Human Life ReviewThe-Human-Life-Foundation

BLOG: Joe Bissonnette

Our Joyless, Hopeless, World-weary Children


Planned Parenthood Fights To Hide Evidence Of Selling Fetal Tissue In Daleiden Trial


GOP Lawmakers Introduce Dignity for Aborted Children Act (National Review)


Honoring Helen Alvaré and Rich Lowry October 10, 2019, NYC



Summer 2019

BLOG: Fr. David Poecking

Welcoming the Unplanned Burden

HOT TOPIC: Maria McFadden Maffucci (Newsmax)

The Trump Administration's Pro-Life Policies Winning in the Courts

BLOG: Diane Moriarty

Our Bodies, Our Real Estate


(USA Today) Abortionist Ulrich Klopfer kept thousands of dead babies but inspires little curiosity

BLOG: Donald DeMarco

Is Protecting Human Life a Form of Hatred?

A Pastor's Reflections

Why Consent Doesn't Work

Meet Our President!

Maria McFadden Maffucci

Truth and Reason in Defense of Life

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Our Joyless, Hopeless, World-weary Children

  Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, has joined 18-year-old Canadian Emma Lim and thousands of others in pledging not to have children until the government will ensure a safe future for them.  This is, of course, a glorious example of self-righteous...
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Welcoming the Unplanned Burden

  A few months ago, I stood in the back of church greeting worshipers after Mass. One woman—let’s call her Michelle—was squinting as if she intended to confront me, so I invited her to disclose her mind. She burst out, “How come you won’t preach about the movie Unplanned?...
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A Pastor's Reflections

Why Consent Doesn’t Work

Sometimes we see the wisdom of a law by looking at what can happen when it is broken, or not enforced. For instance, traffic accidents occur because the boundaries we call laws are ignored. Shattered automobiles and shattered lives bear grim...
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The Failure of Personhood

Some questions are questions. Some questions aren’t questions, but have other purposes. If my wife walks downstairs ready for a dinner date and I ask, “Are you really going to wear that dress?”, she will not mistake the question for a question....
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HOT TOPIC: Planned Parenthood Fights To Hide Evidence Of Selling Fetal Tissue In Daleiden Trial (The Federalist) Peter Breen, lead defense attorney, vice president, and senior counsel at the Thomas More Society said Planned Parenthood’s strategy from day one has been to...
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HOT TOPIC: GOP Lawmakers Introduce Dignity for Aborted Children Act (National Review) The Bill mandates that abortion providers obtain informed consent from any woman who undergoes an abortion procedure, giving her the choice either to take possession of the fetal...
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About the Human Life Review

Human Life Review
The Human Life Review is the only publication of its kind in the world: a journal devoted to life issues, primarily abortion (William F. Buckley once praised it as "the focus of civilized discussion of the abortion issue"), but also "neonaticide," genetic engineering, cloning, and fetal tissue experimentation, as well as the end-of-life issues of euthanasia, assisted suicide and suicide. We also publish articles dealing with more general questions of family and society: what the "abortion mentality" has done to our culture; how moral relativism has pervaded our political process as well as our educational system; and how the debates over day care and the children's rights movements, as well as the controversy over health care and end-of-life decision making, reflect a society sharply divided on the most basic moral questions.



What We Do

  • Facilitate Discussion

    Our publication aims to facilitate the discussion about issues related to the Right to Life movement. We give proponents access to academic journals and legal opinions from many contributors who are highly respected around the country. We make sure our readers are properly educated and are able to operate an educated discussion about the life issues, most notably abortion.
  • Educate The Public

    The Human Life Review is the only publication of its kind in the world: a journal completely devoted to life issues, primarily abortion , but also "neonaticide," genetic engineering, cloning, and fetal tissue experimentation, as well as the end-of-life issues of euthanasia, assisted suicide and suicide.
  • Over 40 Years of History

    Each issue of the Review features original articles and an Appendices section, which reprints opinion columns from around the U.S. and abroad. The Human Life Review has an impressive roster of contributors, including the late Clare Booth Luce and Malcolm Muggeridge, John T. Noonan, James L. Buckley, Cardinal John J. O'Connor, Congressman Henry Hyde, Dr. C. Everett Koop, Nat Hentoff, Hadley Arkes, and Mary Ann Glendon. Recent regular contributors have included Senior Editors William Murchison, Ellen Wilson Fielding, as well as Professor George McKenna, Mary Meehan, and Wesley Smith. Read more about our contributors here!


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"The focus of civilized discussion of the abortion issue"

Our mission is to give the readers the tools to have a "civilized discussion" about many issues related to the life issues, most notably Abortion. Further the continuation of our cause by donating to a highly reputable legal organization
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Archive Spotlight

The Slide to Auschwitz

  In July the City Council of Cambridge, Massachusetts, voted to petition...
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Is the IRS Targeting Prolifers?

While it is clear that the IRS has targeted Tea Party groups for special...
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In a Basin Clearly

Friday, 6:00 p.m., September 30th. Three deliveries and two hours of sleep in the...
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Fatal Tissue: The Horror and the Lure

The history of the natural sciences has two themes, one, the formation of their...
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