Belgium MFA  Egiaztatu kontua


🇧🇪 Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development Cooperation & Foreign Trade | | | |

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@BelgiumMFA blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @BelgiumMFA desblokeatuko.

  1. (e)k Bertxiotua

    🇧🇪🇪🇺🇩🇪Die Herausforderungen sind zahlreich, die Dringlichkeit groß. Wir wünschen Deutschland viel Erfolg für seine EU-Ratspräsidentschaft und sagen unsere Unterstützung und Zusammenarbeit zu um Europa gemeinsam wieder stark zu machen. 🇧🇪🇪🇺🇩🇪

    , , eta beste 6
  2. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 4 ordu

    As from today Germany 🇩🇪 assumes the role of the presidency for the coming 6 months. 👉🏼 The presidency of the Council rotates among EU 🇪🇺 member states every 6 months. Read more ➡️

  3. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 5 ordu

    In times of crisis, strong leadership is needed. I couldn’t think of a better time for Germany to take over the presidency of the EU Council. Together we make way for a swift recovery.

  4. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 18 ordu

    🇧🇪🇯🇴Friendly exchange yesterday with my colleague Minister from . I thanked him for the excellent collaboration in many fields. We also discussed MEPP and the dangerous perspective of annexation. The 2 states solution remains the only way to achieve peace.

  5. Belgium continues to address the humanitarian needs of the Syrian people. We also call for the renewal of the Security Council resolution, which makes cross-border humanitarian aid possible. ℹ️

    Belgium announces € 24.7 million in humanitarian aid for Syria
    , , eta beste 7
  6. War crimes, crimes against humanity and other human rights abuses in Syria should not go unpunished. Belgium supports the campaign. The fight against impunity has always been our priority.

    Belgium supports the #JusticeMattersSyria campaign.
    , , eta beste 7
  7. (e)k Bertxiotua
    Duela 23 ordu

    🙏🏻 Thank you very much 🇭🇷 for the hard work, especially during these unusual times! 👋🏻 And welcome to our colleagues of the German 🇩🇪 Presidency ! We’re looking forward to working together with you in the coming 6 months!

  8. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 30

    🇧🇪👀 Each Tuesday this Summer you will be able to get a unique at the through the eyes of our trainee diplomats! 🚀 They have been assigned to different departments and will take you on a journey throughout the . ➡️

    Erakutsi haria
  9. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 30

    Extraits du télégramme du Ministre 🇧🇪 à son homologue Marie Tumba Nzeza : « A l'occasion de la fête nationale et du 60e anniversaire de l’Indépendance 🇨🇩, permettez-moi d'adresser mes sincères félicitations à Votre Excellence ainsi qu'à tous vos compatriotes. » 1/

    , , eta beste 3
    Erakutsi haria
  10. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 30

    Lettre de Sa Majesté le Roi Philippe 🇧🇪 à Son Excellence Monsieur le Président Félix Tshisekedi 🇨🇩 à l’occasion du 60e anniversaire de l’indépendance de la République Démocratique du Congo

    Erakutsi haria
  11. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 30

    Today starts the Human Rights Council’s . It’s good to see continue to be discussed at the during this crises . This session will focus on gender equality and children’s rights. Follow us 🇧🇪 here during the next 3 weeks

  12. eka. 29

    We organised a round table on children's rights violations in Syria today. Belgium has been committed for years to the protection of children in armed conflict. Our country is leading the negotiations in the Security Council. ℹ️

    Belgium calls for special attention to the situation of children in the conflict in Syria.
    , , eta beste 7
  13. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 29

    Belgium condemns the terrorist attack that shook the stock exchange earlier today. 🇧🇪🇵🇰 I extend my condolences to the Pakistani authorities and to the families of the victims.

  14. eka. 27

    Happy ! 😷 Today, is providing an opportunity for the + community to get together and celebrate diversity & equality during these challenging times. 🇧🇪 As an 🏳️‍🌈 ally, Belgium wishes to express its support to this important initiative.

  15. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 26

    🇺🇳🕊️ J'ai participé à la réunion ministérielle de l’Alliance pour le multilatéralisme présidée par mes collègues et . Tirons les leçons de la pandémie et sortons-en plus fort grâce à la solidarité internationale.

    , , eta beste 6
    Erakutsi haria
  16. eka. 26

    Belgium, as a staunch supporter of the multilateral system, is proud to have as its longstanding partner in the search for sustainable and inclusive human development. Core funding enables entities to respond effectively to rapidly changing and new country priorities.

  17. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 26

    🙌 Happy As founding member, present at 1945 San Francisco Conference, 🇧🇪 has always put at the heart of its diplomacy Our action, also now as elected member, is & will always be based on the universal values of the

    , , eta beste 4
  18. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 26

    Il y a 75 ans, le 26 juin 1945, 51 États ont adopté La Charte des Nations unies. 🇧🇪🇺🇳 La Belgique est l'un des membres fondateurs de l'Organisation des Nations unies, qui compte aujourd'hui 193 États membres. Notre pays reste attaché à cette coopération internationale.

  19. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 26

    75 jaar geleden, op 26 juni 1945, hebben 51 staten het Handvest van de Verenigde Naties ondertekend. 🇧🇪🇺🇳 België is een van de stichtende leden van de Verenigde Naties, die nu 193 lidstaten telt. Ons land blijft zich voor die internationale samenwerking inzetten.

  20. (e)k Bertxiotua
    eka. 26

    International day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking As active member, 🇧🇪 promotes a Human Rights based drug policy, with focus on gender and access to controlled substances worldwide.


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