Thierry Baudet and the Significance of Borders

In the recent Dutch provincial elections, the big winner was the nationalist Forum for Democracy (FvD) party, led by Thierry Baudet. Founded only a couple of years ago, the FvD garnered more votes than any other party, and is now far more popular than Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom (PVV), previously the biggest party on … Continue reading Thierry Baudet and the Significance of Borders


On Transgenderism

Recently, the YouTubers Sargon of Akkad and Destiny debated the issue of transgenderism-basically, they were arguing over whether “trans women/men” really are women/men. This is going to my response to the debate, and a general commentary on transgenderism and the progressive position regarding it. Sargon’s position, which I obviously agree with, is that a woman … Continue reading On Transgenderism

Rational Disconnect, South Africa, and the Anti-White Left

In this post I’m going to talk about a video the YouTuber Rational Disconnect made on South Africa, which was quite popular in left-wing circles (partly because it originally got taken down by YouTube after getting mass-flagged). It’s a long video and there are a lot of things I could nit-pick, but I’m just going … Continue reading Rational Disconnect, South Africa, and the Anti-White Left

Response to ‘The Death of Europe Has Been Greatly Exaggerated’

Brianna Rennix has written a review of Douglas Murray’s book "The Strange Death of Europe" in the left-wing magazine "Current Affairs". This is my review of the review. After complaining about Murray having praised people like Viktor Orban and Oriana Fallaci, who she views as extremists, Rennix makes her first substantial objection to Murray’s arguments … Continue reading Response to ‘The Death of Europe Has Been Greatly Exaggerated’