Options Bodega Pop Live with Gary Sullivan: Playlist from October 10, 2018 Options

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Gary Sullivan spelunks New York City’s teeming immigrant-run shops collecting Abigbo, Bollywood funk, Cantopop, Nortec, Shibuya-kei and pure pop from Peru to Palestine—and all points in between. Grab the best of the booty at bodegapop.com … and shake your own booty with Gary here each week, live.

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Options October 10, 2018: Requiem for a Dream
Tsarist- and Soviet-era sounds found in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time
Music behind DJ:
Bodega Pop 
Intro   Options Bodega Pop Live  2018     
Komarova  Pozhalej   Options Russian Pop Music, 1910-1920      0:05:29 ()
Alexander Zatsepin  Introduction (from the film "The Secret of the Third Planet", 1981)   Options Советская Электронная Музыка (Soviet Electronic Music)      0:07:42 ()
Amanita (Мухомор)  O, Venice (О, Венеция)   Options Gold Disc (Золтой диск)  1982    0:10:15 ()
Edita Piekha  White Light (Белый свет)   Options Edita Piekha: Favorite Recordings (Эдита Пьеха: Избранные записи)      0:12:23 ()
Sergey Kuryokhin  Part 8   Options Tragedy in Rock Style  1988    0:15:37 ()
Yanka (Янка)  Above the Feet off the Ground (Выше ноги от земли)   Options Shame and Disgrace (Стыд и срам)    I'm sure that Google translation of the song title is off, but general idea  0:21:25 ()
Raisa Nemenova (Раиса Неменова)  Along the Paths of the City Garden (По Тропинкам Городского Сада)   Options Gold Collection Retro (Золотая Коллекция Ретро)      0:26:03 ()
Mike (Майк)  Summer (Song for Tsoi) (Лето (песня для Цоя))   Options LV  1982  Viktor Tsoi, of Kino fame  0:29:18 ()
Aquarium (Аквариум)  Suite №1 (Сюита №1)   Options Music of Public Toilets (Музыка общественных туалетов)  1974  Probably more like 1980, but it has often been cited as a 1974 recording  0:32:52 ()
Anatoly Gorokhov (Анатолий Горохов)  Song in a Headscarf (Песня в платочке)   Options Bossa Nova. The most beautiful music in the USSR (Босса Нова. Самая красивая музыка в СССР)      0:38:23 ()
I'll Wear a White Hat (Одену я белую шляпу)  Why Did the Cashier Press You? (Зачем кассир нажал ты кнопку)   Options Radio hooligans of the former Union № 29 (Радиохулиганам бывшего Союза № 29)      0:41:39 ()
Pesnyary  Black Eyes   Options Alexandrina  1977    0:44:17 ()
Hell Lithium (Ад либитум)  Rehearsal Travel (Репетиция в путешествии)   Options Festival of rock music "Lituanika-87" (Фестиваль рок-музыки «Литуаника-87»)  1988    0:48:51 ()
Auktyon  Hunter (Охотник)   Options How I Became a Traitor (Как я стал предателем)  1989    0:53:44 ()
Music behind DJ:
Hunter (Охотник) (instrumental version)   Options       0:57:13 ()
Unknown Artist  Tell Me, Comrade, How Did You Get to the Mine? (Скажи мне товарищь, как попал ты в рудник)   Options Songs of Siberian Hard Labor      1:12:15 ()
Egor and Opizdenevshie (Егор и Опизденевшие)  Eternal Spring (Вечная весна)   Options Anthology of Siberian Punk (Антология Сибирского Панка)      1:13:42 ()
Mirza Zivere and Imant Vanzovich (Мирза Зивере и Имант Ванзович)  Need to Think (Надо подумать)   Options Collection of Soviet Pop "Stranger" (Сборник советской эстрады «Незнакомка»)      1:20:22 ()
Automatic Satisfiers (Автоматические удовлетворители)  Excuse Me, Fool (Извините меня, дурака)   Options Bad Guy (Парень вредный)  1988    1:24:02 ()
Dialog (Диалог)  Cosmic Sleep (Космический сон)   Options Star Plot (Звёздный Сюжет)      1:28:00 ()
Aida Vedischeva (Аида Ведищева)  Road (Дорожная)   Options Gold Collection Retro (Золотая Коллекция Ретро)      1:29:58 ()
Antis (Антис)  Link (Ссылка)   Options Festival of rock music "Lituanika-87" (Фестиваль рок-музыки «Литуаника-87»)  1988    1:32:24 ()
L.Ivanova and A.Gargov (Л.Иванова и А.Гаргов)  Is It Really (Неужели)   Options Disco Club-15 (B). Come love (Дискоклуб-15(Б). Приди, любовь)  1985    1:38:50 ()
Time Machine (Машина времени)  You Or Me (Ты или я)   Options Birthday (День рождения)  1978    1:42:01 ()
Ekaterina Yurovskaya  Prohodit Vse   Options Zolotye Rossypi Romansa      1:46:51 ()
Alexander Bashlachev (Александр Башлачёв)  When We Are Together (Когда мы вместе)   Options Eternal Post (Вечный пост)  1986    1:50:33 ()
Music behind DJ:
Ensemble of Romualdas Grabstas (Ансамбль Ромуалдаса Грабштаса) 
Bossa Nova (Босса-нова)   Options Bossa Nova. Still the most beautiful music in the USSR (Босса Нова. Всё ещё самая красивая музыка в СССР)      2:03:55 ()
Unknown Singer  Swan's Song   Options Songs Of Grief, Street Lives And Destitution      2:11:23 ()
Unknown Singer  Farewell Word (Прощальное слово)   Options Songs of Siberian Hard Labor (Песни сибирской каторги)      2:13:17 ()
Unknown Singer  Dry Crust of Bread   Options Songs Of Grief, Street Lives And Destitution      2:15:10 ()
Poliakova  Ja Gordo V Mire Shel   Options Russian Pop Music, 1910-1920      2:18:02 ()
Unknown Singer  You're Asking for Songs   Options Songs Of Grief, Street Lives And Destitution      2:20:11 ()
Unknown Singer  She Laughed (Она хохотала)   Options Songs of Siberian Hard Labor (Песни сибирской каторги)      2:22:18 ()
Borin & Dmitrievsky  Net, Net, Ne Hochu   Options Russian Pop Music, 1899-1910      2:25:52 ()
Unknown Singer  Goodbye, My Son (Прощай, мой сын)   Options Songs of Siberian Hard Labor (Песни сибирской каторги)      2:28:44 ()
Unknown Singer  Destitute Woman   Options Songs Of Grief, Street Lives And Destitution      2:32:13 ()
Music behind DJ:
August (Август) 
Grand piano and the sea (From the disc "The Demon", 1987) (Рояль и море (С пластинки "Демон", 1987)   Options Советская Электронная Музыка. Третья Серия      2:35:13 ()
Grazhdanskaya Oborona  Русское поле экспериментов (Russian Field Experiments)   Options Коллекция легендарных песен      2:43:03 ()
Music behind DJ:
Catrina Paslaru 
Hei La Bodega   Options Hei La Bodega - Carnaval!  2000    2:56:32 ()

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 6:46pm Michael 98145:

Добрый вечер
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 6:56pm tim abdellah:

Здравствуйте! Как дела, Гэри?
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:01pm Gary:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:01pm chresti:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:02pm Michael 98145:

looking forward to your discoveries. again.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:03pm hyde:

how do we know this broadcast isn't sponsored by Russia Today? does Gary have an alibi for the Skripal poisonings? are there shadowy connections to banking oligarchs? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:04pm Michael 98145:

one oligarch could float WFMU for ever.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:04pm tim abdellah:

@hyde - LOL!!!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:05pm northguineahills:

I only ate in Brighton Beach and visited gaudy Russian mobby clubs (my Russian friends thought I was crazy, but the kitsch is so over the top.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:06pm Gary:

Tim! Michael! Hyde! Chresti! NGH!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:06pm northguineahills:

I don't believe I've ever seen a happy Russian movie. The best "arty" ones makes one suicidal. Wait, I saw a decent Russian comedy in the 90s, can't remember the name.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:08pm Michael 98145:

we recently re-watched Cronenberg's _Eastern Promises_
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:09pm hyde:

@Michael 98145 ooh, that's good stuff
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:13pm Michael 98145:

I have a copy of "окно в Париж" (Window to Paris) but haven't watched it yet. (www.imdb.com...)
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:16pm Gary:

Have you all seen Requiem for a Dream?
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:18pm hyde:

@Gary yes
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:18pm tim abdellah:

@Gary - I have not.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:19pm Gary:

@Tim -- Hyde and others may wish to qualify this, but to *me* ... it was pretty much the most viscerally depressing film I've ever seen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:19pm chresti:

Bring on the oligarchs!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:20pm JakeGould:

Know where that is! Is the Black Sea Bookstore still open? Looks dead in the pic.

FWIW, my first summer job ever (when I was 14) in the 1980s was at Mrs. Stahl’s knishes which would be about 10 to 20 steps to the right of this picture.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:20pm Michael 98145:

If we have seen Requiem, i don't recall it -- and i love Jennifer Connelly ...
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:21pm JakeGould:

More importantly, did Garry find the Trump pee tape.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:21pm Gary:

@Jake -- yeah, it's dead -- took that pic on Friday (a rare day off for us)
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:21pm chresti:

I have not seen Requiem..
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:21pm Michael 98145:

@JG, i think we learned that Black Sea is closed ...
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:22pm hyde:

@Gary i have mixed feelings about Aronofsky, but i like that one. it is kind of depressing, but it's not Ingmar Bergen!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:22pm JakeGould:

Oy. Sad. They were the first Russian language bookstore in the neighborhood. Right across the street from where this pic was shot was this corner store/newsstand called “40 Thieves” and that was also the first place I played video games.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:23pm hyde:

(of course i mean Bergman, d'oh)
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:23pm Gary:

Haha, I knew I'd be overrulled!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:23pm Jeff Golick:

Let's get Slavic
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:24pm Gary:

Whoa, that's amazing, Jake
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:24pm Gary:

Jeff! Your Loft show was freaking inCREDible!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:24pm JakeGould:

Darren Aronofsky is humorlessly depressing which is not what I find to be truly an Eastern European attitude. There is humor in the darkness… Unless you are Darren Aronofsky.

That said, “Requiem for a Dream” is the only film ever to capture a unique bit of awkwardness growing up in Brighton Beach: Having to constantly walk past aging old Jewish yentas when you left your building. Holy crap did that stress me as a teen.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:25pm floor dweller:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:25pm Gary:

Here's that show: wfmu.org...
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:25pm JakeGould:

Grew up there when the neighborhood was more of a “Lower East Side by the Sea” instead of the predominantly Russian neighborhood it is now. Got to see it transition! Awkward and sad.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:27pm northguineahills:

Track suit, check. gaudy Russian Orthodox gold chains, check. Double eagle Romanov tat, check. improbably cheap cigarettes, check. vodka, check. Slav squatting commencing, check. ok, I'm ready for this show!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:27pm hyde:

ohmigod, i missed that @Jeff Golick show. Never around on Sunday mornings of late. will rectify
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:28pm Gary:

Floor dweller! Welcome!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:29pm Jeff Golick:

Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:30pm hyde:

also. i need that Loft Jazz book. i finally got the Val Wilmer free jazz book, that might be my next purchase for music reading
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:30pm floor dweller:

happy to be here :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:30pm Gary:

It helped make my commute feel less like torture and more like a listening opportunity
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:31pm hyde:

@ngh that's the whole package. try not to die young
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:33pm Michael 98145:

whoa - looks like i need to check out this archive, thanks. www.wfmu.org...
  Wed. 10/10/18 7:34pm Ike:

Nargis Cafe for the win!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:34pm northguineahills:

Wow, this Viktor Tsoi is from '82!?? (new to me and digdug!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:34pm Gary:

Ike! and, NGH, no it was a tribute to Tsoi, not Tsoi himself -- at least, I don't *think*
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:35pm Gary:

And speaking of Korean Russians, I ate here: www.yelp.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:36pm Michael 98145:

i expect to have heard nearly none of tonight's music. yay!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:38pm Michael 98145:

@Gary, wow. Far from the left coast, but sure sounds like a great place.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:40pm hyde:

@Gary ooh, that looks good. when i had a business trip to Jersey City, I bookmarked this Korean-Russian place called Honey Bakery but didnt get there: www.honeybakerynyc.com
  Wed. 10/10/18 7:41pm Doug Schulkind:

Hello Gary, Master of Ears!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:43pm Jeff Golick:

How was Cafe at Your Mother-in-Law, @Gary?
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:43pm Gary:

Comrade Schulkind!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:44pm hyde:

@Doug yay, always good to see you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:44pm Gary:

I had an Uzbeki noodle soup that I would totally order again. Plust the bread. OMG, the bread
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:44pm northguineahills:

There's a significant Korean minority Korean population Kazakhstan, due to Stalin deporting a huge Korean ethnicity fleeing to Russia from the atrocities of the Japanese. Actually they are all over the former USSR, mostly in Russia and Uzbekistan as well.
  Wed. 10/10/18 7:45pm Ike:

I’ve been to Cafe at Your Mother-in-Law! Not bad, but not as good as Nargis IMHO.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:46pm Gary:

NGH, yes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:46pm Michael 98145:

i always thought of Koreans as the Slavs of Asia -- because of them being overrun ... and their sensibilities, i suppose.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 7:46pm Gary:

I need to try Nargis
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 7:49pm JakeGould:

HotTip™: If you want to see some of the most depressed holiday workers on Earth on Thanksgiving, head over to Brighton Beach. The stores that are open—mostly the Turkish shops—are staffed by Uyghur's and holy crap do they scowl on that day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:01pm chresti:

the order you back announce is more intuitive
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:01pm hyde:

that describes a real dj, pal
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:03pm chresti:

Michael 98145- me too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:04pm chresti:

Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:05pm βrian:

How To Scowl — a course in non-violent dissuasion.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:06pm glenn:

turn that smile upside down. or something.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:06pm northguineahills:

Ok, leaving work, hear ya at home!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:08pm JakeGould:

@Brian: It really is.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:12pm JakeGould:

@Gary: So do you go to that record shop that is on Brighton 2nd Street? On the corner across from Saint Petersburg records and gifts and all that?
  Wed. 10/10/18 8:13pm Ike:

There’s a Nargis location in Park Slope now, so that’s convenient. Though it doesn’t have the TVs playing ridiculous Russian music videos, so you lose some of the proper atmosphere.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:17pm chresti:

Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:17pm JakeGould:

And I know there is also that corner shop on 5th Street where I’ve seen burned CD-Rs being burned on demand. What a country!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:17pm Gary:

Jake, yes! Most of this is from there ... RCB Video, yes?
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:17pm Gary:

Brian and Glenn ... welcome!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:19pm JakeGould:

@Gary: Cool! Saint Petersburg books used to be the neighborhood toy store, “Youth World.” This guy who had family in the neighborhood back then took this cool shot of the space in the pre-Russian days. gothamist.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:20pm Gary:

Holy Shit! Those are amazing photos
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:22pm JakeGould:

They are! Also notice a toy store for kids also sold tons of folding chairs to the old people in the neighborhood so they could sit in front of buildings and judge the young people with their fun toys.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:22pm chresti:

those are great @jake.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:23pm Gary:

Haha ... get off of my gum-pocked sidewalk!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:25pm JakeGould:

@Gary: One time I was walking down the street with stiff legs as a kid as a fun joke for myself and some old guy just shouted, “BEND YOUR KNEES!”
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:26pm hyde:

@jake those are great
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:26pm Michael 98145:

thank you again. must rejoin you all in archive-time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:28pm Doug Schulkind:

Hy there, hyde!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:28pm Gary:

Night, Michael!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 8:33pm northguineahills:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:37pm Gary:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:37pm Gary:

Sorry; just had to get that off my chest
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:37pm chresti:

Is there a band called "the Comrades"
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:38pm chresti:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:43pm chresti:

I keep thinking of The Lawrence Welk show during Disco Club- 15 (B)
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:44pm Gary:

There has *got* to be a The Comrades band
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:45pm chresti:

has to be
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:48pm floor dweller:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:51pm Gary:

This dude is the Nick Drake of the CCCP
  Wed. 10/10/18 8:51pm Dean:


Pitched in, 'cuz I think I had to defer last week...?
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:54pm chresti:

Ha ha Dean
  Wed. 10/10/18 8:54pm Dean:

One of the things about the internet I hate is the pretense that new is better. The new pop-up, for example, has much lower volume than the former one.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:54pm Gary:

Haha ... HI DEAN!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:55pm Gary:

Dean, can't you listen to the 128k? (I'm guessing the answer is no)
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:55pm Gary:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:55pm chresti:

I am not familiar with Nick Drake
  Wed. 10/10/18 8:57pm Dean:

Not on a Chromebook, or at least not on my 5 1/2 year old Chromebook.

I really am skeptical of the value/impact of the printing press. I think we have enough experience by now to recognize that many people are not interested in reading. Why, then, should they?

This, from a librarian.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:57pm chresti:

food above chin!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:58pm Gary:

OMG, Chreti -- you gotta go do some Nick Drake googlin
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 8:59pm chresti:

What it sounded like he was saying...
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:01pm northguineahills:

Batshlachev, new to me!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:02pm Gary:

After this track, we're going to dive into a 30-minute set of EXTREMELY DEPRESSING MUSIC from the tsarist / early revolutionary era ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:02pm Gary:

Lots to say about Bashlachev ... will see how much I remember at the break
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:04pm chresti:

I mean, I've seen his name and all- just have not heard any of his music, to my knowledge
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:06pm northguineahills:

You should play some Иван Павлов (CoH). A mainstay at Raster-Noton Records, his output is on the more minimal side of Pan Sonic. Probably my favorite contemporary Russian electronic musician.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:07pm chresti:

I was wondering how undercover some of the artists were
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:10pm chresti:

Most of this is new to me-except Egor, I think
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:11pm chresti:

I might be confusing Egor with Igor
  Wed. 10/10/18 9:12pm Dean:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:13pm Gary:

I have something by CoH, actually, NGH, but it falls past the timeline of tonight's show
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:16pm hydethis is so depressing that i wish i had a sab:

this is so depressing that i wish i had a sable to skin
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:17pm northguineahills:

there is no sable, no potato, just a dry crust of bread and antifreeze. Such is life in Rusiya.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:18pm Gary:

That is depressing
  Wed. 10/10/18 9:19pm Dean:

I got yer depressing. Pop-up now reads, "Service temporarily unavailable." Being an optimist, I take that to mean, "Service temporarily available," too.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:19pm Gary:

Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:20pm northguineahills:

The only people who are more depressed then Russians are the Finns (and they have it rather good) (Greenlanders also neck and neck there w depression).
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:22pm coelacanth∅:

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:23pm Gary:

Happy? Stick around a bit, coelacanth∅ ... :)
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:24pm hydethis is so depressing that i wish i had a sab:

there is no happiness
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:25pm hydethis is so depressing that i wish i had a sab:

whoa, what did i do to my user name? haha, there is happiness
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:25pm coelacanth∅:

i don't need help being depressed, thank you
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:25pm northguineahills:

we must accept Depression Wednesdays, it's for our own morale and happiness.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:25pm Gary:

  Wed. 10/10/18 9:26pm Dean:

hump day
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:26pm hyde:

*this post is just to clear that all out* coff coff hack
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:26pm coelacanth∅:

Dean, if only...
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:27pm Garythis is so depressing that i wish i had a sab:

Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:28pm hyde:

@Gary oh no
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:30pm northguineahills:

Remember, our glorious leaders of the Russian Soviet have declared that happiness is mandatory, so let your informers, errr.... neighbors, see those pearly whites, errrr... gums....
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:30pm Gary:

Hey all you Krazy Kidz ... right after this show? Larry Grogan will TESTIFY! (starting at 10 PM-ish), with an episode promising "The Sound of God": wfmu.org...
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:31pm hyde:

it's all salt mines all the way down
  Wed. 10/10/18 9:31pm Funky16corners:

  Wed. 10/10/18 9:31pm Dean Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cu diam moderati:

Unknown sewing machine
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:32pm chresti:

Wallow that piano!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:32pm Gary:

Larry! Tell us about the Sound of God!
  Wed. 10/10/18 9:33pm Funky16corners:

Any chance of Mischa Auer singing ‘O Chechornya’?
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:33pm ∅mycarissodepressingiwishihadmyoldgirlfriendssaab:

maybe i'm happy i don't know what he's saying
...so - happy!
  Wed. 10/10/18 9:34pm Funky16corners:

Gary - The sounds of all kinds of musicians attempting to address the divine, many sincerely, others maybe not...
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:34pm chresti:

this is so sad I'm laughing
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:36pm chresti:

I was sad before now I laugh
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:37pm northguineahills:

salt mines, I wish, my extended family was sent to the dirt mines, to provide dirt and bones for the salt mines. The bonus, we got two handfuls of dirt if we filled quota, such joyous time! I cry w/ happiness of such memories I make tears.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:38pm chresti:

that's why they're so morose! They're sots!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:38pm Funky16Corners:

Oddly enough TCM was showing Dr Zhivago tonight, filled with icy, Siberian austerity.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:39pm northguineahills:

now, no tears, must conserve tears for baby detka.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:41pm chresti:

nyet yet
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:42pm hyde:

i wish i had a saab
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:42pm chresti:

yet! yet!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:43pm coelacanth∅:

and oddly dr. zhivago came up in conversation a few days ago, in my non-fmu life. i saw it on tv i was maybe 8? and it was probably the first drama movie i liked, and the first movie i appreciated for the acting and the scenery.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:43pm Funky16Corners:

I'm a huge David Lean fan, so I will always stop to watch it.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:45pm hyde:

@coel cool movie. nicholas roeg shot some of that
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:47pm Gary:

Whoa, he did?
  Wed. 10/10/18 9:47pm Dean:

I do not like film. The medium variously bores and upsets me. I'll never get the attraction.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:48pm Gary:

Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:51pm hyde:

Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:54pm tim abdellah вау эта песня эпична.:

Wow, this track is epic - good call!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:55pm Gary:

Tim! I love love love love love this band, and yes, this track in particular ... lemme know if you want me to send along some tracks
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:56pm chresti:

I've never seen Dr, Zhivago
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:56pm coelacanth∅:

i did a "photoshoot" with a woman from siberia (pronounced see-beer-e-uh) and when i said we're going to do some b/w she said no. i didn't understand but she explained that that's all they had in siberia.
fortunately she relented and those are by far the best shots.
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:57pm northguineahills:

Thanks, Gary, wonderful, amazing show. dobroy nochi!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 9:57pm hyde:

thanks Gary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 9:59pm chresti:

I love Lawrence of Arabia-I saw it on tv
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 10:00pm Doug Schulkind:

Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Thanks, Gary!
Avatar Wed. 10/10/18 10:00pm coelacanth∅:

Thanks Gary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 10:00pm chresti:

Thanks Gary
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 10:00pm Gary:

Night, everyone -- thank you so much for hanging out!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 10/10/18 10:01pm chresti:

  Fri. 10/19/18 3:36pm Marie:

Fabuloso, Gary! Thanks! I love Brighton Beach, the beach (have yet to explore the neighborhood--I want to go some cold evening and eat at a Russian restaurant), and also really liked the movie "Requiem for a Dream"--was just telling a friend about it
  Fri. 10/19/18 4:38pm Marie:

So much really beautiful music. "Eternal Spring" is amazink. Thanks again Gary.
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