Showing posts with label Ermite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ermite. Show all posts

29 December 2008

Sunny Murray-Big Chief (EMI/Pathe Marconi 1727561)1969. FLAC

One of the surprises of my early experiences in the Blogosphere ..was finding a rip of this particular album which i'd had on tape for many years... that rip at 256 by Nonwave.. who has shared many rare gems in the last couple of years, is still available at Nothing is v2..and elsewhere.

Im pleased to be able to present a lossless rip , which i made recently on a portable zoom -box (recorded at 44100 HZ 16 BIT WAV then converted to FLAC) Straight from Iain's amplifier into the device.
tracking using this method requires precision in real time, something elusive on the day ..Swedish vodka.. and incessant music jabber doesn't do much for ones powers of concentration.
All turned out fine in the end...the music's all good sound.

I've been in love with this record ever since first hearing 20 years ago(the very same pressing) a pity that it's relegated to the status of a obscure rarity, since it really is one of The masterpieces produced in Paris during Murray's early ex patriot life there..a period hailed as the Golden Age by fanatics of the Genre.

I prefer it to the better known BYG records,for a start its a better balanced recording, no filler here 'angels and devils' and 'hilarious paris' are among the great anthems in the genre... the version of Richard Rodgers 'this nearly was mine' is a riotous melee that teeters on the brink of chaos.. more 'tasteful'despite its almost over powering emotive load than any smug self knowing formulaic rendition...a great tune.done thorough justice!

The great Alan Silva plays Violin exclusively here..alternating spectral whimsy and frenzied dervish like prayer's.. he is magnificent, they all are .
It's a trans formative experience... to the skeptics who may feel im' tugging myself a bit hard...impossible to exaggerate the impact this record has had on me personnaly check it out in all its sonic glory... clicks and all.

Its unbelievable that one of the finest records of the late 60's remains unreissued to this day
scandalous too that so much early Murray languishes on the unused dusty record shelves of collectors .

Sunny Murray's discog at Mindspring
Sunny Murray@ Myspace
sunny murray myspace;=148587879

Francois Tusques-p
Ronnie Beer-as
Beb Guerin-b
Bernard Vitet-tp
Sunny Murray-dr
Hart LeRoy Bibbs-poem
Kenneth Terroade-ts
Alan Silva-violin
Becky Friend-fl

UPDATE 7/01/09
"my label eremite records has re-issued BIG CHIEF on vinyl, a lovely reproduction of the original l/p pressed on RTI-180 audiophile vinyl. the re-issue was done with sunny murray's full participation & blessing. look for it soon on ebay,, etc. meanwhile it would be cool if you guys removed these files?
best '09 regards, eremite records, CC: sunny murray"