Showing posts with label taraf of clejani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label taraf of clejani. Show all posts

Friday, September 10, 2010

Taraf Of Clejani* - Roumanie: Musique Des Tsiganes De Valachie - Les Lăutari De Clejani (Ocora, 1988)

Taraf Of Clejani (*now known as Taraf de Haïdouks) are a spirited and well-known ensemble of Roma/Gypsy musicians hailing from the Romanian town of Clejani. This Ocora release precedes their 1991 commercial debut. You can also find an album of even earlier Clejani field recordings (1949-52) over at Dumneazu.

Check how spooky/experimental this track begins:

Mediafire Download Link: Taraf Of Clejani* - Roumanie: Musique Des Tsiganes De Valachie - Les Lăutari De Clejani (Ocora, 1988)

1 Cîntec De Dragoste: "Lunca Obedeanului" (Chanson D'Amour: "La Prairie D'Obedean") 14:54
2 Cîntec: "Leliţă Cîrciumăreasă" (Chanson: "La Femme De L'Aubergiste") 10:58
3 Rînd De Hore (Suite De Danses) 6:19
4 Cîntec Bătrînesc: "Bogatul Şi Săracul" (Ballade: "Le Riche Et Le Pauvre") 11:29
5 Cîntec Bătrînesc: "Şarpele" (Ballade: "Le Serpent") 18:21