Good Music We Can Know

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: M O T O R I K

Tonight's Explorers Room will be spent in perpetual motion, an exploration of the motorik sound – also referred to as lange gerade (long straight), endlose gerade (endless straight), or the Apache beat – mainly as practiced by its sort-of originators, Michael Rother & Klaus Dinger of the legendary krautrock duo, Neu!  We'll hear manifestations of motorik in Neu!'s various recordings, and its continuing evolution & influence in a variety of Dinger/Rother solo/side projects and collaborations with other krautrock luminaries.  Two lines, only occasionally converging, barrelling straight ahead at a constant speed, indefinitely.  No destination necessary.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: MARATHON MAN Week 2! Support WFMU!

Tune in tonight to the Explorers Room for WEEK TWO of the WFMU FUNDRAISING MARATHON.  I'll be playing awesome sounds from the various albums that are my lot to award as prizes, to you, provided you have the means, revolutionary fervor, love of music, passion for emancipated & emancipatory programming, and goodness of heart to donate to the cause, the righteous cause of keeping WFMU afloat and a-broadcasting, beaming via radiowaves and pneumatic internet tubes a multivalent, multi-platform, neverending supply of sonic sustenance for an otherwise sorely alienated world that isn't sure it feels like itself anymore.  Help, please, help. 


A pledge of $20 or more during my show will make you eligible for prizes (see above); a pledge of $75 or more will also guarantee you this years Explorers Room Premium (see below): Madness – The Feast of the Drum.  A collection of percussive ritual sorcery, imitation voodoo, bongo fetishisms, ethnographic hallucinations, the rare authentic, and throbbing mysteries from exotica's jungle night imaginary.  African drumming packaged as exotica, exotica packaged as ethnographic document, and all the ambiguities and fever dreams in between.

See the pledge widget below:

TONIGHT: Each at the forge must do their duty! Strike while the iron is hot!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: MARATHON MAN, Week 1

Tune in tonight to the Explorers Room and dig my small part of the 2017 WFMU annual fundraising marathon.  Pledge to support a revolutionary organization that challenges the tyranny of sonic hegemony and consistently advances the cause of liberated music programming, all without underwriting or blood money to muddy the mission.  A world without WFMU is a worse world, so let's keep it around.  The only way that happens, and somehow this seems to work, is through contributions from listeners and human beings like yourself.

A pledge of $20 or more during my show will make you eligible for prizes (see above); a pledge of $75 or more will also guarantee you this years Explorers Room Premium (see below): Madness – The Feast of the Drum.  A collection of percussive ritual sorcery, imitation voodoo, bongo fetishisms, ethnographic hallucinations, the rare authentic, and throbbing mysteries from exotica's jungle night imaginary.  African drumming packaged as exotica, exotica packaged as ethnographic document, and all the ambiguities and fever dreams in between.

See the pledge widget below:


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tonight in the Explorers Room: Storm Comin'

Tonight in the Explorers Room, sort of un-themed show of music I've been listening to this week and enjoying.  Lots of Keith Hudson, Mighty Sparrow, Eddie Harris.  You get the picture.  It'll be good.  It's my birthday this week, so I'm just playing music to please myself, basically.