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Showing posts with label US. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Human Switchboard - Human Switchboard EP

Another gem from Bruce Rhodes, this time Human Switchboard. Their debut single was this same titled 4 track EP. If your a visitor to Frank Millers excellent Shotgun Solution blog you may have already heard their second single "I Gotta Know" and if not you can still hear it here.

If you want to know more about them then check out it out here.

So you get four outstanding tracks and I'm really struggling to pick my favourite, so I'm gonna have to leave it to you to decide. Bruce mentioned that these songs sound like something else, but he can't quite put his finger on it, and nor can I, so anyone got any ideas.? Then leave a comment.

Band: Human Switchboard
Label: Rug Label
Year: 1977
1. Fly-In
2. Distemper
3. Shake It Boys
4. San Francisco

Ripped from Bruce's glorious scratched vinyl

If you like this then there are two other singles and an album but I don't think there are in general print, so you have to search, beg and borrow.

Psycotic Pineapple - I Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Wanna Get Rid Of You 7"

Apologies for so little activity, I have really been struggling to find any spare time, and also for holding back this little gem from Bruce Jones. So as I'm still busy I'll let Bruce's own words tell you all about this band:

"Right... this is the second and final 45 by a Californian band called, "Psycotic Pineapple". Released on the U.S. Richmond label in 1979, "I Wanna Get Rid Of You/Ahead Of My Time" has been described as a bit like the Dickies with a pinch of 60's garage which is a fair comparison.
I prefer the B-side myself and to me there's a definite 60's garage thing going on. BTW, the B-side is a non-LP track.
The band also recorded an album in 1980 which is really cool if you like the 60's kinda garage feel and they do a couple of obvious garage covers. Speaking of covers, the artwork for the bands releases are excellent as are their posters."

In my opinion I prefer "I Wanna Get Rid Of You" but I agree it's a great slice of garage sound and would comfortably sit on the classic "Nuggets" collection from the 60's even this was released in 1979. As is often the way, it was a spooky coincidence that the same day Bruce sent this to me, the excellent Twilight Zone also posted their one and only album here.

So what do you think? Leave a comment and as always a thanks to Bruce, whose got some more gems coming soon.

Band: Psycotic Pineapple
Label: Richmond
Year: 1979
1. I Wanna Get Rid Of You
2. Ahead Of My Time

Ripped from Bruce's glorious scratched vinyl