Prisoners of Article 212: the story of Vlad Barabanov

Freedom to Vlad Barabanov!

On 27th July, my friend Vladislav Barabanov took part in the rally for fair elections and permission of the independent candidates in Moscow. He was one of 1,500 detainees at this action and one of 13 people accused of criminal offense.

"Article 212 case " or "the Moscow case" is another example of lawlessness in Russia's everyday life. We wish to tell the whole world of people dear to us getting battered and imprisoned for their active citizenship.

Help Vlad and 13 other accused guys by publicity, share the video below (English subtitles available).

Russia will be free.

Vlad's support groups

Support groups for those arrested under the Article 212

Requisites for helping Vlad

  • Webmoney: 265112700564;

  • Tinkoff: 5536913813529050;

  • Sberbank: 2202200446764704;

  • Yandex Wallet: 410019017252552;

  • Qiwi: +79991377911

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