Post By Steve Sailer on 09/28/2019
From the New York Times: Black Virginia Girl Says White Classmates Cut Her Dreadlocks on Playground The police said they were investigating a report by 12-year-old AA that three white students forcibly cut portions of her hair at their Christian school. By Christine Hauser and Neil VigdorSept. 27, 2019 The police in Northern Virginia are investigating a report by a black 12-year-old girl that thr...
Post By Steve Sailer on 09/28/2019
From CBS News a couple of weeks ago: Naval Academy probing apparent noose found in school buildingSEPTEMBER 10, 2019 / 6:04 AM / CBS/AP Annapolis, Maryland — The U.S. Naval Academy is investigating after what appears to be a noose was found hanging on academy property on the 56th anniversary of the March on Washington. Naval Academy Superintendent Vice Admiral Sean Buck said in a statement Friday...
Post By Steve Sailer on 09/28/2019
As we all know, nobody is pro-Open Borders. (They’re just anti-enforcement of virtually any and all immigration laws.) Well, except for the 2019 Labour Party. From The Guardian: Labour members back proposal to give all UK residents voting rightsMotion to extend franchise to millions of immigrants passes easily at party conference by Frances Perraudin, @fperraudin, Wed 25 Sep 2019 Labour members h...
Article By Lance Welton on 09/27/2019

Earlier, by Lance Welton: Why Teenage Climate Crusader Greta Thunberg Is A “Watermelon”—And Why She May Change sixteen-year-old Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg stood before the UN, berating some of the most influential people in the world for having “stolen” her childhood, any alien zoologist, let’s call him Kang in honor of the alien in The Simpsons, would have been fascinated. “Why are these humans listening to a word this girl’s saying?” he might have thought:

Her frontal lobes aren’t fully formed, meaning she is deficient in the ability to reason. She’s nowhere near the human intelligence peak, which is reached at about the age of 40. Her physiognomy, and evident autism, are, together, signs of partial fetal alcohol syndrome, meaning some kind of subtle cognitive impairment, as is clear from her simplistic, Doomsday approach to life.

So how can this Greta Thunberg have become so important?”

The answer, Kang will eventually conclude, is that humans seem to have a propensity to worship children as gods, and that the Cult of Greta Thunberg is simply the latest manifestation of this. 

Kang is likely to remember other fieldwork observations that will make sense of what he is seeing.

Kang has already noted that although many of the Western elite claim to be atheists and to reject their culture’s religion of Christianity, they have in fact adopted a kind of a post-Christian “secular religion” that is extremely similar to it. Indeed, a human anthropologist, a Romanian called Mircea Eliade, has observed that in left-wing Left ideologies, God has been replaced by a fervent belief in Fate, and specifically in the belief that History will unfold in a direction of greater “social justice” and “equality,” such that something like “the Kingdom of God” will one day be reached on earth. For these Leftists, their beliefs have the quality of the “Sacred,” which is the essence of religion.

Radio derb By John Derbyshire on 09/27/2019
02m04s  Bowdlerizing a progressive classic. (It's not easy being progressive.) 04m52s  Counterculture goes bourgeois.  (The Stones un-stoned.) 06m44s  Fox deep-sixes Idiocracy.  (Too much reality.) 08m55s  Florida drops Stephen Foster.  (Black English yes, black dialect no.) 14m18s  No more old, weird America.  (Conform or else.) 18m29s  Tennyson's bicentenary.  (Poetry doesn't come any better.) 2...
Post By James Fulford on 09/27/2019
Some good news about immigration from the Trump Administration: Here's why it's important.In Lewiston, Maine, two men fought over a woman, one of them armed with a knife, the other with a gun. Despite jokes about bringing a knife to a gunfight, this is not a foregone conclusion, and with American emergency medicine involved, neither is dead. Local police have decided to charge the gunman, above, w...
Post By Brenda Walker on 09/27/2019
Politicians often act as if film and videotape of past events did not exist, so they routinely make statements that are polar opposites of what they have said previously. They rely on friendly news outlets not to embarrass them by broadcasting examples of their hypocrisy. It’s unlikely, for example, that CNN and MSNBC are showing clips of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler expressing dis...
Post By Steve Sailer on 09/27/2019
From the New York Times: … The whistle-blower, a C.I.A. officer detailed to the White House at one point, first expressed his concerns anonymously to the agency’s top lawyer. … Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The New York Times, said The Times was right to publish information about the whistle-blower. “The president and some of his supporters have attacked the credibility of the whistle-blow...
Article By F. Roger Devlin on 09/26/2019

With Individualism And The  Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins,  History, And Prospects  For The Future, Prof. Kevin B. MacDonald has once again produced a volume that thoughtful defenders of the Western tradition and European descended people cannot afford to ignore

The book (full disclosure: I helped edit it), was self-published by MacDonald because it would be too hot for any scholarly press to handle in the present climate.  This is in sad contrast to MacDonald’s famous trilogy applying evolutionary theory to Judaism (A People That Shall Dwell AloneSeparation and Its Discontents and The Culture of Critique) which was published by Praeger in 1994-1998, during what has called the “Interglacial,” the relatively free period after the fall of the Soviet Union before the forces of Cultural Marxism regrouped.

It begins by summarizing what is known of the recent evolutionary history of European Man—with special reference to the trait of individualism—and proceeds to show how this background has conditioned European history all the way up to the controversies of the present.

Article By Patrick J. Buchanan on 09/26/2019

Earlier, by Patrick J. Buchanan: Will 'Ukraine-Gate' Imperil Biden's Bid? and by Ann Coulter: The Transcript We Really Want To See

Even before seeing the transcript of the July 25 call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Nancy Pelosi threw the door wide open to the impeachment of Donald Trump by the Democratic House.

Though the transcript did not remotely justify the advanced billing of a "quid pro quo," Pelosi set in motion a process that is already producing a sea change in the politics of 2020.

The great Beltway battle for the balance of this year, and perhaps next, will be over whether the Democrats can effect a coup against a president many of them have never recognized as legitimate and have sought to bring down since before he took the oath of office.



By Lance Welton on 09/27/2019

Earlier, by Lance Welton: Why Teenage Climate Crusader Greta Thunberg Is A “Watermelon”—And Why She May Change sixteen-year-old Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg stood before the UN, berating some of the most influential people in the world for having “stolen” her childhood, any alien zoologist, let’s call him Kang in honor of the alien in The Simpsons, would have been fascinated. “Why are these humans listening to a word this girl’s saying?” he might have thought:

Her frontal lobes aren’t fully formed, meaning she is deficient in the ability to reason. She’s nowhere near the human intelligence peak, which is reached at about the age of 40. Her physiognomy, and evident autism, are, together, signs of partial fetal alcohol syndrome, meaning some kind of subtle cognitive impairment, as is clear from her simplistic, Doomsday approach to life.

So how can this Greta Thunberg have become so important?”

The answer, Kang will eventually conclude, is that humans seem to have a propensity to worship children as gods, and that the Cult of Greta Thunberg is simply the latest manifestation of this. 

Kang is likely to remember other fieldwork observations that will make sense of what he is seeing.

Kang has already noted that although many of the Western elite claim to be atheists and to reject their culture’s religion of Christianity, they have in fact adopted a kind of a post-Christian “secular religion” that is extremely similar to it. Indeed, a human anthropologist, a Romanian called Mircea Eliade, has observed that in left-wing Left ideologies, God has been replaced by a fervent belief in Fate, and specifically in the belief that History will unfold in a direction of greater “social justice” and “equality,” such that something like “the Kingdom of God” will one day be reached on earth. For these Leftists, their beliefs have the quality of the “Sacred,” which is the essence of religion.

By F. Roger Devlin on 09/26/2019

With Individualism And The  Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins,  History, And Prospects  For The Future, Prof. Kevin B. MacDonald has once again produced a volume that thoughtful defenders of the Western tradition and European descended people cannot afford to ignore

The book (full disclosure: I helped edit it), was self-published by MacDonald because it would be too hot for any scholarly press to handle in the present climate.  This is in sad contrast to MacDonald’s famous trilogy applying evolutionary theory to Judaism (A People That Shall Dwell AloneSeparation and Its Discontents and The Culture of Critique) which was published by Praeger in 1994-1998, during what has called the “Interglacial,” the relatively free period after the fall of the Soviet Union before the forces of Cultural Marxism regrouped.

It begins by summarizing what is known of the recent evolutionary history of European Man—with special reference to the trait of individualism—and proceeds to show how this background has conditioned European history all the way up to the controversies of the present.

By Patrick J. Buchanan on 09/26/2019

Earlier, by Patrick J. Buchanan: Will 'Ukraine-Gate' Imperil Biden's Bid? and by Ann Coulter: The Transcript We Really Want To See

Even before seeing the transcript of the July 25 call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Nancy Pelosi threw the door wide open to the impeachment of Donald Trump by the Democratic House.

Though the transcript did not remotely justify the advanced billing of a "quid pro quo," Pelosi set in motion a process that is already producing a sea change in the politics of 2020.

The great Beltway battle for the balance of this year, and perhaps next, will be over whether the Democrats can effect a coup against a president many of them have never recognized as legitimate and have sought to bring down since before he took the oath of office.

By Lydia Brimelow on 09/26/2019

See earlier: Dog Whistles And Lion Whistles: Neither Trump Nor IS “Signaling,” But SALON, VICE, and VOX Really Believe It!

LIMITED TIME: Donate now to get your own VDARE flag! Contributions of $100 or more receive a free flag while supplies last.

Back in August, when Donald Trump revealed his 2020 campaign logo, the Main Stream Media including Vox, Salon, former fact-checking site, and VICE rushed to find – ahem, manufacture – any reason to smear the President. They homed in on his lion flag, an image that has been floating around the internet since at least 2015.

According to TinEye, a reverse image search website, *once* in 761 instances where the lion flag image was used in the past four years, was in a tweet from

On the one hand, it’s flattering to think that the MSM is so scared of’s immigration patriotism that they think a 1/761 chance that Trump got his logo from our tweet, is a strong chance.  On the other, it’s startling to consider the resources that must be focused on us. Heck, we didn’t even remember that tweet – but our enemies never forget!

As usual, the MSM defamed us as “white supremacist” and “white nationalist” (see our FAQ page: Is “White Nationalist?”), but we also received an outpouring of support on social media including the comment, “if you sell this I will buy it.”

Ask and you shall receive!

Announcing the Limited Edition VDARE 2020 Flag, hot out of our Pittsburg manufacturing facility:

By Allan Wall on 09/25/2019

Boo Hoo! Guatemalans Illegals in Trump’s America Don’t Feel Welcome

Guatemala’s Prensa Libre (Free Press) rang alarm bells last week about the mistreatment of Guatemalans, especially activist Guatemalans, in Trump’s America. A solution might just be for Guatemalans, to go live in, oh, I don’t know, Guatemala. But alas, everyone has a right to live in America except real Americans.

And foreigners, particularly illegal aliens, have the right to lobby for Open Borders.

To engage in activism in favor of migrants in the United States has become a difficult job in recent times for Guatemalans and the Hispanic Community in general. Animated by the anti-immigrant rhetoric of President Donald Trump, some Americans have taken on the task of reporting some leaders of organizations who are under investigation by migratory authorities.

[Líderes migrantes en EE. UU. se sienten más perseguidos y en riesgo (“Migrant Leaders in the United States Feel More Persecuted and at Risk”), by Sergio Morales Rodas, Prensa Libre, September 19, 2019]

Prensa Libre’s Morales Rodas (right) also offered the harrowing tale of an illegal-alien activist in Houston Texas.

This past September 5th, Roland Gramajo Reyes, a Guatemalan leader of Houston, Texas, who has been living in the United States for 25 years, was detained and now faces a process of deportation. All his family, wife and five children live in the United States and are U.S. citizens.

Gramajo,  Morales Rodas [Tweet him] explained, was deported home in 2004 only to return. Then he became a “Guatemalan leader.” Guatemalans could probably use a few good leaders back home, but an anonymous tipster reported Gramajo’s whereabouts:

[P]ro-migrant groups say that…fear among the Hispanic community has grown because they know that now agents are under more pressure to enforce the law and utilize every means at their disposal to do so.

Imagine that. Agents are “under more pressure to enforce the law.”

Walter Batres, member of the Guatemalan Migrant Network, does not discard the possibility that the detention of Gramajo was a reprisal by the authorities for the activism that he practices in Houston.

If true, it would be an example of “strategic deportation,” a smart move that would help cripple illegal-alien activism.

But to Guatemalan illegals, it means something evil is afoot: