Karen Wallace Gurney


Person of difference and a committed wanderer. Views expressed are my own.

Beneath the Southern Cross


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  1. 17 小時前

    Yes, and then release him / her as a more dangerous and violent person than when they went in. Then they go and commit more and more serious crimes against more and more victims. If you are happy with that scenario than crack on and increase sentences for everything.

  2. 21 小時前

    I’ve been agonising over this for hours...as a former journo, I hate attacking other journos. But I’m so sick of the media that is now attacking ..even to the extent of ‘police state’ comments...who just ignore the actual police state tactics of the LNP.

  3. 7月14日

    Branch stacking claims in the Qld LNP.

  4. 7月14日

    Look I know this is not really relevant, but while we're discussing the it's a good time to remember that the man who dismissed our democratically elected Prime Minister had a major drinking problem & was known to drink on the job quite often. Rest easy with that.

  5. 7月15日
  6. 20 小時前
  7. 還原
  8. 21 小時前
  9. 24 小時前

    Love Actually x 2

  10. 7月15日

    Andrew Bolt called a scientific fraud, so I decided to compare their scientific credentials. Can you guess whose is whose?

  11. 7月15日

    New statistics released yesterday from the Sentencing Advisory Council () show Victoria's rate of imprisonment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has doubled in the past decade.

  12. 7月14日

    I dont know who needs to hear this but.I support black lives living in community healing settings-not in Cages. Black kids do not have a grown up brain till they are grown up. Imprisoning children is child abuse! Dont Gaol black kids at all.

  13. 7月15日

    A lioness for Justice. US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalised with possible infection

  14. 7月14日

    My 1st job was as a welfare officer in Kalgoorlie. An 11 yr old I case managed from Wiluna went 2 jail in Perth 4 stealing FOOD! I didn’t sleep 4 a week. It made me physically ill. He was well under 5ft. Had a pair of thongs, singlet & trackies 2 his name. These r little babies

  15. 7月14日

    Wait... what? Fining children in resi care for breaching social distancing defies common sense. 1) They'll never be able to pay a $1600 fine 2) They're children! Let's educate them, not fine them 3) They're living in group homes removed from family

  16. 7月14日

    Fraser turned away from the Dark side after politics and did a lot of good. Can’t say that about Howard who is still pulling strings for the Liberals.

  17. 7月14日

    Rort of the Day: Tim Wilson holds inquiry into franking credits for relative Geoff Wilson whose business depends on franking credits. Tim is also an investor with Geoff. Inquiry finds franking credits are great

  18. 7月14日

    Children - including Aboriginal kids in residential care as young as 12 years old (!) - have been issued with social distancing fines! These broken systems punish & criminalise our kids instead of caring for them during these stressful and uncertain times

  19. 7月14日
  20. Made it to the final round for a 2021 Churchill Fellowship. Regardless of the result, I'm so proud I made it this far. The opportunity to travel abroad and investigate community-led CJ responses will benefit not only my comm but mob across Aus.



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