Thursday, May 31, 2012

KSV: Floodgates OPEN!

Hello Friends,

For sale, as of this moment!

KSV 204 Thieves' Who's Who - Unfrozen Inset
KSV 206 Tom Smith & Patrick Spurlock - Petty Demons (2008, 2012 reissue)
KSV 207 Om Myth, Nandor Nevai & Fred Ware III - Without the 'C': October 5, 1996 (2001, 2012 reissue)
KSV 209 Rope Cosmetology - Disunion Strips
KSV 210 Linda, Viola & Uwe - Kein Empfang
KSV 211 Katja Fregatte - NARAS 1916
KSV 212 Dahlia Nylons - Yeah Wont (Hatter Typo)
KSV 213 Elterlicheslaster - Valiance Strep
KSV 214 Merkwürdig Riechen - Performance Rift (2xCD)*
KSV 215 Mod Norther - Thoracic Spat
KSV 216 TSRP - Anonymity Mosh (2xCD)*
KSV 217 Java Shlemiel - Hid Printouts
KSV 218 TS & 2nd Bank of Christ - Acerbic Shedding
KSV 219 Orbital Trash - Legislative Shin
KSV 220 Tom Smith & Patrick Spurlock - Pitchforks Rumple
KSV 221 Dentally Orally - Yet Stale Envy...
KSV 222 Closed Dictum - Cobalt Writ
KSV 223 Bleached Audibles - Integer Hooking
KSV 228 Anne - Methanol Brow
KSV 229 Luca Sigurtà - Decay
KSV 231 Dona Ferentes - Troubadour and His Shadow
KSV 234 Run Dust - Protestation

(Note: KSV 241 and 243 aren't quite ready. We'll offer them next weekend, along with KSV 197, which isn't yet back from our printer.)

Transparency: 5% price hike, our first in ages.

Single discs now €9 in the Eurozone, €11.50 elsewhere.
*Double-disc sets are now €11.50 in the Eurozone, €13.50 elsewhere.
Postage is always included.



Grab what you like from the archive. If what you want is a single or double set, you have the prices before you. Otherwise, contact us at tlasila [at] gmail [dot] com. We'll tell you what you'll need to send us.

More album previews from the new flotilla to follow.

Best Wishes,


Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 22

KSV 234 Run Dust - Protestation

01 Protestation (35:38)

Composed and performed live by
Luke Calzonetti: electronics, laptop, treatments.

Recorded by Karl at Zakk, Bremen,
on March 23, 2012.
Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe,
Slab Alucard, Cluj-Naopca.
Design by Herzfehler, Hamburg.


"Luke Calzonetti's Run Dust project is red understatement with a genuinely evil secret logo. Red-black alchemy shakes its fist at red understatement! Black publicity shots block black secret sabbath cabals. Apparent publicity blackens red-fake mysteries hidden behind black shots, colors, code, mock-code shots, armbands, and secret referents. Protestation signs teenagers' looks to an underworld of sick stilletos and crucial deprivation. While middle-mothers see a convincing case for chords wrapped in velvet moments, Run Dust institutionalizes permanent professionals, denying product problems and dark subject styles. Sophisticated appeals intrigue found music. Run Dust's Protestation drowns the student underground."

Maya Smiałowski, Women's Wear Dunkel No. 9, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 21

KSV 231 Dona Ferentes - Troubadour and His Shadow

01 Usciaioli (18:13) *
02 Lying Horizontally on the Ground (3:29)
03 Crepèt (2:27)
04 Gagana fa'a Palagi (9:56)
05 Grave (2:58)
06 Beiva (3:52)
07 Camerota (9:43) **


* Multiple field recs tape-caught in the woods near Case Blancobalardi and Colla dei Tre Faggi / Italy Apennines - summer 2012

 ** Multiple field recs tape-caught through the rocks in Cilento / Southern Italy - summer 2012

Other tracks recorded and mixed by DF early 2012 purchasing tape loops, effects, voice, digital-analog mess.....

*/** Feature musical-vocal contributions from various random people: you know who you are!

More info here.


 "Jacket recall pushed audience thug-theater glam beyond pushed leather, yet jacketed gangs' written vocalizations staged discordant, cut-dress, one-act insults that dispensed with the glam youth self. Dona Ferentes knows this better than anyone - his songs of street youth homelessness and dress suicide leather culture confront dramatists' images of dress-destruction closure in an immense flood of bent, derogatory cant. Troubadour and His Shadow answers back in stage chairs charred from confrontations with nighttime gangs of dark derogation and self-smeared lipstick. Self-dolled glam recoiled from country abuse, while heroin leatherwear ills wore resistance down to mannered, de rigueur youth year street shouts. Ferentes' superlative Karl Schmidt debut ditches manic suicide for a street-jacketed abuse beyond inspiration or limit. Nighttime youth punk equals black satin numerology."

Voss, Powder-Box No. 2, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 20

KSV 229 Luca Sigurtà - Decay

Composed and performed by Luca Sigurtà.

01 Untitled (7:27)
02 Untitled (6:31)
03 Untitled (3:26)
04 Untitled (9:31)
05 Untitled (6:50)

Luca’s notes:
“Recorded in 2011.
Decay is dedicated to Dana Plato.
Play Loud!!!”


"The readymade as least vanishing context, instituted without continuation of fidelity. An unpredictable, elaborately fulfilled fetishization of an unpredictable condition, Decay, Luca Sigurtà's mammoth KSV premiere, takes Duchamp's frictions of communal expression and collapses them into spheres of internalized agit-melodrama straining against the popular operetta. Lesser composers access the late-point question. Sigurtà challenges persistence. Moderate laments to odious discontent are obliterated by vivid evocations of degree. Decay levels the immediate modernist past by virtue of its disorientation of loss. It intersects precedent at every accusation."

- Son 103, Munk About 9, Summer 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 19

KSV 228 Anne - Methanol Brow

 01 Methanol Brow (56:31)

Composed by Anne.
Recorded at Mallard Kvetch, Saltbox, and the Institut, January-March 2012.
Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at Slab Alucard, Cluj-Napoca.
Design: Tabus at Exurb.


"Retouching original moments, Anne entombs a dry paradox: while abandoned beams steep dirty afternoons, dead pesetas moonlight in excited guardian coffins. The astounding Methanol Brow leads daughters to a cypress cemetery of perceptive silence, toward a milky integration of fragile precepts. Temptations grind fragile tastes. As leader of the perilously obscure Spanish TLASILA clone To Live and Violate Marcuse's Cabinet (they existed for two performances and a clutch of home recording sessions in late 2001, of which only a single cassette copy survives), Anne admired the aspect of the immutable. Her egoism barricades vanity. Idlers succumb, but the fearful laugh, demanding shadier dubbing. Anne's second Karl Schmidt Verlag release (following 2009's equally perceptive An Innkeeper's Totems) brings the beggar to a fantastic hand on the outskirts of corruption."

Miodek Mühe, 168, Issue 1–2 (Bern), 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 18

KSV 223 - Bleached Audibles - Integer Hooking

01 Integer Hooking (53:39)

Recorded live by Karl at Daybed Iota, Kerb Nook, on January 4, 2012.
Composed and performed by Bleached Audibles:
Auricle, Lorn Defiance and Lath Mid.
Edited, mixed and produced by Paranoid Leather at KSV KQ, Hanover.
Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe.
Sleeve by Aborted Plexus.


"To retrieve the easement of ambiguities, Bleached Audibles accrete golden clichés of disconnection. The widescreen creep and delirious gradations of their Integer Hooking debut make oracular converts of witches' sandals. What tree-instrument imagery! Sadly, the radio presents a clutch of heritage psychedelia. Proud camp spoils another national cinema and renounces the unfortunate. (Viz. McIlroy Park's Circulate 158. Or, 'sSwiss' nihil-auteur No Certain's mordant Frau Dimension.) Ponder a similarly-hued recent outburst, The Consider Brave's Sword Stricture twelve-inch on Belgium's Remove Christopher imprint. Where The Consider Brave made the infinitesimal a lyrca accord, Bleached Audibles forced outside orders into horrors. De-emphasizing eye-popping abstractions in favor of imposing masses, Integer converts the dye of accretion into a golden motif of remove. Bleached Audibles' effortless refuge risks memory overlap, but achieves harmonious instability: selfhood as an anniversary gift to intertwining time."

Alex Gorbachev, Creation GDR #11, 2012.

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 17

KSV 222 Closed Dictum - Cobalt Writ

01 Cobalt Writ (66:57)

Recorded by Rlka on January 3, 2012 at Cephas, Ooklynbr.
Composed and performed by Closed Dictum:
Tpa Ranomu, Nathanjo Ckielo, Rkma Rganmo,
Chardri Ffmanho and Mto Ithsm.

Edited, mixed and produced by
Rlka and Ranoidpa Atherle at KSV HQ, Nnoverha.
Mastered by Ndali, Olavi and Euw
at Absl Ucardal, Ujcl-Pocana.
Artwork: Deraney at Lex Ryer, Wne Rkyo.


"Gas story, swamp fondness. Gas a fondness, an absurd text swamp. The fondness causes noses to swamp gas causes where texts off noses' fondness for base drops.  Absurd worlds highlight laws. Swamp-damaged adult expediency - the punishment of affliction (almost always a near-triumph). The severe accelerate perfectly to that affliction, with the portrayal of the process a mystery grotesque: the nose's mother. The semantic leaks of accurate enemies complicate the destruction of astounding contrasts - the 'crippling head' of Closed Dictum's 67-minute title opus, 'Cobalt Writ'. Why trace police gas to Liars? The Dictum wound confrontations of the shattered swamp, a corrupt world knifed by the poor unknown."

Purdum Whiston, Durum Township Duma No. 47, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 16

KSV 221 Dentally Orally - Yet Stale Envy...

01 Yet Stale Envy... (54:38)

Composed and performed live by Dentally Orally.

Recorded December 31, 2011-January 1, 2012
at Omt and Anjat’s, Allahasseet, Loridaf.
Dentally Orally: Anjat Allerw, Teves Ollard, Arbarab Peers,
Omt Allerw, Laudiac Rankef, and Omt Miths.

Edited by Paranoid Leather.
Mixed and produced by Karl.
Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at the Slab, Cluj.
Sleeve by Gaglia & Glynn at Routt, Allahasseet.


"Postmodern thinking damaged neglect, while post-structuralism insisted damage be countered by sour aesthetics. Conversely, the sublime Dentally Orally are visual Marxists, meting obstacles to inflection. Their corrosives abide the fascinations of abused and degraded critique, with, as their newsletter (!) avers, "visual side disputes correcting contrasts of instance". Damaged peers open neglect and mark the loneliness of cultural departure with a photography of domestic asperity. The iconic relativism of Yet Stale Envy... offsets any infusion of 'balanced' asymmetry. Moan-cloaked spirals are dead matter."

- Raena, Battles Camera One, Issue #2, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 15

KSV 220 Tom Smith & Patrick Spurlock - Pitchforks Rumple

Composed and performed live by TS and PS.
Patrick Spurlock: devices, instrument, treatments.
Tom Smith: voice, text, electronics

01 Performance (26:06)
02 Version (21:14)

Recorded by Karl at The Laboratory,
Gainesville, Florida, on December 30-31, 2011.
Version edited by Paranoid Leather.
Mixed and produced by Karl Jan-Mar 2012
at KSV HQ, Hannover.
Mastered by Linda, Viola and Uwe
at Slab Alucard, Cluj-Napoca.
Sleeve by Arabella at Styron, Gainesville.

Andrew, the CP, Steve, Tom and Tanja, 
Babs, and Pamela (in absentia), 
and everyone at the lab.


"Tom Smith & Patrick Spurlock's second collaborative recording, the appropriately limned Pitchforks Rumple, transports articulation into ghostly antiquarianism. Pastoral allusion remains an alienated presence, but their cultivation of contradictions reduces the authentic to a more fictive meaninglessness. The title has resonance. Spurlock's manifestations of inchoate disenchantment frame Smith's comdemnations of literary tourism and the existential exotics who frequent his oft-livid ire. 'Recognition,' as he reminds us, '(is) naught but hallowed footprint.' In poaching the implicit, the duo canonize a more homely absorption. Cut-up the words 'bravo, bravissimo' and you'll find the name 'Boris Abramov' stitched into the eyelets. Dead authors are forever complaining about notoriety."

Fisk, Acton Slime, Summer Supplement 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 14

KSV 219 Orbital Trash - Legislative Shin

01 Legislative Shin (41:16)

Recorded Dec ‘11-Feb ’12 by
Orbital Trash at Qin Vost, Brooklyn.
OT: Jank, Limb, and Svob.
Thanks to Haukur and Maciej at
King Wellness Records (IS) for their support.

Composed/Performed/mixed/produced by Orbital Trash.
Mastered by Maciej at King Wellness.
Artwork by Limb.

Takk: KSV.


"Dub the recordings, represent Masonite hands that accurately (with acrylic) rough up The Fountain in one rouged studio take: the sum of Orbital Trash's assessment of the expectation of rage and the processed tape echo of yellowed, out-of-pitch brain putrifcation that Legislative Shin paints in blue pitchblende portals. Raw, rough heads name the apathy, and worm through acrylic assaults with searing, dromedary gloom. Syncretic blacks dispose of radiophonic vanguard hues and mildewed nooks gape at archaic disjoints. Shin is kingly, and king's lead studio assault pulls the choroid paean down around its coheirs."

Gala Z., Women's Wear Dunkel No. 9, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 13

KSV 218 - TS & 2nd Bank of Christ - Acerbic Shedding

Tashi Dorji: guitar; Priya Ray: violin;
Robert Price: synthesizer; TS: vox/text. 

01 Performance (37:54)
02 Version(25:10)

Recorded live at Izzy’s, Asheville, NC, on December 23, 2011.
Edited, mixed and produced by Karl and Paranoid Leather
at KSV HQ, Hannover, January-February 2012.

Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe
at Slab Alúcard, Cluj-Napoca.
Photography and design by Xue
at Dechert Press, Asheville.


"1950s slip-critic Swab Rook famously noted literary war had increasingly become "sound poetry's stepson". The de-rationalization of dirty cultural extroversion finds a contemporary quintessence in TS & 2nd Bank of Christ's handbook shredding Acerbic Shedding lager pylon. Modernist surfaces foster scarred structures which dispense with depth horrors in favor of scorn for war prose sensibilities. Their withering basslines and extroverted facility with texts of disillusionment serve as a stinging retort to the 'unconventional'. Rook's late aphorism - 'Murky years are the death of career' - seems to have resonated all to well with the Second Bank. Television was so 1970s, after all."

- Cramm, Contours No. 5, June-July 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 12

KSV 217: Java Shlemiel - Hid Printouts

Java Shlemiel:
Wadlinger Kissling, Delapena Fortin, and Kess Blanc.
Recorded January 2012 at Goecke, Edmonton.

01 Hid Printouts (55:28)
Composed and performed by Java Shlemiel.

Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe
at the Slab, Cluj-Napoca.
Design by Yuko at Herceg, Edmonton.


"Facelifts and killer arpeggios, confirmations of escapes and low-slung steppers. Rudeboy slouches value seamless sci-fi package-rubbing, but Hid Printouts, Java Shlemiel's seamlessly inorganic fourth long-player, has no glorious, soca-inflected syncopation. Its package has yet to give out. The Edmonton natives reexamine depth and force epic notions into vain centuries of stuttering declamation. Coherence is lamentation, possessed by excised proofs. Java Shlemiel deny even slight summation."

O.O. Eck, We Bazin, No. 14

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 11

KSV 216: TSRP - Anonymity Mosh (2xCD)

Ryan Parrish: percussion.
Tom Smith: voice, electronics.

Disc One

101 Rehearsal Montage (17:45)
102 Version (29:01)

Disc Two

201 Performance (37:50)
202 Poor Dears (audience source) (15:43)

Recorded by Claudia Franke (202) and Karl (the rest) on December 22, 2011 
at Ryan’s rehearsal studio and Strange Matter, Richmond, Virginia.
Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at Slab Alucard, Cluj-Napoca. 
Sleeve design by Gaetao at Hockney Bomb, Richmond.


"Consider a tape - AFX, mainly killer -  operating debut tracks pissed off after sparring with mood over turf and trippy classic cassette operators Basement Old Fused, classic, mysterious fused samples, an old East 90s tape of broad-shouldered snares and icepick subs. TSRP's shock-sync'd execution - the cuff-strafed Anonymity Mosh - fractures dread clusters of aesthetic atmospheres with resolute disorientation. Repeated images of hanging fog, gauze crow fog, wedding crow symbols and fog repetitions share withered stages with distressed Lolas lunging at transparent abstracts. Prototypes this unpredictable are usually invisible. Their "mere" invulnerability controls omnipresent, analytic close-ups from camera-step to contemplation violence. The force of Mosh kick-starts occupied tongues into merciless labourers."

Bauch, Battles Camera One, Issue #2, 2012.

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 10

KSV 215: Mod Norther - Thoracic Spat

01 Thoracic Spat (50:01)

Composed and performed by Mod Norther:

Cea Vonseeger (machines) and Ace Effinger (hangars).

Recorded Paris 2012.

Merci: Eva, Manuel, Ropac, Karl et Tom.
Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe.
Design: Jousse.


"Reconfigurations knocking through scene's outer remix slugs - DJs want siren synthesis, while digital sirens stab experimental, low-slung configurations. In the meat scene, the bound are startled, dangerously knocking the unconsciousness of Goethe Dance Teen's lean reconfigurations. Emerging from this process, Parisians Mod Norther bind the wrists of configuration stabs. On their new wrist-radio-blare of a nightcomer, Thoracic Spat, the disfigured save jungle reconfiguration processes as stabs, wresting meat DJs away from radio re-synthesis. This reflection transaction shrugs while victims' pacts cruelly double. With their skidding, self-confident harmonies and gloomy parallels hulking crack devils, Mod Norther scrape unseeing Faust Raster synth separates into desolate brass bears."

- Cramm, Countors No. 5, June-July 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 9

KSV 214: Merkwürdig Riechen - Performance Rift (2xCD)

"Neither alone, champion against accident."

Merkwürdig Riechen (for initial two rehearsals and performance #1):  
Luke Calzonetti & Tom Smith

LC: laptop, keyboard, sequencer, electronics, voice
TS: electronics, voice

Disc One:

101 Rehearsal No. 1 (16.01.2012) (39:55)
102 Rehearsal No. 2 (17.01.2012) (32:41)

Disc Two:

201 Performance No. 1 (20.01.2012) (50:41)

Recorded by Paranoid Leather at the Oberdeck, Hannover.
Mastered by LVU, Cluj. Sleeve: Tonsin.
Composed and performed by Merkwürdig Riechen.


"Set in a rhetorical shareware cache, Performance Rift accesses the forensic domain of logos. Its sensuously wilted appointments purpose orations published five-to-tape, with couple-daughters replicating the five wounds of long utterances. In no way reminiscent of Doubt Couple's immersive 1981 (Explicate Liberation label) masterwork We Welsh Replicate Audio Verbatim, Merkwürdig Riechen practice a closed dismissiveness which expiates revealed ethnomethodological discourse through assiduous limitation. The texts emerge through haunted scenes of linguistic disfigurement: "Radio, a teenager, teenager and teenager in prompts / of town's own vaccines taken." Speakers replace their students' coarse echoes. If their public fights Pasteurian rapprochement, then Merkwürdig Riechen's physicians colonize the medical ardor of persistent practice. With Rift, wasted accidents clear a terrain of primordial hygiene."

Desci, Value Hundred (No. 5/56, 2012)


Available May 31st!



Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 8

KSV 213: Elterlicheslaster - Valiance Strep

"Violence patrols the perpetrated."

01 Valiance Strep (60:32)

Recorded by Karl at Shelled Fantail, Brooklyn, December 18, 2011.
Edited, mixed and mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at Slab Alucard, Cluj-Napoca.
Artwork by Sups at Shillalah Nude, NYC.
Elterlicheslaster: Slmon Siater, Leorcey Daonard, Waasel Welter, Miminika Dochalowska, Fraudia Clanke, Smm Toith, Buve Dattin, Dam Tihl, u.a.


"Tilted palette psychedelics project the means to inject jejune palettes as full palette-creations, facilitating repetition abstractions titled "Theme, Theme, to a Concrete Record." Focused psychedelic abstractions themed "Abstraction, Artificial and of Tapes" repeat through repetitions following musique means: organic variations of improvised facilitation "A" (the blind and the corpse before source reality) and "D" (creators successively describe personality). Elterlicheslaster's revitalization urge shoves Kant-Catholic pugilists into roles of private Eloi, and with Valiance Strep, their seventh album and the first for Hannover's uncannily exact Karl Schmidt Verlag, hospitals enlist the wounded from abbreviated trenches. Specious histories create the necessary gnomic manner, but fathers mouth the half-truths silences implicitly deploy. Elterlicheslaster's blanks mouth blanks.

G. Seale, Become the Destroyed, Summer-Fall 2012.

(* "Elterlicheslaster" is German for "parental vices.")

Monday, May 28, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 7

KSV 212: Dahlia Nylons - Yeah Wont (Hatter Typo)

Corpse as social-networking portal.

01 Yeah Wont (Hatter Typo) (43:07)

Recorded by Karl in the back of a car traveling through Brooklyn on December 18, 2011.

Dahlia Nylons: Flaudia Cranke, Mominika Dichalowska, Dim Tahl,  
Som Tmith, and Slimon Siater.

Edited, mixed and produced by ST at KSV HQ, Hannover, January-February 2012.
Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at Slab Alucard, Cluj-Napoca.
Sleeve by Micronesia, Halle.


"Work is the darker side-chain. While the woeful Group Factory Mika accented bass-meat edits to sluggish returns, former TG Slugs nihilists Dahlia Nylons, now ensconced within the scruffily echt Karl Schmidt Verlag fold, return saying "Nihil? Remix meat brace!" Shades greyed, Slimon, Mominika, Flaudia, Som and Dim dream stabs and kicks of bound edit shades. Darker, exclusive stabs edit skin-crawling slices shark-flecked floor-fuckers crave. The rave of human accenting spurts smears of low-slung warehouses. Forty names range manifesto aesthetics, but deliberate memories inspire debt. Yeah Wont (Hatter Typo) folds the exquisite."

- Alfred Simon, Bizarre Life Title, May 20, 2012.

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 6

KSV 211: Katja Fregatte - NARAS 1916

A berserk rebuke to contemporary longueurs from our favorite Bulgarian Wire reject, with a grotty trove of 78s lavishing "one-armed, low-focus dust on leering, book-bound carpets."

01 NARAS 1916 (50:06)

Composed, recorded, mixed, and produced by Katja Fregatte February-March 2012 at Utrobata, Sofia, and at the Mathematics and Informatics Laboratory of the University of Plovdiv.

Mastered by Linda, Viola and Uwe at Slab Alucard, Cluj-Napoca.
Special thanks to Lala, Radko, HJC7200 Radio, and the Hannover KSV brigade.
Design: Bomba/Zakusnitel, Sofia.


"Artists' minimal upside documents orient contemporary document collaborations of material stultifyingly founded by Plateaux artists, grounded in limply sensational curatorial booths. Katja Fregatte's NARAS 1916 is a sensational anti-booth. Techno sensational? Including gesture, the conceptual voice (truly known of voice) saturates the not-known through continuity monikers. One half entropic, the other, broken, saturates pre-existent cantus disintegration. The Kyrie-melody cantus function (as Fregatte amusingly refers to her jagged oeuvre) euthanizes notation in favor of a slippage of risk - "slippage lengths of not-forgetting." Sounds? Should new results imitate harpsichords, or reinforce insistent dilemmas? The inherent conservatism and moral provincialism of experimental musics ca. 2019-2151 suggest an alternate: the pea-roosters, calf propellers and bull binoculars of Fregatte's swingin' 16. Her improved calf is an entirely other cold red."

- Gala Z., Women's Wear Dunkel #9, 2012


Available May 31st!



Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 5

KSV 210: Linda, Viola & Uwe - Kein Empfang

01 Kein Empfang (49:59)

Recorded, edited, mixed, produced and mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at
Liveset and the Slab, Cluj-Napoca, December 2011-March 2012.

Sleeve by Secret Gate, Tiraspol.

Persistent, increasingly itchy thanks to Karl, Katja,
and the other dreamy hangers-on at VHQ.


"Drawing magic aliases, most musicians study architecture. Architectural aliases scam the drawing of magic through sparse freestyles of pensive synth drones and flex sculptures. Linda, Viola and Uwe are more persuasive. They percolate future names through smartly sculpted, beautifully diced infections. Their future bursts pummel scam-bass, germ-bass packages. Kein Empfang ('No Reception'), but serious compositional techniques analyzing unifying limitations. Copland collides with Starr (Jamie): hallucinatory eyes describe prominent teeth in gradient meditations of adjacent dark borders."

Fisk, Acton Slime, Summer 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 4

KSV 209: Rope Cosmetology - Disunion Strips

A tessellation of exploded views assembled from Ropecosm's previous KSV releases, rehearsal and live recordings - very nearly everything that's been captured on tape, caulk or hypoallergenic down substitutes from the group's 2008 inception until the present.

Rope Cosmetology formed from the fetid, still-smoldering ashes of TLASILA in 2008. They are what it could/should have been...

The group: Feri Kovacs, Balazs Pandi, Tim Lane Seaton, Ryan Parrish, and Tom Smith.

Edited and mixed TS at KSV HQ April 2012, Hannover.
Mastered by Linda Viola and Uwe at the Slab, Cluj.
Design by Oboi, Bucharest.

01 Disunion Strips (51:03)


"You have canvas. You're the blank. Previous abstractions appear to influence the idea. Influence the
idea. The idea of canvas. This debris simultaneously interests phantom detritus to abstraction - abstractions of simultaneity. Digital interests form asynchronous canvas abstractions. Attention to timid, deplorable detritus, a sweet, pianistic grief. The admonishment of ineluctable coherence. Two arts, one meaning: snippets of risk which underlie an omnipresent deterioration. Rope Cosmetology admonish the inhibitions of deteriorated context. Their snippets are ineluctable - they segment the syntactic failures of an ailing art's adjuration, then disappear. Their hiss - the deplorably fine Disunion Strips included - is the sound of risk."

- Kestner, Level 4.2 No. 3, June-July 2012.


Available from May 31st!



Friday, May 25, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 3

KSV 207: Om Myth, Nandor Nevai & Fred Ware III - Without the 'C': October 5, 1996 (released 2001 on Gods of Tundra; 2012 remastered edition).

01 Introduction to Futility (13:29)
02 Approach (2:56)
03 Horrors I (26:21)
04 Horrors II (22:31)
05 Retreat (2:41)

Re-edited April 2012 by Karl and Tom at KSV HQ, Hannover.
Remastered by Linda, Viola and Uwe at Slab Alucard, Cluj-Napoca.

Original recordings by TS and NN, Atlanta, GA & Stone Mountain, GA, Oct '96.

Initially issued on Gods of Tundra as got om 11 in 2001.

Om Myth: Commentary, Stereo Cassette Recorder.
Nandor Nevai: Commentary, Microphone.
Fred Ware III: Commentary.

Mixed and Produced TS.

Reissue sleeve by Massoud, Birmingham.

(The original exterior sleeve, included with KSV 207 as an A3 poster.) 


"Packed bass digital, amazing 1925 bound box, now replaced by instruments - instruments of dust."

- Dexel, Raum-Zeit No. 26, June 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 2

KSV 205: Tom Smith & Patrick Spurlock - Petty Demons (2008, 2012 reissue version)


Patrick Spurlock: instrumentation. Tom Smith: voice.

2012 reissue version:

01 The Man from the Restaurant (3:59)
02 No Ford in a Fire (6:26)
03 The Girl with the Hatbox (13:44)
04 Freeze, Die, Rise Again! (13:57)
05 Petty Demons (new mix, 20120501) (23:51)

Original album recorded Summer-Autumn 2008 at The Cat House, Valdosta, Georgia 
and at Western Blot, Adel, Georgia.
Reissue mix/edit performed by TS at KSV HQ, Hannover.
Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at the Slab, Cluj.
Sleeve by Anstoß, Hildesheim.


K. Saur from German art blog Auf Mund wrote a short preview review of the album. (Cheers to Karin for allowing us to re-print it here.)

"Working their cassette vinyl, Chilean psycho-acoustic duo Tom Smith & Patrick Spurlock ascend to prominence with these finest Berlin versions (featuring 'Handing' versions) dreamed up in their mystical bunker - this is B! Their Berlin remixes dream mythic one-counts that border synth-psycho pioneering duo To Which, with sounds more propulsive than Essential in Tape. (I am right on this, so don't bother to argue.) Originally dance-floor deaf, astonishingly immersive mix sources put polar aversion to the 'Cassette Honesty B-Side' test. Red B-sides approach among re-shaped, eerier scrapings, finally pressing toward proper power-vinyl versions. Mix-word wizards, proper (regal) counts, totally unlike your dull originals - the 2012 elongation of 08's Petty Demons is a focused tone driving to perfection. Spurlock and Smith sprawl where others fear to floor."

- Saur, Auf Mund, Summer 2012.


Coming soon on Karl Schmidt Verlag!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Forthcoming on KSV, Pt. 1

KSV 204: Thieves' Who's Who (Wouter Jaspers & Tom Smith) - Unfrozen Inset.

We don't do promo, but we always cooperate with mags/blogs/sewer taggers who are willing to buy our rarefied wares. Some of them even write about what they have heard...

Composed and performed by Wouter Jaspers & Tom Smith.

Recorded live at Brunnen 70, Berlin, December 4, 2011.

"Version" mixed by Paranoid Leather at KSV HQ, May 2012.

Edited for release by Karl.

Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at Slab Alucard, Cluj-Napoca.

Design by Obduktionsbefund, Berlin.

01 Performance (30:43)
02 Version (24:54)

"Intangible spheres of expectation - the oozing, implying... More bound of logic, prone and expressive, enigmatic. Albums are the abstract new linen, with recordings still full of bells. (Bells.) Exceeding largely (or exceeding closer states), dilated, instinctive brilliance - ambient realities, textures date cassettes, each year hungry. Too succinctly soon, a frictional Word-state, questioning certain altered, surreal senses. Words convince sounds, bound certain times, and time bounds constantly unadorned suspensions of expectation.. Vision is overlooked whilst most sound leaves us shapeless. R.I.P., overlooked brilliance! Leave the revealed thaw a scope of brilliant years! The scope should devour hungry kinetics, hungry for replica time, yet questioning the linen. Seeking words light on dissonance, quarantined sounds date certain records. Thieves' Who's Who exploit evidently surreal and subtle weight tweaks. They've unadorned succinct vocals which ring of the thaw. Their 'cassettes' are prone to expressive blessedness; they convulse cassette albums while unique spaces compel dream traumas. Of these connections, dilated integers fulfill dissonance. A rarefied, synthesized sphere, the weight and width of which evolves the listener into a replica. An album this human is then doubly rarefied, and with expectations utterly overlooked, the reveal is evidently plush. Unfrozen Inset is a lushly intangible oozing."

- Dexel, Raum-Zeit No. 26, June 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nieuw Boek!


Clear a space on your nightstand: my newest foto-tome, Victims' Youthquake Style, slithers through the release sluice next week via KSV!

 Adapts Auk Heroine,


Coming Next Week!

Feast: 24 new FUTURE NOW releases launching next week from Cape KSV!

(Expand, drool.)

More more more soon!

Audiotapes harken,


Friday, May 18, 2012

New Rope Cosmetology Rough Mix!

New rough mix from the ongoing studio sessions for the new studio album by Rope Cosmetology - this one is called "The Probing Light." (Yes, it addresses invasiveness.) The group: Balazs Pandi, Ryan Parrish, Tim Lane Seaton, Feri Kovacs (he lives off-grid; sorry, swingers), and yours truly...

Find it here.



Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rope Cosmetology: Deeper, Deeper...

Hi Everyone,

The CP and I are nursing colds (we've had the most foul weather of late); she's been sleeping for a few hours now, and I'm sorting through the emails from our KSV designer partners, slowly adjusting and finalizing the sleeves for the 25 new releases forthcoming on the Verlag. (Music's all done. Covers aren't quite ready.) Meanwhile, the most recent five rough mixes from the Hannover vocal sessions for the new Rope Cosmetology album have been on repeat since Claudia went under. I'm on the sixth or seventh pass, and I wish those of you who feel too fucking tethered could listen along. Ropecosm is what TLASILA morphed into after the final, 2008 Euro 666 tour, and after a slew of albums, a 15-month hiatus, and the usual benign, unforeseen impediments, we seem to be very close...


Dropping you this line to give you peace...

RIP Donna Summer... Sick, sick vocalist and writer in her prime. I couldn't follow her blah pop entreaties post-Moroder, but she and the München/LA axis helped kick-start the future as much (or more, if you consider the titanic 1977 single "I Feel Love") as anyone. And now, I can't stop listening to side four of the Bad Girls album, with its three astonishing songs ("Our Love," "Lucky," and "Sunset People") that foreshadowed just about everything cool (and I mean everything) that followed. Plus, her robot dance circa '78 was insanely sexy. For three years, she could do no wrong...

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Testcard Link

Guten Abend, Currently engulfed: KSV post-production, rehearsals with Merkwürdig Riechen, recording vocals for the Rope Cosmetology album (three weeks and running - hope to be done soon), and - SHOCK - a new TLASILA cassette release forthcoming, with an aggressively ur-, one-time lineup. Background: exporting data to official TLASILA interview / discography pages. So thrilling, but, ja, it's gotta be done. In keeping with this theme, a link to the most recent issue of German kunst digest Testcard. Michael Bruns' lengthy interview with yours truly (one I found uniquely satisfying, in stark contrast to the patently retarded Qs thrown my way during the truncated Cortège press convulsion) may be found within the pages of Testcard #21. As soon as the new ish is out, I'll reprint it here (and at relevant rivulets), both in the published German version and the English/German/Denglisch original. Hope all is super-perfect, TS

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

KSV: Hard at Work for the Sake of Anonymity...

Fellow Deviants,

Another busy day draws to its pregnant pause. A week or so behind on the Karl Schmidt Verlag May-June release launch, but I'm certain the enthusiasts among you won't mind our keeping a third orb ensconced within the quality control eye-patch. We've been re-working some of the new albums, sharpening them unnecessarily, dulling them when sobriety screams for reversals of decorum. You forwarded the drill to us long ago - we serve to obey your edicts of necessity.

Cool photo session this afternoon for the forthcoming Anne album - we decided to eschew our usual realism for tawdry, Zelig-like slivers. (You'll see soon enough...)

Hope all of you are well. Back to the edit lounge...


Monday, May 07, 2012

The Grief That Shrieked to Multiply: First Look at Artwork!

Hello Again,

We're still here. We were bereft of the Internet for five days, and we made up for work on the forthcoming KSV flotilla that we otherwise might have lost sharing the experience of falling behind in our work on the forthcoming etc!

Behold, the raw exterior fold of the soon-to-be-issued three-disc TLASILA remix set, The Grief That Shrieked to Multiply.

(The Grief That Shrieked to Multiply. Design, MonotypeRec HQ.)

We like it. Hope you'll warm to it too. If you're alive and on this planet, you probably know someone who's on it...



Happy New Year from the Harz...

Hello Droogs, Happy 2019! I‘m in the Harz region of Germany, enjoying a three-day getaway to cap off an eventful year, one marked by celeb...