
UbuWeb Dance

Eugenio Barba
Pina Bausch
Maurice Béjart
Jérôme Bel
Ann Van den Broek
Trisha Brown
Carolyn Carlson
Lucinda Childs
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
Marie Chouinard
Deborah Colker
Merce Cunningham
Dance with Camera
Philippe Decouflé
Ivo Dimchev
Odile Duboc
DV8 Physical Theater
Mats Ek
Jan Fabre

Héla Fattoumi and Eric Lamoureux
Molissa Fenley
William Forsythe
Simone Forti
German Lineage in Modern Dance
Marcela Giesche
Jean-Charles Gil
Marie Goeminne
David Gordon
Sylvie Guillem
Miguel Gutierrez
Hilary Harris
Oliver Herring
Carsten Höller
Lin Hwai-min
Conny Janssen Danst
Gilles Jobin
Bill T. Jones / Arnie Zane
Sankai Juku
Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker
Akram Khan
Jiří Kylián

La La La Human Steps
Xaiver Le Roy
Lumière Brothers
Jean-Christophe Maillot
Russell Maliphant
Maguy Marin
Gordon Matta-Clark
Wayne McGregor
Mathilde Monnier
Michael Moschen
Charles Moulton
John Neumeier
Dimitris Papaioannou
David Parsons
Angelin Preljoçaj
Yvonne Rainer
La Ribot
Joachim Schloemer
Fatboy Slim
Odin Teatret
Saburo Teshigawara
Wim Vandekeybus
Sasha Waltz
Flora Wiegmann

While dance has long been a part of UbuWeb's film & video collection, it begs to have a section of its own. Like the rest of UbuWeb, there is a lot of crossover and perhaps moments of purposely curated eclecticism, hence our rather unorthodox mix of pure, art, and pop dance forms.

UbuWeb Dance is a work in process and will continue to grow, perhaps at a rate faster than the rest of the site. Thus the site will stay in beta mode until it is fully seeded with content. Until then enjoy, but understand that it may be a bumpy ride at times.

UbuWeb Dance is presented in partnership with and is largely curated by Contemporary Dance Video Database