Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Momentary Pause at the Birthdeath Cafe...

One of our favorite hillside restaurants suddenly closed not long ago - we went back to rural Springe to hike their verdant paths and check up on the sturdily German (yet relaxed, vegetarian-friendly) boîte. It was a near-ruin. Sigh. At least the hike was fun...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

T/SMS: Poster for Oberdeck Concert, 28. März

Hi Again,

Getting set for the next T/SMS performance, spreading flyers, the usual and necessary palaver. These posters adorn the door of the storied Oberdeck. Catch a late flight and meet me there!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Evil ones, hello! Hello!

We've snapped out of our coma especially for YOU. As promised, as delayed, as promised and delayed again: eight slabs of asphalt ripped from mixed metaphors and presented for your delectation by Karl Schmidt Verlag!

Editions of 15.

2008-2009 pricing, re KSV's fifth-year anniversary. Eurozone, €7.49 postpaid. Elsewhere, €9 postpaid. PayPal: tlasila [at] gmail [dot] com.


(KSV 361) Alan Courtis & Aaron Moore - Oberdeck 11. März

 (KSV 360) Grizzly Imploded - Autotomia

 (KSV 359) T/SMS - Kuzka's Mother

(KSV 317) Paranoid Leather - Subkontra-Oktave (Sturmglocke 20130330)

 (KSV 316) Correspondence Digest - Frame Within the Frame

(KSV 315) Ecimusd - Live, Sturmglocke, Hannover (30. März)

 (KSV 314) Ava Mendoza's Unnatural Ways - Sturmglocke: 20130216

(KSV 313) Esme Contusion - Please Stop Yammering About the Blood


Many thanks for your interest and patience. KSV is a life diary. Events intervene, subside...


Sunday, March 02, 2014

Au revoir Alain Resnais...

Alain Resnais is gone. Heartfelt thanks for Les statues meurent aussi, Nuit et brouillard, Hiroshima mon amour, L'Année dernière à Marienbad, La guerre est finie, Je t'aime, je t'aime, Stavisky, and all the other works you helmed. RIP...

Obituaries: Guardian / Le Monde



Happy New Year from the Harz...

Hello Droogs, Happy 2019! I‘m in the Harz region of Germany, enjoying a three-day getaway to cap off an eventful year, one marked by celeb...