Kate Bornstein is feeling delighted.

Today is the day! Gender: Just For The Fun Of It is going live at 8pm ET/5pm PT. I'm giddy with excitement and full of gratitude for all of the support you've shown. AND, It's not too late to register for this free class.

So, if you're interested in digging deeper into gender and joy, sign up now and hop on tonight at 8pm ET. Can't make it live? No worries, I'll be recording the webinar so you can watch it later. Get all the details here:

During my upcoming webinar, Gender, Just For The Fun Of It, I'll be answering your gender questions LIVE. One of my absolute favorites to come in so far:

"How do I begin to quiet the voice of fear surrounding my gender exploration and pump up the volume of my gender joy?"

I'll be answering this question and so many more, next Monday, 11 February at 8pm ET/5pm PT.


I'm so tickled by the enthusiasm that you all have expressed about this class! I can't wait to dive into gender with you.

Register for free now, and send me your gender questions before Monday. And please, invite your friends:

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