Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Happy New Year from the Harz...

Hello Droogs,

Happy 2019! I‘m in the Harz region of Germany, enjoying a three-day getaway to cap off an eventful year, one marked by celebration and stress in equal measure. To Live and Shave in L.A. and its various affiliated offshoots were as busily creative and prolific as ever, and a slate of new releases are set to roll out soon.

Forgive the spotty updates in the last quarter - we were dealing with serious health issues and I was just too preoccupied to focus. I missed alerting you to many events, and I‘ll backtrack a bit in coming days to catch you up.

For the nonce, a few images from the trail.



Friday, August 17, 2018

To Live and Shave in L.A.: Ireland September 2018!

Hi all,

We're heading over to Eire at the end of next month to perform in four cities. Along for the ride with Rat Bastard and myself will be Sigtryggur Sigmarsson and Lucas Abela!




Friday, June 01, 2018

Beauty Power Codes: An Index of Endings

A special Soundcloud mix created from the final moments of four of the nine performances featured on the new Sensationists compilation by To Live and Shave in L.A., released June 1, 2018 via Karl Schmidt Verlag.

Beauty Power Codes: An Index of Endings (7:46)

Baltimore (3 June 15) > Chicago (26 May 15) > Detroit (27 May 15) > Richmond (4 June 15)

TLASILA: Rat Bastard, Graham Moore, Patrick Spurlock, Kelly Jamison (Balto only), Mark Shellhaas (Balto only), Andy Ortmann (Chi only), Julie Huntington (Detroit only), Gavin Perry (Richmond only), and Tom Smith.

Edited by TS from the original masters on June 1, 2018 at KSV, Hannover.

Graham, Tom & Beatriz from the "Sensationists" Digital Booklet (Rude Bridal Perfume)...

Graham, Tom, Beatriz. From the Sensationists booklet. Photography by Nuuj, 2015.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

New from Karl Schmidt Verlag!

TLASILA: Sensationists: USA 2015. Nine extraordinary performances, nearly 330 minutes of previously unreleased ur-musik. Available now at KSV Bandcamp.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

TLASILA: Sensationists!

To Live and Shave in L.A. - Sensationists: USA 2015. Nine blistering performances from our May-June 2015 tour of Obama Country. Available on Friday at a reasonable pre-2018 tour price from Karl Schmidt Verlag.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Boat Of: Forbidden Mourning Practice

Hi all,

The new Boat Of compilation, Forbidden Mourning Practice, will soon be available via 777 Was 666. Comprising material recorded between 1980-1983, and featuring members Mike Green, Carol Levy, David Gamble, Sandra-Lee Phipps, James Walker, Doninique Amet and yours truly, the C45 isn't intended as a comprehensive anthology. Rather, its outré selections suggest a point of entry.

Out in June! Limited to 100 copies.



Friday, May 25, 2018

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Notice:

Hello again,

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) comes into effect today.

Please note the following:

1) TLASILA Blog collects no data. Our mission is to share information about the experimental music collective To Live and Shave in L.A., related artistic projects and ventures, and issues of aesthetic and social importance to the group's members and supporters.

2) This blog engages no one to collect data on our behalf.

3) As we do not collect data, we employ no means to do so.

4) We have neither a reason nor a desire to harvest anyone's data.

5) As we do not collect data, we do not use any such data.

6) We share data with no one. We do not advocate sharing data, and we do not intentionally share data.

7) As we do not collect data, we believe there are no persons with reason to be concerned about any such collection.

8) We do not use others' data, and as such we cannot imagine that anyone would object or complain to our policy of not collecting other peoples' information.

Thank you for your support.


Tom Smith, TLASILA

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Merkwürdig Riechnerv: Big Show Next Saturday!

Hello again,

Andreas, Bianca and I will be performing as Merkwürdig Riechnerv on the 12th at OSCO // Open Space, the indoor venue of Platzprojekt in Hannover. We've been rehearsing like mad to make up for the down time necessitated by my broken leg and various away trips by B and A, and it sounds just as unpredictable and galvanic as before. If you're in northern Germany, we expect to see you there.

Happy New Year from the Harz...

Hello Droogs, Happy 2019! I‘m in the Harz region of Germany, enjoying a three-day getaway to cap off an eventful year, one marked by celeb...