Robert Rohde


Lead Scientist . Physics PhD, data nerd, and cancer survivor. Usually focused on climate change, fossil fuels, and air quality issues.

Beigetreten Januar 2017


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    25. März

    This is a thread where I intend to collect some of my most popular pieces of original content from 2019.

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  2. vor 42 Minuten

    As a scientist, one of the best things about Twitter is being able to ask technical questions like this and quickly getting useful answers. Thanks all, especially .

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  3. vor 1 Stunde

    The Beal Conjecture, also known as the Tijdeman-Zagier conjecture, is that there are no such solutions. The banker Andrew Beal has offered a $1 million prize to anyone who can find such numbers or prove that they don't exist.

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  4. vor 1 Stunde

    Are there any examples where each number in the sum can be written as a perfect power greater than or equal to 3?

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  5. vor 1 Stunde

    Random math factoid: A 3-powerful number is any number whose prime factors are all raised the 3rd (or greater) power. There are known to be an infinite number of sums with two coprime 3-powerful numbers equaling a third. However the smallest examples are quite large:

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  6. vor 2 Stunden

    Hurricane is currently scraping along the coast of North Carolina.

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  7. hat retweetet

    The ongoing loss of multi-year (old) sea ice is one of the most striking components of climate change. Younger sea ice is generally thinner and more vulnerable to melt with numerous impacts to society and the polar ecosystem. [Now updated to 2019 ]

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  8. vor 15 Stunden

    As busy as the world seems lately, you might have missed a grim milestone. The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo recently passed 3,000 cases and 2,000 deaths. No recent acceleration, but still churning at ~7 deaths / day. 2nd largest outbreak ever.

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  9. hat retweetet
    vor 18 Stunden

    All planes: nope nope nope Hurricane hunters: YES YES YES

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  10. vor 23 Stunden

    Anyone happen to have a recommendation for where to get detailed absorption vs. wavelength curves for various atmospheric gases, possibly including information on the effect of pressure/temperature changes at various altitudes?

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  11. 5. Sept.

    So, where I am in Switzerland, apparently only chose to air Biden, Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, and Booker. This ran from 2 AM to 6 AM local, while I was sleeping. Anyone want to recommend a good summary of what occurred?

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  12. 5. Sept.

    With 2 days to go, the Joint Typhoon Warning Center is continuing to predict that may become the first Typhoon to ever be observed making a landfall in North Korea.

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  13. 5. Sept.

    Since I showed this graphic, maybe I should also show one of the estimates of how many storms might have been missed in the early period due to a lack of comprehensive observation technology. This from Vecchi and Knutson 2008:

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  14. 5. Sept.

    P.S. And yes, might also make landfall in Nova Scotia with hurricane force.

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  15. 5. Sept.

    Hurricane has regained Cat 3 status and is expected to bring hurricane force winds and dangerous storm surge to all of the South Carolina and North Carolina coasts. A grazing landfall in North Carolina is likely. This storm is not over yet.

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  16. 4. Sept.

    It might be instructive to compare the NHC's public guidance from the evening of the 27th to the afternoon of the 1st. Rather a lot can change in 4 days.

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  17. 4. Sept.

    That's a perfectly reasonable looking spaghetti plot for the morning of August 28th. Though it was very outdated by September 1st (4 days later) when you were tweeting about Alabama. Might be good to stay updated, since we already knew Dorian wasn't going to the Gulf by then.

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  18. 4. Sept.

    Well, that's unusual. The Joint Typhoon Warning Center has a forecast for Typhoon that makes landfall in North Korea. There has never been a typhoon landfall observed in North Korea. A few storms have been close but either weakened or came ashore in South Korea.

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  19. 4. Sept.

    When looking at Atlantic hurricane and tropical storm statistics, there have been modest upward trends. However, it is hard to know how much of that trend is a true change in the climate and how much is a side effect of improvements in our ability to observe and monitor storms.

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  20. 4. Sept.

    Looking at software code that I wrote 15 years ago, and wondering what the hell was I thinking...

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  21. 4. Sept.

    Category 5 Atlantic Hurricanes by Decade 1950s: 2 1960s: 4 1970s: 3 1980s: 3 1990s: 2 2000s: 8 2010s: 5 With all hurricane statistics one worries about observational bias in the older data, but the raw numbers sure don't look great.

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