Showing posts with label gong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gong. Show all posts

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dashiell Hedayat- Obsolete (1971)

Obsolete is basically a little-known Gong album, featuring poet/musician Dashiell Hedayat on vocals & guitar. All in all, this is good Floyd/Barrett-influenced psych rock. Here's my favorite track:
"Long Song for Zelda" (featuring William S. Burroughs)

Mediafire Download Link: Dashiell Hedayat- Obsolete (1971)

1. Eh, Mushroom, Will You Mush My Room?
a. Chrysler — 6:40
b. Fille de L'Ombre — 2:18
c. Long Song for Zelda — 7:44
2. Cielo Drive/17 — 21:09