House & Hawk - A Toast To Life

Hello again friends! I wanted to alert anyone who still reads/visits this blog that my band House & Hawk has released it's second LP "A Toast To Life" - Anyone who enjoyed our first album will love our new material. It spans the range of crudely recorded lo-fi tracks to big studio recordings across many music genres. Fans of Guided By Voices, Sebadoh, 80's Flying Nun and The Clean will enjoy this album.

You can download the album for FREE here (though donations are appreciated):

Thanks for listening!


Shanele Lacson said...

I already got a copy of it... thanks
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Avery Lilliard said...


kold_kadavr_ flatliner said...

God, have mercy on his soul

TM said...


Unknown said...

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Rampage said...

Nice!I like this!Maybe someone want find a similar samples to these tracks , i left link here -