CBD Arrests In The US

The use of cannabidiol oil (CBD oil) for treating medical problems is growing faster than ever before. Since it has been legalized, it’s being bought to help relieve pain in chronic conditions like arthritis and even to fight off serious illnesses like cancer. However, people are still being arrested for possession of CBD. This article …

5 Steps to Make Sure Your Site is ADA Compliant

Everyone has easy access to the countless number of digital or online sources on the internet, right? Wrong! There are sections of society that companies tend to completely ignore while building their website and sharing content online.            Companies are unintentionally depriving individuals with disabilities access to their online resources, and it’s costing them big money. …

Why Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a type of treatment that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. More recently, it has become standard practice for doctors who specialize in holistic medicine as well as for alternative and integrative medical providers. It is safe and relatively painless if performed by a highly trained and respectful practitioner. Because …