture etc. CC

  6. 1小时前

    There is no father of the Nation, "Nation itself is Father to everyone" Modi ji correcting Sins of Congress Govt to INDIA "Modi is great son of Bharat"

  7. Ram Ram ji 🙏 Muslim/Dalit brotherhood 😡 Shame on these men & fact that they recorded this heinous crime. These Rapists should be hanged and twitter pls don’t mark this tweet of mine as else it will mean U promote such crime 🙏

  8. यूपी के कौशांबी में एक मीम के बेटे ने एक भीम की बेटी के साथ न सिर्फ बलात्कार किया बल्कि उसकी वीडियो भी बनाकर वायरल कर दी लड़की भीख मांगती रही कि भैया मुझे अल्लाह के नाम पर छोड़ दो लेकिन वह दरिंदा फिर भी नहीं माना ! महिला आयोग, मोमबत्ती गैंग मौन है क्योंकि बलात्कारी मुसलमान है ??

  9. 1小时前
  10. खेल-खेल में नारे लगाने वाले बच्चों को पॉंच दिनों के लिए निलंबित किया गया है। अक्टूबर में इन बच्चों की परीक्षा होनी है। मामला झारखंड के जमशेदपुर का है। जिला शिक्षा पदाधिकारी तक पहुॅंची शिकायत।

    和另外 7 人
  11. 1小时前
  12. Ram Ram ji 🙏 Muslim/Dalit brotherhood 😡 Shame on these men & fact that they recorded this heinous crime. These Rapists should be hanged and twitter pls don’t mark this tweet of mine as else it will mean U promote such crime 🙏

  13. 1小时前

    The Global Goalkeeper Award conferred by the Gates Foundation to PM Modi is a recognition of New India’s resolve for cleanliness under his leadership. I congratulate PM for his relentless efforts in the field of sanitation and to make Swachhta a Sanskar in India.

    和另外 7 人
  14. 撤销
  15. Ram Ram ji 🙏 Now waiting for ji who is from to say that she hates Shri ji 😉 Afterall that’s what she believes and promoted during earlier 🙏

  16. 4小时前

    कोटि कोटि नमन लाखों कार्यकर्ताओं के प्रेरणास्रोत , राजनीति के आदर्श कार्यकर्ता , मानवीय चिंतक , राष्ट्रवादी , प्रखर विचारक , हमारे पथ प्रेरक . . . . श्रद्धेय पंडित दीनदयाल उपाध्याय जी की जयंती के अवसर पर उनको . . . शत् शत् नमन , "

    和另外 7 人
  17. 3小时前

    “Sorry... I’ve been told to only speak about Kashmir by my handlers....” - Malala Yousafzai

  18. Ram Ram ji 🙏 I heard your PR is so powerful that u lock your opponents accounts on for 24hours 🙏 I am scared 😟 But can u what this woman is saying 🤔 Do u have ears ? This is woman 🙏

  19. This is pure bliss.Just the name of Hari evokes so much of happiness and brings a smile on everyone. कुछ इनसे भी हमें सीखना चाहिए ! Video Credit :

  20. ये अपने अच्छा नही किया अमित जी कभी अपने बेटे को भी "हॉट सीट" पर बैठाओ।।😁😁

  21. Ram Ram ji 🙏 I heard your PR is so powerful that u lock your opponents accounts on for 24hours 🙏 I am scared 😟 But can u what this woman is saying 🤔 Do u have ears ? This is woman 🙏



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