Devi Shanker G.Nair.


Right Winger,Die hard RSS and BJP Supporter.Nation is supreme, Devout fan of Modiji.

Bengaluru, India
เข้าร่วมเมื่อ พฤษภาคม 2561


คุณได้บล็อค @Devishanker15

คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการดูทวีตเหล่านี้ การดูทวีตเหล่านี้ไม่ถือเป็นการยกเลิกการบล็อค @Devishanker15

  1. 3 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Unsung, unpaid RSS heroes will not find mention in any of the libtard lutyen media, mostly consisting of JNU bred nuts, still subsist on doles offered by Commies, Jehadis and Italian Congress.

  2. ได้รีทวีต
    10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Did you know that Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund has always had the President of Congress party in its managing committee? Appointing Congress President to Trusts meant for public welfare, funded by tax payers is criminal. That's the reason!

  3. ได้รีทวีต
    10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    is this true? source please. this would be a fun fact.

  4. ได้รีทวีต
    13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Madhya Pradesh: Police personnel and doctors, nurses&other medical staff at Narmada Trauma Centre in Bhopal applaud each other as a mark of gratitude for rendering services amid .

  5. ได้รีทวีต
    1 เม.ย.

    My father died at 7pm yesterday from COVID-19. My mother is quarantined & positive. My dad is not allowed to have a funeral. The only way I could comfort my mother was through a window, 5 ft. away on both sides. She begged us to leave, scared she would lose us too. Stay inside.

  6. ได้รีทวีต
    1 เม.ย.

    Some have asked to share this. Please do. My situation is brutal. Even if it’s uncomfortable please talk to your housemates + loved ones about why it’s CRUCIAL to stay inside & get ahead of the curve. You may not feel sick but you could accidentally end a life. Stay inside.

  7. ได้รีทวีต
    19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    It is sufficient if you keep quite and stop venturing their hut just for lip service to snatch their cup of tea. Rest the .

  8. ได้รีทวีต
    19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    In a short while from now, at 9 AM, will be sharing a video message for the people of India. Do watch.

  9. ได้รีทวีต
    2 เม.ย.

    An announcement was made from a mosque to heckle and not cooperate with health workers. Now where have I heard announcements from mosque before?

  10. ได้รีทวีต
    19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    I am constantly attacked by the people who want to convert Hindus ... they want me to STOP this campaign ....this is the only way I can get back ... please join my team ! ----

  11. ได้รีทวีต
    2 เม.ย.

    This is Shit Man !! She hasn't even passed high school but pretends as a Professor & Constitutional Expert sitting in front of large number of book shelves 😀😜

  12. ได้รีทวีต
    20 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    This was the guy in vaniyambadi who was responsible for hitting the health workers - the cops took him in

  13. ได้รีทวีต
    2 เม.ย.

    In Madhya Pradesh a priest was brutally beaten up by Rewa SP Abid Khan (in pic), for performing puja alone in a deserted temple and breaks Puja samagri. pay heed !

    , , และอีก 7 คน
  14. ได้รีทวีต
    2 เม.ย.

    "Khaled"..... Name is Khaled. Sick person. Mental case. Brother, Better get well soon. No point in dying in suffocating your divine soul for no fault of her. 🙏

  15. ได้รีทวีต
    2 เม.ย.

    Sorry friends I had missed one Avatar that is Sharabha Avatar thank u for informing me. The Sharabha form of Lord Shiva is part bird and part lion. According to Shiv Purana, Lord Shiva took the form of Sharabha to tame Narasimha, the half lion avatar of Lord Vishnu.

  16. ได้รีทวีต
    1 เม.ย.

    ● Avadhut Avatar This incarnation was taken by Lord Shiva to crush the arrogance of Lord Indra. Thank you 😊 Source : boldsky PC: Google

  17. ได้รีทวีต
    1 เม.ย.

    Lord Shiva then presented some grass before them and asked them to cut it. It was Lord Shiva's attempt to destroy their false pride through this divine grass. Hence, nobody could cut the grass and the pride vanished. This form of Lord Shiva then came to be known as Yaksheshwar.

  18. ได้รีทวีต
    1 เม.ย.

    ● Yaksheshwar Avatar Lord Shiva took this avatar to take away the false ego from the minds of the Gods. When the deities after defeating the demons during Samudra Manthan, had become arrogant, Lord Shiva disliked it as pride was not a quality for gods to possess.

  19. ได้รีทวีต
    1 เม.ย.

    Shiva had tested her determination to marry him.



ทวิตเตอร์อาจรองรับปริมาณผู้เข้าใช้ไม่ไหวหรืออาจมีอาการสะดุดนิดหน่อย ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง หรือลองดูที่ สถานะของทวิตเตอร์ สําหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม

