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December 19, 2013

New Favorite Blog - Stack o' Sides

Ok folks, so I don't get much time on the internet these days, what with living off-grid and all. But I just discovered that one of my favorite musicians, Kit "Stymee" Stovepipe, has started a blog and begun offering up his collection of old jug band 78s for download. It has quickly become my favorite place on the internet. Check out Stack O' Sides!


Muddy said...

It's been too long since you have delighted your loyal legion of fans with something new. Stack O' Sides should be great. I love that old old jug band music. Thanks for the tip.

bruce said...

Thanks for the tip, Irate Pirate. Happy Holidays, and hope you don't stay away too long. And if you do, enjoy your time off the grid.


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Tom martin said...


Anonymous said...

No reposts, no answering of pleading emails begging for a trade? It sorta begs the question - don't you think - WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS STEAMING HEAP OF INTERNET LANDFILL DOING HERE WASTING PEOPLE'S BANDWIDTH? Seems like a reasonable question don't you think?