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Ziad Asali MD
Founder, American Task Force on Palestine. Retired. Universal Values.
Washington D.C.americantaskforce.orgMayıs 2013 tarihinde katıldı

Ziad Asali MD Adlı Kişinin Tweetleri

One of the strangest campaigns of our times is the one to vilify, insult and ‘to get’ Dr.#Fauci. He sits at the top of the global pyramid of expertise and authority in public health, epidemiology & virology. His critics view #Covid through prisms of convictions and politics.
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Dr. Fauci on Ted Cruz saying he should be prosecuted: "I should be prosecuted? What happened on January 6, senator?" And on Republicans scapegoating him: "That's okay. I'm just gonna do my job, and I'm gonna be saving lives, and they're gonna be lying."
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Thanks for the retweet . Yes, #Egypt is the cradle of civilization. 7000 years of recorded history of a people on their own land. And thank you for your focus on Egyptian antiquities, museums and the need to preserve and promote these glorious irreplaceable treasures.
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#Stuckathome coz of #Coronavirus, then take a tour in #Egypt's Kodak Agfa's finest arts and history trips: A day at the #Egyptian #Museum of #Cairo bit.ly/2AIUete #StayAtHome #VirtualEgypt #Photography #ExperienceEgyptfromHome #AncientEgypt #MENA cc @EgyptianMuseumC
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Ana sayfa zaman akışında takip ettiğin konular hakkında Tweetler görmek için kaydol.


A Cure for Type 1 #Diabetes? For One Man, It Seems to Have Worked. - The New York Times. No medical #breakthrough surpasses curing diabetics by implanting insulin producing cells. A patient has already been cured and will need no insulin shots. Read this.
The first announcements by Israel about NOT moving ahead with a neighborhood in decades. Diplomats must be talking to each other and not just to their constituencies.
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BREAKING: Israel told the Biden administration that it will not move ahead with building a new neighbourhood in Atarot in East Jerusalem, Israeli official tells me
#UAE and #Israel are moving together on the joint venture road of business, security and information technology.
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Ex-defense minister Moshe Ya’alon to head UAE-based Israeli VC firm timesofisrael.com/ex-defense-min
#Camilla Gets a Ride from to Kick Off Jordan Tour | PEOPLE.com A highly publicized tour with warm expressions of friendship by British Royals to Jordanian Royals and friendly people. It will yield political and economic dividends.
It is time to establish a National Institute of Truth. A #multidisciplinary institute dedicated to developing precise tools to separate truth, facts and information from lies, fiction and disinformation. It can be modeled after MIT & other institutes of technology.
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"We know from chaos theory that even if you had a perfect model of the world, you'd need infinite precision in order to predict future events. With sociopolitical or economic phenomena, we don't have anything like that." - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Luxembourg Opens Criminal Case Into Lebanon’s Central Bank Governor. Riad Salame, #Governor of central #Bank of #Lebanon for over a quarter century, is the world’s longest serving Central Banker. His world Is crashing down on his head - as is Lebanon.