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3.9  ·  Rating Details ·  1,368 Ratings  ·  136 Reviews
First published in 1845. Struwwelpeter (variously translated as "slovenly" or "shock-headed" Peter) has become widely recognized as one of the most popular and influential children's books ever written. Heinrich Hoffmann was a Frankfurt physician. Unhappy with the dry and pedagogic books available for children at the time, he wrote and illustrated Struwwelpeter as a ...more
Paperback, 32 pages
Published April 7th 1995 by Dover Publications (first published 1845)
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Petra X
May 05, 2015 Petra X rated it it was amazing
This book is the antidote to Disney. It is the opposite of all those nasty, sugar-sweet versions of Cinderella, the Little Mermaid and worst of all Winnie-the-Pooh. (view spoiler)

Struwwelpeter is all about children getting punished in the nastiest possible ways for their awful misdeeds. I loved this book when I was a kid. I also loved Dis
Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽
This is one of those picture books I grew up with, and so I have an unreasonable amount of love for it, even though it's kind of awful? Credit goes to my German-speaking mom, although I'm not sure if she shared this book with my siblings and me because she thought it was a funny book or was trying to scare us straight.

This is a German children's book first published in 1845, when society (particularly in Germany, I suspect) was much in the mode of "spare the rod and spoil the child." No children
I read these classic morality tales enough times as a kid that I knew large chunks by heart. But, let's face it, back then they were seriously out of date, and now they're so archaic that they aren't amusing even as kitsch. No wonder most children today haven't heard of them.

So why doesn't someone produce an updated edition? I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult. Here are some suggestions:
Scarlett, Who Read Glossy Women's Magazines And Died Of Anorexia

Keith, Who Didn't Believe In Climate Change And
Jul 17, 2009 Miriam rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Recommends it for: Authoritarian sadists
Shelves: picture

This is some freaky shit.

I read this innumerable times in English translation as a child, and still know a lot of it by heart... but somehow I had never got around to looking at the German original. OMG, it is the most hysterically funny thing I have seen in at least a month. My German is very, very poor, and even so I found it impossible not to laugh on almost every page.

Here's a sample, courtesy of the Gutenberg version. If you also know the English Struwwelpeter, just try reading it aloud while looking at the pictur

According to recent research there was an additional story meant for publication, but was somehow missing from the final book. So, in addition to the stories of the Shock-headed Peter, Cruel Frederick, Fidgety Philip, and Johnny Head-in-Air we can expect to read the following story in future editions of the Struwwelpeter:

The story of the Lyin’ Donald

Since childhood, it is sad to tell,
young Donald did not behave well.
From morning when he bared his eyes
’til nightfall, all he told was lies.
The trut
A classic German children's book, but one that, in my opinion, is or rather can be too violent and also at times too strictly pedagogical for children, or rather, some children. I was actually frightened by a number of the tales when I was a child, and while I have much more of an appreciation for and of Der Struwwelpeter as an adult, it is my firm belief that many of the recounted anecdotes (as well as the illustrations, and in many ways, these even more so) can be rather majorly creepy for ima ...more
Mar 15, 2015 Dorcas rated it really liked it
Some kids might be a little traumatized with this book, but I dare say most would love it. All the things threatened to happen when children misbehave actually happen. It's a dark book but amusing in its own way.
Mar 18, 2015 Hana rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Recommended to Hana by: Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽
This book is wonderful in a gruesome sort of way and the illustrations are the best!

My favorite was the tale of the little girl who played with matches, even though her good cats, Minz und Maunz, tried to make her behave. The moral of the story is you should always listen to your cats.

The story of the boy who never looked where he was going was edifying. These days he would be looking at a smart phone, not the sky, but his terrible end would be the same! Be warned!!!

Thank you, Tadiana for intro
I read this book as a child. While I loved the stories of bad children getting their due ( I had three brothers who were always up to no good. I think I wished some serious consequences would come their way), I mostly remember poring over the wonderful illustrations. I particularly liked the portrayal of animals- loved the rabbit wearing spectacles and toting a gun.(I had forgotten all about this until recently reading Petra's great review. Thanks Petra!)
A Bookworm Reading (Plethora)
The tales told here remind me of Mother Goose type of little rhymes, used to teach children to behave or who knows what awful fate they may meet. Some of these have mild punishments for misbehaving, while others are down right horrific. It is likely that these short verses worked well at keeping children out of too much trouble when they were written in 1845, while children may not have truly believed the outcomes they probably didn't want to step out of line either. Children today, overall, are ...more
Sep 07, 2011 Erika rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Loved this book. Had been trying to get it for years and now I finally have! There's lots of reviews of people saying it's horrifying and cruel and with zero psychological value, and I couldn't disagree more! First of all, the stories ain't all that terrible and shouldn't be taken so literally. The author wasn't killing real kids, was he? And there's a lesson behind almost every story. For example, take the one about the girl playing with matches and getting burn. Isn't that a true thing? ...more
Dustin Crazy little brown owl
Jul 12, 2013 Dustin Crazy little brown owl rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Readers like me
Recommended to Dustin Crazy little brown owl by: people that want to scare children
Wow! This will scare the kids into behaving for sure - complete with graphic pictures of injuries and death. Written in the 1800's. I read the English 1985 translation.

I shall share the highlights of my top 3 favorite disturbing fairy tales of the Struwwelpeter collection(shared in no particular order):

#1 Story of Augustus Who Would Not Have Any Soup
Augustus was a chubby lad; Fat ruddy cheeks Augustus had...
Augustus ate his soup everyday just like a good little fat boy should but then... (view
May 16, 2011 Balente1978 rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Questo libretto mi è ricaduto in mano dopo tanti anni, e quasi non lo ricordavo.
Hoffmann era un medico, ed inventava molte storielle per tenere a bada i piccoli malati dei quali si occupava. Sono create da lui, ma attingono molto anche dalla tradizione popolare.
Grazie alle rime serrate ed accattivanti, queste filastrocche piacquero così tanto che nel 1845 vennero messe in stampa.
Conquistarono immediatamente i bambini come i grandi.
E gran parte del successo fu da attribuire anche alle accatti
Jul 28, 2008 Rebecca rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Read this in translation as a kid. *unilingual* Stories designed to terrify children into compliance. Which obviously failed on me. *flaunts deviancy* ;)
The girl who plays with matches is burned alive. The fussy eater starves to death. The umbrella-user is carried, by a storm, to his doom. Clearly, he was deserving. ;)
The most horrific is The Story of Little Suck a Thumb which is animated here...

*shakes fist at German psyche*

Jim Peterson
Book review for learners of German:

We all know the original Grimm’s fairy tales were more gruesome than the Disney stories we grew up watching. Der Struwwelpeter is another example of a children’s book that today’s parents find shocking even though the book has been read to children for generations. Nearly every German knows this story, so it is culturally significant. But, no, I would not read this to my daughter. You can view it for free on Project Gutenberg (
Jan 20, 2008 Justin rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
A ghastly and horrifying collection of children's stories guaranteed to frighten and scare your children. What else is there to say about a book where children's thumbs are severed as a punishment for sucking them or where little girls are burned to death because they play with match (nothing quite as disturbing as seeing an illustration of two sad cats crying a river of tears beside the charred remains of a disobedient German child).
Jun 26, 2016 SueZ rated it did not like it  ·  review of another edition
I read this as a child and hated it to the point that if it lay around somewhere in a waiting room, I would cover it with other books so I didn't have to see it.
Maybe it is okay if you read it as an adult, as a childrens book I find it unsuitable.
Sep 26, 2008 Laura rated it it was amazing
Next to Max and Moritz, this is the best book to traumatize disobedient children. Those Germans know their discipline. . .
Mar 18, 2011 sabisteb rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Struwwelpeter von Heinrich Hoffmann ist ein Kinderbuchklassier aus dem Jahr 1845. Ich habe das Buch als Kind schon geliebt und fand es gar nicht grausam. Ich frage mich nur, warum das Buch Struwwelpeter heißt, denn in meiner Ausgabe ist keine Geschichte dieses Namens, sondern ein Gedicht vom Christkind.
Natürlich liest man so ein Buch anders, wenn man erwachsen ist. Man sieht vieles vielleicht kritischer und aus anderem Blickwinkel, dennoch finde ich das Buch immer noch sehr gut, nur hatte ich te
Nov 15, 2014 Suvi rated it it was amazing
So she was burnt, with all her clothes,
And arms, and hands, and eyes, and nose;
Till she had nothing more to lose
Except her little scarlet shoes;
And nothing else but these was found
Among her ashes on the ground.

That's something you don't see very often these days in a children's book. Struwwelpeter has a bit of a reputation of being macabre, but there are actually only three stories where misbehaving children end up dead or mutilated. Doesn't sound very fun, you say? Well, the rhymes make the sto
Sep 07, 2016 Gift rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Es ist schon ein bisschen seltsames Gefühl dieses Buch das erste Mal als Erwachsene aufzuschlagen. Als Kind gruselte ich mich gerne bei alten, oft ziemlich blutigen und düsteren Märchen. Es ist allerdings ein Unterschied, alte und aus der Kindheit bekannte Geschichten als Erwachsene zu lesen oder sich als Erwachsene in unbekannte Kindergeschichten neu einlesen zu müssen.
Der Struwwelpeter ist ein besonderes Buch, in dem Mädchen verbrennen, die Daumen abgeschnitten werden und Buben an Magersucht
Helga Ganguly
Jan 17, 2011 Helga Ganguly rated it it was amazing
I still have the original in German that my parents brought with us when we emigrated from Austria. I also have an Translated copy in English. I remember my mother owned a set of clay pins issued during the war to illustrate the stories. I have no idea why Americans always seem to be so horrified by the stories. My mother never instilled any fear in me when she read me the stories. They were funny A Southpark selfhelp book. No one ever mentions the 3 little boys who tormented the black youth. ...more
Mar 10, 2010 Jennifer rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: children-s
I inherited this book from my great-grandmother as a child. I loved it then because it was so weird. I couldn't believe that children's books used to be like this and I would show it to all my friends and we would laugh a lot at how strange it was. The edition I had was very old and possibly had the Slovenly Betsy stories as well. I remember one story that isn't in the newer editions about a boy who ate, smoked, and drank too much and eventually split in two. Too crazy!!
Eric Berntson
Apr 26, 2007 Eric Berntson rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: Children
Shelves: circular
This was one of my first books, and it explains a lot on how I view the world. How I believe bad children & people should be punished. It explains why my humor often has a dark undertone. I found an English language version of this the prose is not quite as good but it is very entertaining. Modern version of this book the art is faded, better to find a good copy. I did learn it was important to brush your hair & cut your nails.
Aug 16, 2011 Therese rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: kids
A friend recommended this to my four year old daughter as a joke. With ancient German, illustrated stories about the man who cuts off the thumbs of naughty little thumbsuckers, of little girls who burst into flames while their kitties howl in mourning because they dared play with fire.
Yeah. I bought it.
LE found it. She loves it. Really loves it.

I am a ghastly mother. But my child does NOT suck her thumb.
Aug 28, 2007 Kristina rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Recommends it for: strange children & adults
I first had this read to me when I was quite young, but didn't get a translated version until I was in high school. Over 150 years old and it still has good lessons in it. Like if you suck your thumbs they just may get cut off, and lighting matches could leave you in a pile of ash. Germany has a bit of a different feel for children's literature than the happy-go-luckyness of American lit.
♥Magic Wonderland☯♥☮
This was one of the books I've read when I was younger and my mom told me 'not to do those kind of things' like sucking on my thumb. Oh, how bad I was back then! Haha! We had this book also in our childhood collection, wit Janosch books and more.
Apr 10, 2016 Maria rated it really liked it
I have GOT to have a copy of this book. Very grusome for a childrens book but very much worth the read. Thank you GR for recommending this book to me. Personal favourite i think was the girl in the red shoes.
Krista the Krazy Kataloguer
A hair-raising cautionary tale of boys who face the consequences of their bad behavior. Translated from the German, originally published in 1847.
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Note: There is more than one Heinrich Hoffman.

Heinrich Hoffmann was a German psychiatrist, who also wrote some short works including Der Struwwelpeter (German for either "slovenly Peter" or "shock-haired Peter"), an illustrated book portraying children misbehaving.

He wrote under the following names:

- Polykarpus Gastfenger (The given name is the German version of that of a Christian martyr; the su
More about Heinrich Hoffmann...

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