11 September 2019

Trump fires Bolton as national security advisor

By Patrick Martin, 11 September 2019

Disagreement over a proposed deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan was apparently the final straw in the internal White House conflict.

New York Times: Main source for anti-Russia campaign may have been a “double agent”

By Andre Damon, 11 September 2019

The latest allegation reported by the New York Times Is a further exposure of the Democrats’ concocted claims of Russian “subversion” of the US political system.

“It would be great for workers from different countries to band together”
GM Detroit-Hamtramck workers determined to fight as auto contract deadline approaches

By a WSWS reporting team, 11 September 2019

GM workers at the Detroit-Hamtramck plant, which is threatened with closure, said they were ready to walk out and expressed support for striking GM workers in South Korea.

As contract deadline looms in US, 8,000 GM autoworkers strike in South Korea

GM fires and harasses Mexican workers to speed up production

“We all know they are lying!”
Workers furious as UAW stonewalls contract discussion with GM, Ford, and Chrysler

How Detroit Democrats handed Fiat-Chrysler $400 million for a new assembly plant

By Kevin Reed, 11 September 2019

Six years after the bankruptcy of Detroit, the ruling class is once again pilfering the public treasury.

More on autoworkers struggles »

Local reports claim thousands dead in the Bahamas from Hurricane Dorian

By Nick Barrickman, 11 September 2019

While the Bahamian government has sought to minimize the scope of the disaster, the Trump administration has blocked refugees from entering the United States.

Trump blocks refugees from Bahamas as humanitarian catastrophe unfolds

Government Internet shutdowns on the rise internationally

By Kevin Reed, 11 September 2019

Instances of governments shutting down the Internet are on the rise in response to the growth of social conflict and protest, as well as the use of social media to organize political opposition.

Ontario education unions disarm teachers, support staff facing attack on jobs and conditions

By Roger Jordan, 11 September 2019

The unions are seeking to block a teachers strike, because they fear it could trigger a broader working-class challenge to the Ford government and the agenda of austerity.

France and Germany escalate occupation of Mali and the Sahel

By Will Morrow, 11 September 2019

France and Germany’s neo-colonial occupation of the country is part of a renewed scramble for West Africa.

Scandal erupts over Público exposure of state complicity in Barcelona attack
Part II: The Barcelona daily La Vanguardia tries to discredit Público

By Alejandro López, 11 September 2019

The spearhead of the ruling elite’s counterattack on the Público exposure was a series of one-sided and provocative articles in La Vanguardia.

Scandal erupts over Público exposure of state complicity in Barcelona attack
Part I: Podemos and the Catalan nationalists cover for Spanish intelligence

Russia: Stalinist and far-right candidates win with backing from Navalny

By Clara Weiss, 11 September 2019

The Western media has desperately tried to conceal the right-wing character of the political forces that have made gains in the elections in Moscow and Khabarovsk.

Virgin Australia axes 750 jobs

By Terry Cook, 11 September 2019

The immediate consequence of the restructure is the destruction of 750 jobs, or around 7 percent of the carrier’s workforce, to achieve savings of $75 million a year.

Sri Lanka’s Central Bank demands commercial banks provide cheaper credit

By Saman Gunadasa, 11 September 2019

The demands are a desperate attempt by the Central Bank and the government to halt Sri Lanka’s falling economic growth rates.

9 September 2019

Washington Post pushes xenophobic campaign against Chinese-Americans

By Andre Damon, 10 September 2019

Strike by thousands of pilots shuts down British Airways

By Richard Tyler, 10 September 2019

Representatives of the German establishment parties vote for fascist candidate

By Johannes Stern, 10 September 2019

Federal court says secret US terrorism watchlist is unconstitutional

By Kevin Reed, 10 September 2019

Greek riot police attack child asylum seekers and refugees at Moria camp

By John Vassilopoulos, 10 September 2019

Fires consume more than 4.2 million acres of Bolivia’s forests

By Cesar Uco, 10 September 2019

Household incomes dropping in Australia as economy slides toward recession

By Mike Head, 10 September 2019

New in French

La fuite d'un document révèle l'espionnage d'Etat
Le FBI cible les groupes qui s'opposent aux camps de concentration de Trump en les qualifiant d' «extrémistes».

Eric London, 10 septembre 2019

Alors que le fasciste à la Maison-Blanche poursuit ses mesures dictatoriales à la frontière, un groupe bipartite de politiciens et d'agents de renseignement œuvre à incriminer l'opposition politique.

Aux manifestants de Hong Kong: Tournez-vous vers la classe ouvrière chinoise et non pas vers l'impérialisme américain

Peter Symonds, 10 septembre 2019

Tout virage vers les États-Unis fait directement le jeu de Pékin, qui cherche à calomnier les protestations de Hong Kong comme l'œuvre des agitateurs radicaux et de la «main noire» de Washington.

Ouragan Dorian: Des dizaines de milliers de sans-abri aux Bahamas et des dégâts sur la côte est canadienne

Nick Barrickman, 10 septembre 2019

La tempête post-tropicale Dorian continue de détruire les maisons et les moyens de subsistance le long de la côte atlantique du Canada alors que la catastrophe humanitaire s'intensifie aux Bahamas.

Alexei Navalny, avec le soutien des pablistes russes, se tourne vers un soutien au PCRF stalinien

Clara Weiss, 10 septembre 2019

Navalny, un pantin de droite de l’impérialisme américain, s’apprête à former une alliance avec les tendances les plus expérimentées dans la désorientation politique de la classe ouvrière ; les staliniens et les pablistes.

Préface à l'édition turque de La Révolution russe et le XXe siècle inachevé

David North, 10 septembre 2019

Nous publions aujourd'hui la préface de l'édition turque de La Révolution russe et le XXe siècle inachevé, de David North.

New in Portuguese

Timor Leste: pobreza em massa e desemprego desmentem promessas de “libertação nacional”

Patrick O'Connor, 10 Setembro 2019

A criação de um novo estado capitalista não conseguiu promover os interesses sociais e os direitos democráticos da classe trabalhadora e dos camponeses pobres timorenses.

O bicentenário de Frederick Douglass

Fred Mazelis, 10 Setembro 2019

O mais importante abolicionista negro escapou da escravidão na juventude e, anos depois, aconselhou Abraham Lincoln na Guerra Civil.

Queimadas na Amazônia expõem a falácia da política do capitalismo “verde”

Miguel Andrade, 10 Setembro 2019

Enquanto Bolsonaro invoca o chauvinismo da ditadura, as potências mundiais estão usando as queimadas para levar adiante seus próprios interesses estratégicos.

New in Spanish

Trump bloquea a refugiados de las Bahamas frente a catástrofe humanitaria

Por Kate Randall, 11 septiembre 2019

El masivo huracán que desató su ira en las Bahamas más temprano este mes ha producido una catástrofe como resultado de la desigualdad social y la indiferencia política.

Apologistas del sindicato UAW intentan ocultar escándalo de corrupción

Por Jerry White, 11 septiembre 2019

El masivo huracán que desató su ira en las Bahamas más temprano este mes ha producido una catástrofe como resultado de la desigualdad social y la indiferencia política.

GM despide y amedrenta a trabajadores mexicanos para acelerar producción

Por Andrea Lobo, 11 septiembre 2019

GM está intentando mover la producción a Silao para continuar su masiva extracción de ganancias en caso de una huelga en EUA, pero los trabajadores automotores mexicanos están expresando una fuerte oposición a verse más súperexplotados y mucho menos convertirse en rompehuelgas.

Estalla el escándalo por la exposición de Público de la compicidad del Estado en el atentado de Barcelona
Primera parte: Podemos y los nacionalistas catalanes encubren a la inteligencia española

Por Alejandro López, 11 septiembre 2019

La exposición de la complicidad de las agencias de inteligencia de la OTAN en el atentado terrorista de las redes islamistas en agosto de 2017 en Barcelona ha provocado una profunda crisis política en España.

Presidente mexicano usó agencia de inteligencia para vigilar a caravanas inmigrantes

Por Alex González, 11 septiembre 2019

Después de declarar que la agencia de espionaje mexicana sería desmantelada y los inmigrantes protegidos, AMLO ha escalado los ataques a los derechos democráticos.

New in Norwegian

Trump blokkerer flyktninger fra Bahamas, samtidig som den humanitære katastrofen utfolder seg

Kate Randall, 11. september 2019

Den massive orkanen som slapp sin vrede løs over Bahamas tidligere i måneden, har forårsaket en katastrofe som resultat av sosial ulikhet og politisk likegyldighet.

Storbritannias statsminister Boris Johnson suspenderer Parlamentet

Robert Stevens, 11. september 2019

Johnsons antidemokratiske suspendering av Parlamentet ble utført for å forhindre opposisjons-MP-er fra å ta kontroll over Parlamentets dagsorden de neste fem ukene, for å avspore hans planer om å ta Storbritannia ut av EU, om nødvendig uten avtale.

Apologeter for UAW forsøker å dekke over korrupsjonsskandalen

Jerry White, 11. september 2019

Organisasjoner og publikasjoner i og rundt UAW-apparatet har respondert på den ekspanderende korrupsjonsskandalen med å prøve å styrke deres politiske strupetak over bilarbeiderne.

Føderal domstol sier hemmelig amerikansk overvåkningsliste er forfatningstridig

Kevin Reed, 11. september 2019

En rettskjennelse den 4. september fra den føderale domstolen US Court for the Eastern District of Virginia fastslo at overvåkning med Terrorist Screening Database krenker amerikanske statsborgeres rett til en pålitelige rettsprosess og likeverdige beskyttelser.

New in German

Italien: Conte gewinnt Vertrauensabstimmung

Marianne Arens, 11. September 2019

Das Kabinett Conte II wird die mörderische Flüchtlingspolitik fortsetzen, die Gesellschaft weiter militarisieren und das Spardiktat der EU und der italienischen Banken verschärfen.

CDU, SPD und Grüne sondieren rechte „Kenia“-Koalition in Sachsen

Martin Nowak und Johannes Stern, 11. September 2019

Eine Kenia-Koalition würde die rechte Regierungspolitik von CDU und SPD fortsetzen, die bei den Wahlen vor allem die rechtsextreme AfD gestärkt hat.

Trotz humanitärer Katastrophe
Trump weist Flüchtlinge aus den Bahamas ab

Kate Randall, 11. September 2019

Der massive Hurrikan, der auf den Bahamas tobte, hat infolge sozialer Ungleichheit und politischer Gleichgültigkeit eine Katastrophe ausgelöst.

Großbritannien: Premierminister Boris Johnson setzt das Parlament aus

Robert Stevens, 11. September 2019

Durch die undemokratische Beurlaubung des Parlaments will Johnson verhindern, dass oppositionelle Abgeordnete seine Pläne, Großbritannien notfalls ohne Abkommen aus der EU zu führen, vereiteln können.

8.000 GM-Autoarbeiter in Südkorea streiken

James Cogan, 11. September 2019

Bei dem Streik der koreanischen Arbeiter geht es um Fragen, die Autoarbeiter weltweit betreffen.

New in Italian

Ferma la cospirazione di destra! Difendi il SGP contro i servizi segreti del Verfassungsschutz!

Partito dell’Eguaglianza Socialista (Germania) - SGP, 7 settembre 2019

Il Verfassungsschutz tedesco ha prodotto una risposta di 56 pagine alla causa intentata dal Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Partito socialista per l'uguaglianza-SGP) per contestare la sua designazione ufficiale come organizzazione "estremista di sinistra" soggetta a sorveglianza statale. La risposta del governo è una diatriba arrabbiata contro il marxismo e ogni forma di pensiero socialista e progressista.

New in Russian

Восемьдесят лет с начала Второй мировой войны

Билл Вэн Оукен, 4 сентября 2019 г.

Официальная церемония памяти по поводу самого варварского события в мировой истории стала празднованием милитаризма и правого национализма, неотступно сопровождавшего начало войны.

Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Основана Коммунистическая партия США

4 сентября 2019 г.

1 сентября 1919 года в Чикаго часть левого крыла Социалистической партии основала Коммунистическую партию США.

New in Turkish

ABD’nin itirazlarına rağmen Rusya ve Türkiye askeri işbirliğini yoğunlaştırıyor

Ulaş Ateşçi, 5 Eylül 2019

Türkiye ile Rusya arasında gitgide sıkılaşan ilişkiler, Ankara ile Batılı müttefikleri arasında var olan ve Washington ile Berlin’in desteğiyle Erdoğan’a karşı 2016’da düzenlenen başarısız darbe girişimiyle doruk noktasına ulaşan belli başlı anlaşmazlık noktalarının hiçbirinin çözülmediğini gösteriyor.

Other Languages


The struggle of autoworkers against GM, Ford, and Chrysler requires a global strategy

11 September 2019

Just days before 158,000 US autoworkers face a contract deadline, GM workers in Korea and Mexico have entered the battle, underscoring the need to unify autoworkers across national borders.

Earlier Perspectives »

Autoworkers struggles

September 12 online meeting
On the eve of the contract battle at GM, Ford, and Chrysler: A fighting strategy for autoworkers

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 11 September 2019

On September 12 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter is hosting an online meeting to discuss the strategy and perspective needed to organize opposition to the corporations and the UAW. To participate, visit wsws.org/autocall.

UAW apologists try to cover up corruption scandal

By Jerry White, 10 September 2019

Countdown to contract fight: In final week before contract expires, autoworkers gear up for struggle against companies and UAW

By Tom Hall, 9 September 2019

UAW to autoworkers: We won’t tell you anything, but don’t read the World Socialist Web Site

By Joseph Kishore, 7 September 2019

Autoworkers must form rank-and-file committees to counter UAW conspiracy

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 6 September 2019

More on autoworkers struggles »


China: Thirty years since the Tiananmen Square massacre

By Peter Symonds, 10 September 2019

This lecture was delivered by Peter Symonds at the Socialist Equality Party (US) Summer School on July 25, 2019. Symonds is a member of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and national WSWS editor of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia).

The New York Times’ 1619 Project: A racialist falsification of American and world history

By Niles Niemuth, Tom Mackaman and David North, 3 September 2019

The 1619 Project, launched by the New York Times, presents racism and racial conflict as the essential feature and driving force of American history.

“1619” and the myth of white unity under slavery
Book review: Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South by Keri Leigh Merritt

By Eric London, 9 September 2019

Merritt’s research refutes the New York Times’ Project 1619 claim that poor whites benefited from slavery.

UK government to target “far left” in revised Counter Extremism Strategy

By Laura Tiernan, 10 September 2019

Amid the most acute crisis of capitalist rule since the 1930s, the report is preparation for state repression against the working class and its revolutionary vanguard.


The Financial Times lays down the law to Labour’s Corbyn

By Thomas Scripps, 11 September 2019

The Financial Times is acutely aware that a Labour government could come to power, or that Labour could be essential to forming a “government of national unity.”

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson prorogues Parliament

The legacy of Syriza: Four years of austerity, privatizations, militarism and attacks on refugees—Part 1

By Katerina Selin, 11 September 2019

The intention of this series of articles is to explain what four years of Syriza’s government has meant concretely for workers, youth and retirees in Greece.

Hong Kong protesters: Turn to the Chinese working class, not US imperialism

By Peter Symonds, 9 September 2019

Leaked document reveals state spying
FBI targets groups opposing Trump’s concentration camps as “Extremists”

By Eric London, 9 September 2019

Trump breaks off talks on end to US war in Afghanistan

By Bill Van Auken, 9 September 2019

Arts Review

Toronto International Film Festival 2019: Part 1
Paris Stalingrad: The plight of refugees in the French capital, once “one of the best cities”

By David Walsh, 11 September 2019

It already seems possible to assert that the most interesting and serious films at this year’s event concern immigrants and refugees and conditions in the Middle East and North Africa.

An interview with Hind Meddeb, director of Paris Stalingrad: “It’s not a film about refugees, it’s a film about human beings”

By David Walsh, 11 September 2019

The documentary focuses on the plight of asylum seekers on the streets of the French capital

Obituary: African-American novelist Toni Morrison dead at 88

By Sandy English, 7 September 2019

Free Assange and Manning

India: Kolkata students and workers demand freedom for Assange and Manning

By Ritwik Mitter and Arun Kumar, 11 September 2019

ICFI supporters spoke to students at Jadavpur University in Kolkata and workers from BSNL, the Indian government-owned telecommunication company.

Pamela Anderson defends Assange, challenges McCain’s daughter on US TV

By Oscar Grenfell, 9 September 2019

Anderson’s powerful refutation of the official smears against Assange demonstrated why the corporate media has instituted an almost universal blackout on the WikiLeaks founder.

Peter Greste’s panel discussion in Sydney: Support for censorship and throwing Assange to the wolves

By James Cogan, 7 September 2019

More on the campaign to Free Assange and Manning »

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE lecture series in Australia
Seventy years after the Chinese Revolution: How the struggle for socialism was betrayed

9 September 2019

While the revolution vastly transformed international relations and class relations within China, the Communist Party, based on the Stalinist program of “Socialism in One Country,” deformed the newly-created state from the outset.

Socialist Equality Party

Build action committees! Expand the strike!
A socialist perspective for the Sri Lankan university employees’ struggle

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 10 September 2019

Non-academic university staff, who are beginning an indefinite strike today, should expand their struggle by appealing to other sections of the working class.

Stop the deportation of the Biloela refugee family from Australia!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 4 September 2019

German Socialist Equality Party answers legal document from Verfassungsschutz Secret Service

By Peter Schwarz, 28 August 2019

Stop the right-wing conspiracy! Defend the SGP against the Verfassungsschutz secret service!

The Political Origins and Consequences of the 1982–86 Split in the International Committee of the Fourth International

By David North, 3 August 2019

Workers Struggles

Vote “No” on the CWA’s sellout contract with AT&T!

By Casey Gold and Ed Hightower, 6 September 2019

CWA shuts down strike of 22,000 AT&T; workers across US South

25 years ago: Castro bows to imperialism on immigration

On September 9, 1994, the Castro and Clinton governments signed an agreement to halt further uncontrolled immigration to the United States from Cuba. The deal marked a further step in the capitulation to imperialism by the bourgeois-nationalist Castro regime.

More »

50 years ago: US government conducts underground nuclear test in Colorado

On September 10, 1969 the United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) set off a nuclear blast as part of research into two different projects, Operation Mandrel and Operation Plowshare.

More »

75 years ago: Greek resistance fighters defeat Nazi collaborators at battle of Meligalas

On September 15, 1944, partisans of the Greek People’s Liberation Army, the Communist popular resistance movement against the German occupation of the country, defeated security forces that had collaborated with the Nazis in the southwestern town of Meligalas.

More »

100 years ago: Italian nationalists seize Fiume on Yugoslav coast

On September 12, 1919, an armed detachment led by the proto-fascist poet and aviator Gabriele D’Annunzio took Fiume (now Rijeka, Croatia), a city then with a largely Italian-speaking population, disputed by Italy and the newly established state of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, later renamed Yugoslavia.

More »


The Causes and Consequences of World War II

By David North, 31 August 2019

Eighty years since the outbreak of World War II

Mehring Books

Preface to the Turkish edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By David North, 2 September 2019

Preview the new publication from Mehring Books
Author’s introduction to Bolsheviks Against Stalinism 1928-1933: Leon Trotsky and the Left Opposition

By Vadim Z. Rogovin, 30 August 2019

Now available from Mehring Books
Bolsheviks Against Stalinism 1928-1933: Leon Trotsky and the Left Opposition by Vadim Z. Rogovin

Vadim Rogovin, author of Bolsheviks Against Stalinism 1928-1933: Leon Trotsky and the Left Opposition
In memory of Vadim Z. Rogovin

By David North

The 2020 US Elections

Amy Klobuchar: The favorite Democrat of Senate Republicans

By George Gallanis, 19 August 2019

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: #MeToo, McCarthyism and machine politics

By Josh Varlin, 12 August 2019

Book Review

Book Review: Red State Revolt – Part II
The Democratic Socialists of America shows its hostility to socialism

By Nancy Hanover, 10 August 2019

Part II of the review of a new book by Eric Blanc of the DSA. See Part I

Book Review: Red State Revolt – Part I
The DSA’s dishonest and self-serving account of the US teachers’ strikes

By Nancy Hanover, 8 August 2019

Fund Appeal

International Online May Day Rally 2019

Opening report to Online International May Day Rally
The resurgence of class struggle and the fight for socialism

By David North, 6 May 2019

The future lies in socialism

By Joseph Kishore, 13 May 2019

On May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International held its annual International May Day Online Rally, with speakers and participants from throughout the world. Readers can listen to the entire rally here.