................ .......Good Ole Country Music, Hillbilly, Western Swing, Rockabilly, Rock'n Roll, Blues... Since 2006

lundi 29 avril 2019

162 commentaires:

Boll Weevil a dit…


mike a dit…

Where has the blog gone?

Bernard a dit…

triste.... les malfaisants ont encore frappé....c'est bien dommage.

Bob Mac a dit…

So sad to see you have gone again Uncle Gil. I can understand how it's being pissing you off seeing your posts taken by low-lifes who sell them elsewhere.

Why not come back as a private blog? You know who your regular followers are. You can have us apply to join your private blog. That way you can still share all your great music with the true music lovers, but it will no longer fall into the hands of those assholes who sell your work.

Regards to you.

Bob Mac.

djmcblues2 a dit…

I agree so much with Bob Mac. Miss you already and wish you well<

Alain a dit…

Et beh, il y a dû y avoir du brin depuis hier...
Les fâcheux, ça finit par fâcher.
C'est peut-être pour toi l'occasion de profiter des longues soirées de clarté qui se pointent, ce serait bien mérité après tout ce que tu nous as offert.
Encore merci et à +, j'espère, Uncle Gil!

J.D. Hughes a dit…

So sorry you have to deal with this type of stuff.
Thank you so much for all the great music over the years.
There are so many great acts I would never have heard of if it wasn't for you.
Thank you again, best of luck to you in whatever you do.

Mike a dit…

Sorry that you are being targeted by jerks...
Thanks for all your efforts to share hard-to-find music. You have been a real musical education for me!
Mike M

Old Harry Tucker a dit…

Het is zo laag bij de grond dat dit gebeurt. Een site, die ons zo veel plezier oplevert en die om zeep geholpen wordt door zo'n ..........!!
Uncle Gill bedankt voor alle mooie en bijzondere mi=uziek in al die jaren die ik nu van jouw site mocht genieten.
Wat of je ook gaat doen, veel plezier en ik wens je al het goede voor in de toekomst.

Old Harry Tuckte uit Nederland.

Beemer a dit…

Sorry to read about the unscrupulous plagiarism of your hard work; I've enjoyed your blog for quite a while and have learnt so much about different genres of music. Your hard work is much appreciated. I only hope that a resolution to this problem can be found so that the large appreciative audience can continue to follow your blog.

Chocoreve a dit…

Merci pour tout, tout le meilleur pour toi et les tiens.

Crab Devil a dit…

I'm so sorry to see the blog shuttered, though I can also understand
your frustration. I hope you will consider adopting the approach which
Bob Mac has suggested.

jf a dit…

Merci pour toutes ces années de partage, rock'n'roll will never die!


Atomic-Age a dit…

Merci encore.
Keep on Rockin'

tomblues a dit…

So sad to see this happen, thank you for the very fine music and I hope with
many other followers that you will consider an option to come back.
Wish you all the best Uncle Gil!

Duke a dit…

You need to go private by invite only so you know who your members are! I will help you anyway I can.

Bruno Henri a dit…

Je compatis grandement. Merci pour tout.

skinnyjim64 a dit…

Lamento mucho que otra vez rompan tu trabajo
muchas gracias por la aportacion tan grande
que nos has hecho,GRACIAS

Charles D a dit…

Sad to see you go.

Anonyme a dit…

Merci pour tout Oncle Gil. Je comprends ton choix et le respecte. Cette sangsue de Stursburg ne mérite pas que tu l'engraisse. À un autre tantôt,

-Claude le Québécois

hounddogman a dit…

It's very sad to see your pages all empty again. Coming here on a daily basis means a lot to me and it has been such an invaluable musical education.
I sincerely hope that you'll consider Bob Mac's suggestion. If not, thanks a million for all your hard work through the years - it's been one hell of a ride!

MikeJ a dit…

Hi .... I can only endorse the comments made by many others ..... You have provided us with many many compilations .... an provided hours of great listening .... thank you for your contributions .... and I wish you all the best .... Cheers MikeJ

tony angel a dit…

would love to see you go private......no more crap from others.....

reggiecat666 a dit…

so sad what a great site there are some horrible people to mess with uncle gil best wishes to you and thankyou for you great work

Bob W. a dit…

I agree with the above suggestions to go private. However, I can easily sympathize with your frustration. Whatever you decide to do, I wish you well, and thank you for all your hard work in sharing these rarities. Your efforts are deeply appreciated.

Bob W.

TMD a dit…

Thank you, sir, for all the enjoyable moments of listening pleasure you've provided me with. I understand why, but you will be missed!

MichaelR a dit…

Very sorry to find the problems continuing. Whatever you decide in future, my wholehearted thanks for all the wonderful music you have generously gathered and made available.

OkieRambler a dit…

Jerks like the guy who has stolen your work is why we can't have nice things. Best of luck to you. Hope to see you online again in the near future.

Pépé a dit…

Salut Tonton
et à bientôt

thierry c a dit…

merci pour tout thierry

vacabilly a dit…

don't let the music die,thanks for all uncle gil

Дербенёв Вячеслав Николаевич a dit…

For many years i've been following you with lots of admiring... I think Bob Mack's proposal is quite good.


Begood2963 a dit…

Si vous aller en privé faite moi signe

rockin-djames a dit…

hi uncle gil

si tu decide de te mettre en privé . fais le moi savoir . merci.

pmac a dit…

Sorry your site is down. I thoroughly enjoyed your posts.

Anonyme a dit…


Abir Wait a dit…

Very sad! Your site brought us lot of music we didn't or had forgot.
If you ever go by invitation only, please count me in!

chuck a dit…

Sorry to find that some jerk is destroying your good work. I would very much like for you to go private by invitation only. It might help. Thank you for your great work in the past.

cdelint a dit…

Sorry to see you've been targeted again, Uncle Gil. I've loved your blog for years and you will be missed but your reaction is quite understandable.

Charlie Ramone a dit…

Sad to see your blog closed.
I found some great music here, especially your "homemade" comps.

Carol Ann a dit…

So sorry to see you have gone. Wishing you the best cheers xxx

Anonyme a dit…

Uncle Gil,
I'm sorry you lived us.
R'n'R will never die!

Alex Field from Rome, Italy

Tiny a dit…

Like Bob Mack , if you decide decide to go private , i for one would like an invite .
It's unfortunate that tending a rose garden , you inevitably get some pricks , good luck Gil ;)

codeg a dit…

This is very sad. I hope your blog stays and I'm already missing it. Thanks for what you have done, Uncle Gil.

hotrodmike a dit…

First, I thank you for making me aware of so much good music. I check in here every day. I understand your decision to stop the blog but hope you will consider making it private. No matter what, I wish you the best.

jcgolf a dit…

I love your blog, please don't let Internet Dinks ruin the experience for you. I would love to be invited if you ever take your blog private. Thanks for all the posts, very much appreciated.

Joe Farara a dit…

Thanks for all the great music. I appreciate all the hard work behind it.

keikibird@prodigy.net a dit…

Count me in Uncle Gil. Screw that a-hole!

Edwin Muller a dit…

Uncle Gil, I so appreciate the music you have shared .If you go private I would like an invitation. Take Care and Be Well. Ed

Lammert a dit…

Thanks for sharing the great music! Take care!

monk1950 a dit…

hope you come back soon

Anonyme a dit…

merci tu es a la hauteur et aussi fort que cette musique que nous aimons. rock n roll will never die

old rock a dit…

Hi my friend
What a shame,DAM,but if you go private, please let me know,
And a big thanks for ALL the music,GREAT

your friend


Juandi a dit…


Doofer a dit…

sorry to see you go.

link rae a dit…

- as always -
friends in hank !

Anonyme a dit…

Thank you, merci beaucoup, dank u, Uncle Gil. Wat heb ik genoten van de mooie en onbekende muziek die je ons geschonken hebt. Merci pour la belle musique.

Erwin, uit België.


au revoir et merci pour toutes ces pépites offertes ...

TheSingleGuy45 a dit…

Sad news to hear you closed your blog. It was always a
paradise for country & western lovers and now it's gone
cause some jerks screw up. However I hope you do the right
thing in future to keep this music alive.

Best wishes for you, Uncle Gil.

Doctor bop a dit…

Merci et a bientôt j espère votre blog est unique

jeanmi2102 a dit…

Merci pour tout... Et j'espère à très bientôt...

J. a dit…

Hiya Uncle Gill Dont Let Them Win Wish You Wisdom And Strenght Greetzzz

tonyclark a dit…

If you go private I would like an invite Uncle Gil, so enjoy your blog.

oldrockboy a dit…

Don't regret because you have lost your posts, you can start again if you want. I am always happy to read your blog.
Thank you for all your work so far.

Anonyme a dit…

Oh no...

Well, Uncle Gil, I wish to thank you for the great site and music.

Hopefully you will one day decide to come back.

Until then,

All the best!


Kevin a dit…

Such a shame. Like others I hope your return but thanks for sharing such wonderful music.

Jean-Pierre GUIGAS a dit…

Uncle Gil MERCI encore pour tout ! Et si jamais le bloc renaissait "privé" j'espère recevoir une invitation...


ralph11 a dit…

Merci pour toutes ces années. Le blog me manquera et je ne suis certainement pas seul.

Bonne chance.

Unknown a dit…

Miss your site. Where can i go ?. You are the best.If you go private please let me know.
Will miss you.

selene45 a dit…

Dear friend,

We will miss you. You have done so much to educate so many of us on the kind of music we love.

It is sad and depressing to see how hijackers can spoil the good work of the serious scholar.

All the best to you.

Barry a dit…

So sorry to see this. Thank for all the music and pure enjoyment you have provided.

Zoomer Roberts a dit…

I've followed you for years. If you go private, please include me.
Best wishes,
Zoomer Roberts

Elviskenpo a dit…

Suerte señores, espero con ansia su vuelta , UN SALUDO

Elviskenpo a dit…

Como ha dicho otro compañero, blog privado por invitación, SUERTE

Frank M a dit…

Une perte immense, pour toutes celles et ceux qui ont, grâce à vous, découvert tant d'artistes.
Le travail fut colossal et vous nous en avait fait profiter. Prenez soin de vous

westerly9 a dit…

Go with Bob Mac's recommendation!!! We'll keep the light on while you're out.

geep a dit…

Je n'étais pas venu depuis quelques jours, et d'un coup, plus rien. Merci pour ces quelques années pendant lesquelles j'ai découvert des trucs que je ne soupçonnais même pas.

Repose toi bien et reviens vite.

Shawn Adam Williams a dit…

Man, that's not fair.

Jp a dit…

Un grand blog qui s'éteint .... Dommage.
Keep on rockin'

harvey a dit…

Hate to be repetitive but you are truly the best.

If anyone will be sorely missed it will be you.

Thanks for all the years of quality giving


bigCman a dit…

So sad to see your blog gone. I thought I knew a lot about music, but thanks to you I know so much more. I'd love an invite if you were to go private.

I also have been harassing Amazon trying to get them to understand they are profiting from a stolen product. (I don't know if it helps though)

tanktop a dit…

Merci beaucoup pour tout, Uncle Gil.
I am sad you have experienced this stress and trouble from sneaky, mean people. Merci encore un fois for all your energy, sharing and wonderful taste in fun and music!

yours sincerely,

Unknown a dit…

Uncle Gil,
A big part of my day is now gone...
Thanks for everything.

Tzannetos a dit…

You and 10 other blogs in the hole world have kept the real music alive those last 10 years. It is too much to ask you to continue, but You must know that there are thousands of music lovers around the world that are searching for good music and the artists that are vanished by the so called "Music Industry". And you also must know that everything is like falling domino's. There where lots of times that an album or an artist that you mentioned have become an radio show or an article somewhere in the world. Thank you for the great effort.

Anonyme a dit…

Not again? F*ckheads! They can't leave well enough alone!

Don't let it piss you off Uncle Gil.

Come back when the time is right!!


Anonyme a dit…

Been checking into your blog for 8 years. It was my first stop on firing up my laptop. Your blog privided blues albums that were out of print, out of date and couldn't be found elsewhere on the internet.It's a real shame that such a unique blog has been has fallen foul of a money grabbing parasite. Many thanks for the great posts over the years.Cheers, Cove.

Jake a dit…

So it's happening again. And this time, you're not coming back, I'm afraid.
Thank you, take care and enjoy your (extra) free time.

Anonyme a dit…

I agree so much with Bob Mac.
Miss you already and wish you well

Ricky a dit…

hi Gil ! triste mais c'etait malheuresement a prevoir , bien dommage car ton Blog etais le plus genial . Sur les plus de 90 gens qui m'ont contacter pour mes rockabilly music Blogs (annonce que tu m'avais mis ici) , il y en a que 6 sur un peus plus de 90 qui avais ont vas dire l'espris Rock'n'Roll et Rockabilly . Je veus dire , 6 music fans qui partagent leur music et passion . Je pense que je vais rester le dernier des Rockabillies avec mes musique blogs ....... Bonne continuation & Boppin'Amitiers Gil . et , tu peus mettre sur mes Blogs avec plaisir , tu est inscrie en tant qu'auteur , no problème .

blueneptune a dit…

You've got a lot of friends here, and you always will. Thank you for all the tunes over the years!

Gill a dit…

No, thank you Uncle Gil! Well done all these years, you'll be missed, but that said. Happy Trails!

transfrontier a dit…

So sorry! Thank you for all the amazing work you've done over the years. You have my respect. Mercy, again

The Hound a dit…

Hi I have been on your blog along time and love all the rock cds I would just like to say I hope you come back and post more cds if you don't thanks for all the great music so far and what every you decide all the best for the future.
Rocking Eddie

boogiewoody a dit…

So sad to see the end of Rockin' Archives. Goodbye and good luck Uncle Gil.Many thanks for your inspirational blog and the work you put into it.


Anonyme a dit…

Your music has given me much pleasure - thank you! I hope you will come back again at some time in the future. You have my best wishes.

pino a dit…

sad sad sad ....... !!!

cadiz a dit…

You were great. Well thank you...

Tornado304 a dit…

have enjoyed your blog for a long time, will miss you. If you go private would appreciate an invite.

Anonyme a dit…

thanks uncle gil for all past music.sad to see you go .it would have been hard been knocked down but rising again.it should not have been such a burdendoing something you liked doing.all the best look after your self.keith

Jacdaw a dit…

Hi Uncle Gil. I will miss our music so very much. I have been following you for quite a few years and have learnt so much about music from your blog. I agree with Bob Mac and would be pleased to support on a private blog if I can get an invite. Shame we can't do something to this asshole to show our appreciation of him. All the best for the future and looking forward to visiting your blog in the future.

Anonyme a dit…

Ce qui suit n'est pas un adieu car nous comptons encore sur toi.
Merci en tout cas pour tant de dévouement et d'efficacité.
A ce propos, saurais-tu par hasard-tu où je pourrais trouver chez White Label Collector, les albums WLP 8832 à 8979 ? Je pense avoir entendu tous les autres (séries CL, CLS,WHLP, CLCD, WLP jusqu'à 8831).

Charles D a dit…

Thank you for so much pleasure in the past. I hope things go well for you in the future.

kabinroller a dit…

Gil, We are all going to miss you Very Much!

Roz a dit…

This is such a shame. Thanks so much and I wish you all the very best.

Anonyme a dit…


candy hunt a dit…

Thank you for everything, my friend, my uncle Gil
Good luck to you in the future

Augie "Waxey" Ciamino a dit…

Unfortunate that rip-off artists had to swipe your hard work. Hope one day you'll be able to bring your blog back someway- thanks for providing all the music!

Prairie Hick a dit…

You are a legend. Bon voyage.

Bidule a dit…

Cher oncle Gil, merci encore pour tous vos partages, mais nous comptons encore sur vous.

Unknown a dit…

Huge thanks for all the effort you invested in sharing the music.

The Controller a dit…

What I loved about your blog was getting the ripped original vinyl, the LP that was put out to sell at the time, the LP I'd go and listen to in the booths in the record shops, the LP I'd carry home and put on the turntable and lend to and borrow from my mates. Not the remastered, not the stereo-ised not the 'reissued with bonus tracks'. Yeah, that's fine for all that to finally emerge on CD but the original sequence of the songs in the original pressings is so important. I don't know another place I could go re-live it as it was.
I will sorely miss you uncle.
Many thanks for everything you shared

Anonyme a dit…

Thank you Uncle Gil for the hard work you did in the last years.
Especially for the home made records.


Donnatv a dit…

Further to my previous message you might also like to consider how one of the other blogs dealt with the problem. They took the blog private and invite readers to subscribe for a small monthly fee. This drastically reduced subscribers but ensured they had an interest in running the blog. After a few months they discontinued charging but new members can only join by invitation/recommendation. After several years of running with no known problems I make the occasional voluntary payment but there is no pressure to do so.

Another blog I subscribe to stopped including links in the postings - instead they are emailed to followers whose address has been validated - usually through a history of following and posting.

Hope this is useful and you find a way to come back. Thank for all you have done in the past.

castle bop a dit…

j'espère que ton super blog renaîtra bientôt

castle bop

Verse and Rhyme a dit…

Thanks for all of the great music Uncle Gil. Please count me in if you come back or establish in another way. Things will not be the same without your great tunes.

phil a dit…

desolé que cela se termine, vraiment triste !!


Anonyme a dit…

such a loss. many many thanks for the great music you've shown

The Elvis Radio Show UK a dit…

sorry to see you go Uncle Gil.
As mentioned above, why not open a private blog?
That way you control who has access.
All the best

tony angel a dit…

will uncle gil return....and go private for those of us that enjoy this blog........

elvismarineteam a dit…

thanks Uncle Gil, for all those years!

Anonyme a dit…

Krautrock1962 sends hugs and kisses

Rocky Lane a dit…

Sorry to hear you've had enough.. again. Like so many others, thanks for the good times and please include me if you go private.

John F a dit…

I miss Uncle Gil. It has been an education and a pleasure.

Eddie / NZ a dit…

So sorry to see you've been violated once again. You've put up with a lot. You're a treasure! - Eddie O. NZ

Gruff a dit…

Thanks for all the music and the joys of discovery over the years
Au revoir

I too am anonymous. a dit…

Uncle Gill nooooooooo! Only just found out you've gone. I'll keep a light on in my window for you.

Hawk a dit…

Hope you continue
your work somtime
don't be afraid

dan a dit…

I'm sorry your blog is gone hope you will come back even if you go private
your blog was a great blog it's a shame someone had to ruin it for everyone
if you do come back please invite me to join if you go private

vicarman a dit…

How frustrating for you and for us. I have gained so very much listening to music I know and love as well as finding new treasurers. That is all down to you and your passion and hard work. Like all the others, if you go private please count me in. Would love you to carry on and not let these chaps win.


phil a dit…

Je passe de temps en temps...au cas ou, mais rien.

vraiment triste !

Patsoul a dit…

Je peux comprendre ta frustration, je la partage connaissant le travail qu'un blog bien tenu peut générer. J'ai lu tous les commentaires et j'espère qu'ils te mettront un peu de baume au cœur.
Merci d'avoir été là pour partager ton amour de la musique.

Lou Cypher a dit…

Uncle Gil, we only just found out. We're terribly sorry about what happened to you, even though we missed the details. On behalf of Blue DeVille and myself, we just want you to know we hate that it has to end this way. This is exactly why we set up strict rules on our own blog. We hope that you will find peace in other things in life, and, who knows, maybe come back someday?
Blue & Lou

Anonyme a dit…

The hypocrisy of someone who stole music from numerous sources who then goes on to complain when someone else "steals" it from him - absoluttely unreal. You couldn't make this stuff up, really you couldn't.

John C. Raven a dit…

Anonym: You are a cowardly asshole. Not the courage to identify yourself even under a pseudo?

Anonyme a dit…

What does my name have to do with the hypocrisy of this theft whilst calling someone else for the same thing? Nothing, but it clearly makes you feel better Mr Raven

John C. Raven a dit…

If I understood correctly, the uncle only complained about the use of his own visuals.
Did you download something here, courageous Anonym?

Anonyme a dit…

Let's compare medals sometime Johnny boy! Talking through your hat is the only bravery you exhibit.

Alain a dit…

In my country, we say "on est toujours noirci par un noir pot" so please don't feed the troll...

Anonyme a dit…

You talk of bravery and remain anonymous. That's hypocrisy. You couldn't make this stuff up, really you couldn't.

Jorge Chiclero a dit…

If you start a private blog, I would love an invite. Had I not been ill I would have been here sooner asking. Good luck whatever you decide.

spiroux a dit…

Merci, Danke

Hawk a dit…

I am waiting for the re rebirth
good on ya

bigCman a dit…

Bad thing is the schmuck who copied and then actually started selling all of this stuff would find a way in. Gil was sharing stuff that would have never seen the light of day, not selling it.

mike a dit…


Uncle_Mike a dit…

Please add me to the list if you go private. You have provided a remarkable service by preserving such rare and invaluable music.

spiroux a dit…


boppinbob a dit…

Hi Uncle Gil, Sorry to see yo go, Thanks for the memories. Best wishes for any future plans, Regards, Bob.

buffet buster a dit…

I have enjoyed your blog over the years, my friend. If you do have a change of heart and decide on a private blog or some other endeavor, I would be honored if you would include me in that and add me to your list. All the best.

Mickey Bitsko a dit…


candy hunt a dit…

This really is the end, isn't it?
I keep popping back but you're not here any more.

Merci et bon chance, Gilles

bigCman a dit…

i guess if we want to have good music anymore, we have to pay kippeo or whatever the crooks name is for these collections that Gil shared. That's the thing, Gil shared these, kippeo got them and sells them, no artist makes a thing off it, only in his crook pocket.

Cullen Gallagher a dit…

Hope you continue as a private site, I loved the music you posted and would love to hear more!

Cullen Gallagher a dit…

Is there any way to get the Armadillo Killer series still? I have several volumes but missing many.

Anonyme a dit…

Uncle Gil,
Thank you most for: Bison Bop (35), Hillbilly Researcher (92), Jole Blon (3),Moonshine Label (18), Jay Miller Sessions (55) and R&B Classics (192)

phil a dit…

toujours rien, cela semble vraiment fini !!!

triste de chez triste

Anonyme a dit…

Plus de 10 ans après, le monde est pire que jamais! Pour se consoler, comme on peut: "Sur La Terre Des Dinosaures", l'intégrale 7 DVD, contient entre autres "L'Incroyable Aventure De Big Al"! C'est Blues, aussi, dans un sens......
PS: Quand on me parle de Low, je dégueule.

Tel a dit…

Really Miss This Blog,Hope You Find A Way Back Some Day.
Can't Let These People Win And Spoil It For Everyone,Including You.
Thanx For All The Great Music And Hope To See You Back Some Day

Howdy a dit…

truly sad, your blog was the first blog I found in 2006. Thank you for everything!

Hawk a dit…

The URL still is there.
Then there is hope for a rebirth.

Thank you for all your work.

rockin-djames a dit…

hi Uncle Gil

hope you're well . could you tell me how to contact or having an invitation from the following blog Grandpa's Stack O'Records. thanks. hope you will come back soon.

tony angel a dit…


me as well on the invite to - Grandpa's Stack O'Records - it is by invitation only.

would love to check it out.

thank you miss your blog


KhaYoung a dit…

I'm a very fan of this page and im very sad to see it close, hope see u again, i follow this site about ten years or more, the best one. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THIS TIME. Hope see u again soon.