• EPIC - Grading the Curve

    EPIC Report Finds Privacy Bills in Congress Lacking Basic Elements

    EPIC has released a detailed analysis of the privacy bills in Congress. According to EPIC, Senator Ed Markey's Privacy Bill of Rights ranks #1. EPIC's report — Grading on a Curve: Privacy Legislation in the 116th Congress — reviews recent developments, sets out a model bill, and assesses pending legislation. The EPIC Report finds that many of the bills in Congress lack the basic elements of a privacy law, such as an opportunity for individuals to enforce their rights.

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  • EPIC - AI Sourcebook

    EPIC Publishes First Reference Book on AI Policy

    EPIC has published "The EPIC AI Policy Sourcebook 2019." The EPIC collection is the first compendium of AI policy, providing essential information to policy makers, researchers, journalists, and the public. The EPIC Sourcebook includes global AI frameworks such as the OECD AI Principles and the Universal Guidelines for AI, as well as materials from the EU, Council of Europe, national AI initiatives and professional societies IEEE and ACM. "Required reading for a necessary conversation," Sherry Turkle.

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  • EPIC - Enforce the Order

    EPIC Challenges FTC-Facebook Settlement, Asks Court to Hear from Privacy Groups

    EPIC has filed a Motion to Intervene in United States v. Facebook to protect the interests of Facebook users. EPIC said the settlement "is not adequate, reasonable, or appropriate."

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  • EPIC Testifed at 2017 Senate Hearing on Equifax Data Breach

    EPIC Testifed at 2017 Senate Hearing on Equifax Data Breach

    EPIC's Marc Rotenberg warned the Committee that "the Equifax data breach is one of the most serious in the nation's history." Pictured (L to R), Sam Lester, Alan Butler, Marc Rotenberg, Eleni Kyriakides, and Christine Bannan, and industry witnesses.

  • US Needs a Data Protection Agency

    EPIC Launches Campaign For a Data Protection Agency

    EPIC has launched a campaign promoting the creation of a Data Protection Agency in the United States. While the FTC helps to safeguard consumers and promote competition, it is not a data protection agency. The U.S. needs a federal data protection agency focused on privacy protection, compliance with data protection obligations, and emerging privacy challenges.

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  • EPIC Mueller Book

    EPIC Publishes The Mueller Report

    EPIC has published The Mueller Report: EPIC v. Department of Justice and the Special Counsel’s Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. This collection, edited by EPIC President Marc Rotenberg, includes the version of the Mueller Report provided to EPIC in EPIC v. DOJ, the original EPIC FOIA request, and more.

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  • EPIC v. DOJ

    EPIC Seeks Public Release of Mueller Report

    EPIC has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to obtain the final report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller concerning Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. There was a hearing in federal district court in Washington, DC Tuesday, April 9, at 9 am in EPIC v. DOJ.

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  • FTC Complaints

    More than 26,000 Complaints Pending Against Facebook

    More than 26,000 complaints against Facebook are currently pending before the FTC. In the eight years since the Commission announced the consent order against Facebook it has not taken a single enforcement action against Facebook. EPIC and a coalition of consumer privacy organizations filed the original complaint against Facebook in 2009.

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  • EPIC Cloud 2019

    EPIC 2019

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2019, EPIC has important work to do on algorithmic transparency, facial recognition, data protection and democracy, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. »

  • Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.

    EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2019, EPIC will work to protect democratic institutions, promote algorithmic transparency, and defend the right to privacy. We need your support. And EPIC is a top-rated non-profit - Charity Navigator (Four Star) and Guidestar (Gold). Please donate to EPIC today.

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Top News

Court Schedules Hearing in EPIC Transparency Suit Against AI Commission

A federal court in Washington, DC has scheduled a Wednesday, October 16 hearing in EPIC v. AI Commission, EPIC’s lawsuit to open the records and meetings of the National Commission on Artificial Intelligence. Judge Trevor N. McFadden also ordered the AI Commission to respond to EPIC’s motion for a preliminary injunction by Tuesday, October 8. EPIC filed the lawsuit after the Commission failed to provide EPIC access to its meetings and records, operating in near-total secrecy for six months. The Commission is chaired by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt and dominated by representatives of large tech firms, including Microsoft, Amazon, and Oracle. The case is EPIC v. AI Commission, No. 19-2906 (D.D.C.).

Court: Ruling in EPIC's Mueller Report Case Expected in 30 Days

Judge Reggie B. Walton said Tuesday that he expects to make a ruling within 30 days in EPIC’s case for the release of the complete Mueller Report. The statement came during a hearing on EPIC’s lawsuit and a related case brought by CNN. EPIC brought the first suit in the nation for the release of the unredacted Mueller Report and argued for its release in August. Judge Walton also criticized the Department of Justice for the agency’s slow processing of requests for Special Counsel records, saying that the purpose of the FOIA has been “totally undermined by a lack of resources.” EPIC’s case is EPIC v. DOJ, No. 19-810 (D.D.C.). The book EPIC v. DOJ: The Mueller Report is available for purchase at the EPIC Bookstore.

EPIC to Massachusetts Legislature: Establish AI Commission

EPIC Policy Director Caitriona Fitzgerald testified today before the Massachusetts Legislature in support of proposals to establish a state Commission to examine the use of “automated decision systems.” Under H2701 and S1876 a Commission will make recommendations to ensure the state’s use of algorithms is fair and transparent. EPIC supports algorithmic transparency and opposed systemic bias in "risk assessment" tools used in the criminal justice system. EPIC has filed Freedom of Information lawsuits to obtain information about "predictive policing" and "future crime prediction" algorithms. EPIC President Marc Rotenberg has called for laws that mandate algorithmic transparency and prohibit automated decision-making that results in discrimination.

Top European Court Rules Companies Must Obtain Active User Consent to Cookies »

EPIC Challenges Closed Door Meetings of US AI Commission »

EPIC to Congress: Improve Public Access to Court Decisions »

Top European Court Elaborates on Right to Be Forgotten for Sensitive Data »

EPIC Joins Consumer Groups in Amicus Brief on Illegal Text Messages »

EPIC’s Danielle Citron Wins MacArthur Award »

EPIC news Archive »

EPIC's Work

Open Government image

Open Government »

EPIC v. DOJ: Seeking the final report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller concerning Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Appellate Advocacy image

Appellate Advocacy »

Department of Commerce v. New York: Whether the Department of Commerce and Census Bureau violated the Administrative Procedure Act when it added a citizenship question to the 2020 Census.

US Capitol

EPIC Policy Project »

EPIC provides expertise to shape strong privacy and open government laws at both the state and federal level.

US Needs a Data Protection Agency

Privacy Campaigns »

EPIC recently launched a campaign to promote the creation of a Data Protection Agency in the U.S.