Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Info. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Captain Crawl Repost

A big thank you to Chris from Captain Crawl for answering this post and giving some info on how Captain Crawl works (check out the comments for his reply).

Captain Crawl is back on ASFM.

I have left the orginal post below so anyone intrested can see the comments in context.

I have decided to give it the Heave Ho!, for three reasons:
  1. When I search for any ASFM posts, it doesn't find any of them (even though I have tried submitting more than a few times now)
  2. When I search for posts from most of the blogs in my links list, it doesn't find any of them either (try it)
  3. When I look for a contact or way to communicate with Captain Crawl to tell them, I can't find one.
So on that basis, goodbye me hearties to Captain Crawl.

If anyone does find a way to make it work then please let me know.

For now anyone searching will just have to use good old Google Blog Search here.