Staff and committees

3CR is run by a combination of paid staff, a committee of management and over 400 volunteers.


3CR is owned by the Community Radio Federation Ltd., which is made up of Affiliate, Station Worker and Subscriber representatives. 

Elections are held annually in March for positions for as Station and Subscriber representatives and for the Committee of Management. 

2019 nomination forms available here.

Committee of Management

3CR Committee of Management 2018

(L-R Patricia, Therese, Aoife, Helen, Pilar, Joe, Emma, Joe and Beth. Absent Andy, Jacob, Viv, Michele, Emma Kefford, Sen). 

The Committee of Management (CoM) is made up of 3CR programmers, volunteers and supporters. This group of volunteers is elected once a year and the committee's role is to make decisions about the overall purpose and direction of 3CR, to ensure that funds and property are properly managed, to ensure that 3CR abides by its governing documents and to ensure that staff and volunteers best carry out 3CR's services.

Current CoM (2019)

  • Chairperson: Pilar Aguilera
  • Vice Chairperson: Joe Malignaggi, Helen Gwilliam
  • Secretary:  Michele Vescio
  • Treasurer: Perambalam Senthooran
  • Directors: Therese Virtue, Andy Britt, Aoife Cooke, Jacob Grech, Emma Hart, James McKenzie, Beth King, Joe Wally


Currently 1 full-time staff and 5 part-time staff work at 3CR. They are contactable on (03) 9419 8377 or via the email addresses below.

(L-R Rachel Kirby, Loretta O'Brien, Juliet Fox, Leanne McLean, Michaela Stubbs, Gabrielle Reade)

Station Manager: Rachel Kirby
The Station Manager (part-time) is responsible to the Committee of Management as their Executive Officer and for implementation of policy as well as the day to day running of the Station including: Finance, Fundraising, Staffing, Policy and General Administration. The contact for bequests to the station and clients of 3CR's Werribee transmission tower. The Station Manager also sits on a number of Sub Committees including Finance, Programming and Complaints. Email:

Office and Finance Coordinator: Loretta O'Brien
The Office and Finance Coordinator (part-time) is responsible for financial and office management, radiothon donations, merchandise sales and subscription enquiries. The Office Coordinator works with the Finance Sub-Committee (FSC) to ensure that the station operates within its annual budget. Email:

Programming Coordinator: Michaela Stubbs
The Programming Coordinator (full-time) is responsible for the sound of 3CR. This includes managing a range of programming issues at the station, including facilitating new programs, maintaining the day to day broadcasting and special events programming. It also involves feedback for and review of programs. The Programming Coordinator facilitates the Programming Sub-Committee (PSC) and implements the decisions made by the PSC and passed by the CoM. Email:

Current Affairs Coordinator: Gabrielle Reade
The Current Affairs Coordinator (part-time) works with 3CR's current affairs programs, including the Breakfast and Hometime shows and national programs. Also coordinates coverage of campaigns, protests and community events, with the Program Coordinator, as well as distributing information to programmers and maintaining the newsroom as a resource area.

Projects Coordinator: Juliet Fox
The Projects Coordinator (part-time) coordinates and seeks funding for 3CR's radio projects, as well as coordinates 3CR facilities and services. These include community announcements, radio station tours and studio hire as well as media skills workshops. The position also oversees station publications - including merchandise and 3CR's newsletter the CRAM guide, together with the monthly 3CR eNews to which anyone can subscribe. Juliet also works on the 3CR website and facilitates the 3CR webteam, and convenes the Projects Sub-Commitee. Email:

Volunteers and Training Coordinator: Leanne McLean  
The Volunteers and Training Coordinator (part-time) organises 3CR's general radio training courses for volunteers and potential broadcasters, as well as training updates and reviews for current programmers. They convene the Training Sub-Committee whose purpose is to maintain high quality training at the station, as well as recruiting, encouraging and organising volunteers alongside ensuring that their skills are accessed to the benefit of the station. Email:

Music Coordinator: Joe Malignaggi 

The Music Coordinator (volunteer part-time) deals with any incoming requests from musicians, promoters, record labels etc and helps to place them with relevant music programs. The Music Coordinator also maintains the 3CR music database. Email: