09 February 2006

smarty in town

click to see enlarge the flyer

another poet. yes. enjoy. blunt.

steve smart from melbourne, innit.

is in town from this Thursday 9th Feb until Thursday 16th Feb.

i'm supporting him. he is my friend.

open readers welcome to all these events.

rumour: tomas ford's amazing recreational knife fight re-enactment.

do come along and read or just consume some words.

your body-style would be appreciated at any of these...

gimme a call if you like:

mob0402 573 580

more poet stuff here - WA Poetry Festival 2006: http://thewordisout.net

steve's dates:

* La Tropicana Cafe, 177 High Street, Fremantle, on Thursday 9th February at 7pm

* The Velvet Lounge [behind the Flying Scotsman] 639 Beaufort St, Mt Lawley, Sunday 12th February at 7pm - featuring "Tomas Ford's amazing recreational knife fight re-enactment..."

* The Brisbane Hotel, Northbridge, on Weds 15th February at 7.30pm

* State Library Cafe - Pages Cafe, Thurs 16 February - 2pm

- Steve will be supported by allan boyd, the antipoet and friends

- Open Readers Welcome

- $3/5 Entry

MINI BIO: Steve Smart is a poet, spoken-word performer, MC and Director of the Overload Poetry Festival in Melbourne. In his 27years on the planet Steve has been published on journals and websites, released 3 self-published collections of poetry and launched his own CD, 'Diatribe'.
He was also part of the show 'Mouth Off' at the Sydney Opera House in 2003. Stylistically his performances have been described as blunt, angry, satirical, and honest.

01 February 2006

bad profit

poem for australian microphone lovers

poem for australian microphone lovers

cold art eats me; rain still bleats her binary admin
i am a consuming model of oceania tactile apathy,

pissing astonishing calculators and such
lost n steady, a nearby rock stance - more needy than poses,

of teams and broken strings
instead i'm a contrived market, a billion dollar riff
we spitted more poems then, yet now in yeast we trip
and never lie about chronic obesity and lack of treaty

or free hydro-tobacco, an organic jesus clone - spam
a genetically modified lip stitcher, a punching bag for fence sitters

my sweet woomera poster grrrl for a wife
i am dead before my time, i said. a shining slut of endosement

a vigourous clitoral debate, a new colour feeling of working
for god, shoes or the senate - an anarchistic dilemma