2019 Special Guest Interview: Jasjyot Singh Hans

When we found Jasjyot’s work on Instagram, we were so excited by his bold black lines, these gorgeous big women with intricate braids and stunning fashion. At first glance, we assumed he was an illustrator and lamented, “If only he made books too! He’d be an awesome special guest”. We moved on in our search, but then decided to double back and actually research him more; we screamed a bit when we found out that he made zines and books too. Board Chair Mita Mahato asked Jasjyot a few questions about the poster he designed for us, his love of fashion, and his commitment to promoting body positivity in both women and men. We can’t wait to have him at the festival on Saturday, Nov. 9th! 

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Summer School!

Announcing Short Run Summer School classes, workshops, and lectures! This year we have 10 classes planned, 4 for free, and 3 for youth & teens. Enrollment is required for all classes, even the free ones, sign up at Eventbrite here. Descriptions follow, but please see the individual events for addresses, maps, and extended descriptions.

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2019 Special Guest Interview: Malaka Gharib

Malaka Gharib’s graphic memoir, I Was Their American Dream, is about growing up Egyptian-Filipino-American. Short Run board member, Otts Bolisay, a Filipino-Bahamian-American, knew of Gharib first as an NPR journalist before realizing she was also a comics artist and zinester. This is their conversation.

Cover for Malaka Gharib's "I Was Their American Dream"
All pages reprinted from I WAS THEIR AMERICAN DREAM Copyright © 2019 by Malaka Gharib. Published by Clarkson Potter, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC.

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2019 Special Guest Interview: Glynnis Fawkes

This year we plan to introduce our special guests to our audience via personal interviews with the Short Run Board. We are very excited to welcome them to Seattle, and hope you will take the time to get to know their work prior to their arrival in November!

Cartoonist Glynnis Fawkes and Short Run board member Meredith Li-Vollmer met at the University of Oregon in 1989 when they took a year-long math class together. Thirty years later, Meredith interviewed Glynnis, who will be a visiting artist at the Short Run Comix and Arts Festival this fall. They discussed Glynnis’ unusual pathway to comics—via archaeology—and her two books that will be published this year, Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre and Persephone’s Garden.

Pencil drawing of Meredith and Glynnis in a college classroom

Glynnis Fawkes and Meredith Li-Vollmer in Topics of Modern Math class in college, circa 1989, where Glynnis did some fine comics doodling while Meredith looked over her shoulder. Drawn by Glynnis. Read more…

Katie Kelso Travel Grant

Two $200 grants will be awarded this year to traveling exhibitors who express financial need. Short Run had the honor of knowing Katie Kelso, a true adventurer and lover of books, who passed away in 2017. Her gift helps artists with travel expenses getting to Seattle for Short Run. We will never forget her!

Exhibitors – this is not a separate application, simply mark that you are in need of financial assistance in the exhibitor app. No explanation needed.

Dash Grant winner announced!

We are happy to announce that after much deliberation, we have selected Rumi Hara, a comic artist and illustrator from Brooklyn, NY, as this year’s Dash Grant winner. The grant provides $250, a half table at the festival, mentorship by a special guest, access & instruction to local screen print co-op, and a place in our annual art show at Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery. Rumi’s book is about the adventures of the scavenging “Peanut Butter Sisters” as they get along in life with the guidance of nature- they travel on the backs of whales and energy of hurricanes. The story evolves as their resources dry up and they have to have more human interactions.

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