Environmental Justice Australia


Lawyers for nature and community. Authorised by Nicola Rivers and Elizabeth McKinnon, EJA, Level 3, 60 Leicester St, Carlton, Vic, 3053.

Participa desde junho de 2012


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  1. há 8 horas

    We shouldn’t have to go to court to stop VicForests from logging illegally. It’s time our governments hold them accountable. Illegal logging in our native forests is killing our wildlife, destroying what’s left of our forests and putting our drinking water at risk. [3/3]

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  2. há 8 horas

    This comes at a time when we are in Court defending ’ landmark win that found that some of VicForests’ other logging operations contravened federal law and failed to protect threatened species. [2/3]

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  3. há 8 horas

    The government regulator has given VicForests a mere slap on the wrist after it found the logging agency had breached a law twice last year, putting drinking water at risk. And new ANU research shows these breaches may be “widespread and systematic”.[1/3]

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  4. 21 de abr.

    Climate change is already here for these Torres Strait Islanders. The government must do more to protect First Nations communities.

  5. 20 de abr.

    NSW Treasury projects coal industry to decline, so it’s time to prepare workers and communities to transition to new, zero emissions industries

  6. 20 de abr.

    A new study suggests that just 3% of the planet’s land remains ecologically intact, with no intact areas left in Australia. We must protect, restore and connect what is left.

  7. 18 de abr.

    Green hydrogen could be a gamechanger if it can be used to decarbonise industries like steel making and shipping reports

  8. 18 de abr.

    NSW Treasury projects coal industry to decline, so it’s time to prepare workers and communities to transition to new, zero emissions industries

  9. 15 de abr.

    That’s a wrap! After three days in court on behalf of , the VicForests appeal hearing wrapped up yesterday. Thank you to everyone who donated and showed up to support our team. Now we await the outcome of the appeal.

  10. 15 de abr.

    Plans are now on display for a solar farm near the coal town of Morwell. The 70MW facility would save almost 150k tonnes of carbon emission per year while supporting the energy transition to

  11. 13 de abr.

    Day 3 of the possums hearing at the Federal Court in Sydney. It’s been a huge effort from the team so far, but it’s not over yet... wish us luck! Photo: Steve Meacher (President of FLbP), Jeremy Kirk (barrister), Julia Watson (barrister), and Danya Jacobs (EJA senior lawyer)

  12. 13 de abr.

    The Sydney Knitting Nannas and Friends outside the Federal Court of Sydney showing their support for our possums! Day two of the Appeal case has now wrapped –thank you to everyone who has shown support so far.

  13. 13 de abr.

    EJA Clean Air Campaigner Max Smith and local GP Dr Sue Deed speak to WIN Gippsland following our five-year analysis of the National Pollutant Inventory’s Data, which revealed Loy Yang B power station is the country's biggest emitter of mercury.

  14. 13 de abr.

    Coal ash re-use has been identified by a NSW Inquiry as a recycling stream, but the Inquiry fails to address what it was intended to do – identify the costs for remediating these toxic waste dumps

  15. 12 de abr.

    Our apologies - try this link instead!

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  16. 11 de abr.

    Our lawyers have been working around the clock with the rest of the team to put the best legal case forward to uphold the court’s decision and protect possums from habitat logging for good. Donate to the case here > Wish us luck!

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  17. 11 de abr.

    Today we’re outside the Federal Court in Sydney ahead of ’ three-day hearing, following VicForests’ appeal of the decision to protect possum habitat from native logging. You can livestream the appeal here from 10:30am AEST >

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  18. 11 de abr.

    Rockhampton could be a with plans for wind farms, solar farms and battery storage power new jobs and new industry

  19. 11 de abr.

    On Sunday provided a record 56% of energy in the National Electricity Market

  20. 11 de abr.

    Australian’s love to cut emissions and save on bills with rooftop solar. Last month set another record with more megawatts of solar installed than ever before


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